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Gods Billboards Invade Cyberspace Once upon a time, Americans traveled the highways searching for the latest word of God. But not anymore! Those same roadside messages, plus a batch of new ones, can now be viewed anytime at home on your own personal computer. The Rapture: A Twinkling of an Eye A father savagely murders his nine children. A stay at home mother drowns her five children in a bathtub. A sex offender confesses to abducting and killing a nine-year-old child. Two weeks later in the same state ? another sex offender duplicates the same heinous crime. In late December of 2004, over 75,000 children perished when a 9.3 earthquake caused a great Tsunami off the coast of Asia; 75,000 children were gone in an instant. When reading the morning headlines, nothing can strike more sadness within the soul once finding out a defenseless, innocent child has passed away. Obsessed with Armageddon More and more today people are showing an obsession about things of the end times, especially Armageddon, the so-called end of times battle between God and the forces of evil. Not only has the Left Behind series sold 70 million copies, but now we also have the television mini-series on Revelation. These fictional accounts purport to be accurate depictions of the end, based on Scripture, particularly Revelation and Daniel. They include bloody battles, judgment on those who are not Christian (or even conservative Christians) and a host of characters who are demonic and totally evil. Some have claimed that these depictions have brought new people to the Christian faith, and have revived the art of Christian fiction. I would argue that they do more to subvert true faith. They do so in three ways. What is God? Does Proof Exist? Apology: The Toilet Philosophy Dr. Robins' observations are beyond mere intuition, they include an attunement with what Bucky Fuller called Synergistics; there is so much for mankind and modern science to learn about what the shamans and/or Druids knew and created. We are all lulled into a sense of security when we proclaim our science or the five senses provide the fullest inspection available. It is all so wrapped up in the psychology of ego. There was a Harvard study that concluded we only get one third of our wisdom or knowledge through linear logical processes, some years ago. I will return again and again to the eloquence of this MAN, so 'open', that he can see the chasm between the myths of science and the reality of legend. Hopefully we will collectively enable each other to join him across the bridge that fords this chasm. We can overthrow the 'Toilet Philosophy'. Resurrection Faith (Part 1) At the heart of Christianity is a cross; and one of the most significant things about the cross is that it is bare. Christians down through the ages have been sure that Jesus' disgracing death on the cross of Calvary was not the end of the story. Rather, it was the beginning. What I?m Giving Up for Lent? Don't worry I'm not going off into religious rantings. ? Development of Liberal Theology: An Overview (Part 3) As senior pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of New York, Fosdick preached a sermon one Sunday in 1922 that aroused the righteous indignation of fundamentalists and he suddenly found himself at the center of a heated theological controversy. In order to understand the tension that existed between fundamentalism and modernism, it is necessary that I briefly delineate the fundamentalist position at that time. Bishoprics BISHOP OF CARCASSONNE: - There are so many exemplars of deceit and greed who have worn the mantle of Bishop or Arch-Bishop. It continues to the present day to say the least but fortunately some of these men of the cloth are being exposed in court and not just in the hiding places of their fine churches where they have conducted all manner of ghastly and abusive acts throughout the ages. Bishop Ussher of Armaugh is one who comes to mind but I will put another place and person forward for your consideration. Praying Effectively ? Understanding How To Pray Part 2 In our last study, we looked at understanding prayer. In this study we will be focusing on how to pray effectively. Heaven and Hell Heaven is a bribe and hell is a punishment. Be good and act a certain way and you will be granted admission to heaven and not be condemned to burn forever. Does it seem fair that entrance to heaven is determined by the location of a baby's birth? If a baby was born into a God fearing Christian society then he would be rewarded with everlasting bliss. If he was unlucky enough to be born into an African tribe or an Asian village than immediately upon death he would head below to burn for an eternity. Believe like me or go to hell? It is beyond belief that some people actually believe this. Powerful Powers Have you ever wondered what is power and where does it come from, and who has it? Well lets look at what the Bible says about power. First lets look at 1Chronicles 29:10 it says David praised the Lord in the presence of the whole assembly, saying, Praise be to you, O Lord, God of our father Israel, from everlasting to everlasting. Yours O Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendor for everything in heaven and earth is yours. Yours O Lord is the kingdom; Wealth and honor come from you; you are the ruler of all things, in your hands are strength and power to exalt and give strength to all. Now, our God, we give you thanks, and praise you glorious name. Satan is Let Loose One More Time After the 1000 years are up in the Millennium Kingdom, two additional things must happen before we get our new heaven and new earth. These two events will seal the fate of Satan and all the unsaved people who have ever lived once and for all. Rise of the Antichrist, False Prophet and a 10 Nation Confederacy The Bible says that an unholy trinity will arise in the latter days. This unholy trinity will be Satan, the Antichrist and the False Prophet. Satan is called the Dragon in Revelations. He has always wanted to be like God, if not God, and this will be his one and only chance to actually "play God" in the last 7 years on earth. Satan will take the role of God the Father, the Antichrist will take the role of Jesus and the False Prophet will take the role of the Holy Spirit. Christian Unity according to Internet Following are 30 questions that relate to Christian Unity that I would like you to reflect upon for your edification. In fact,, these questions could be used in your Bible class as you discuss Christian Unity, which is so much needed today. Armor-bearer Coach: Step Into the Ministry of Assisting I am with you heart and mind... Homo-sexuality and Christianity Romans 1:16-1:32. Can there be a compromise between the two: can a gay person become a christian and still retain a gay life style? It seems that the last twenty years has been a difficult time for Christians and especially ministers. The social impact on ministries has been a large one. There have been many that have tried to get the church to under go a change in its approach to sin. British B. S. CLEOPATRA'S NEEDLE: -MacDari was a Mason but his Masonry deplored the British 'alehouse and tavern denizens'. There are many heads or names in the 'octopus' of Freemasonry and we have only touched upon a few of them including the Bilderbergs. Barrett gives us the beginning of a glimpse into the influence of Masons on the founding of America, albeit a misleading one that he could be excused for not knowing in any one specific instance (such as Paine's Druidic involvement) but when taken together seems to be a 'damage control' exercise of the 'stonewalling' nature. Catholic Voters Need to Rethink Morality If Catholic doctrine calls for the sanctity of all human life, then why is it that church leaders implicitly endorse Republican candidates that are pro-life at the expense of all else. In fact, the sanctity of life doctrine stands directly in opposition to the death penalty as well as abortion. Nevertheless, The Tablet, the official weekly newspaper of the Diocese of Brooklyn, is far more enamored with abortion than the death penalty and our President who executed approximately 30 people as the governor of Texas in 1999. The Wealth of the Wealthy Some may ask, why can't I have a lot of money? Or some may say I wish I had wealth. Well let's see what the Bible say about wealth. First we must understand the Blessing of Abraham, and to understand that Jesus is over everything and it all belongs to him. ![]() |
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