Sales Training Information

11 Secrets to Leadership in Sales

In his classic book, ?Think and Grow Rich?, Napoleon Hill discussed the eleven secrets of leadership. In reading this work, it appears that the attributes of strong leadership and effective selling have a tremendous amount in common. After all, to be really successful in sales, you need to be a leader, both within your own organization, as well as to your clients and customers.

The Road to Pendingville is Paved with Good Intentions

If you?ve been in sales for any length of time, or have participated is a sales training program, chances are you?ve been taught to look for ?buying signals? from your prospects. Buying signals can be important; but they can also easily be misinterpreted. We recently read an article in which the author equates certain statements or requests from your prospect with indication they are ready to buy. For example:

Finding the Need is Only Part of the Sale

Many of us in sales are taught to believe that the most important job of the salesperson is to 'find the need' of our prospects. If we can uncover 'needs' then our job is easy; we just need to show our prospect how our product or service fills that need. Right?

Customers For Life

Who?s talking to your customers? Is it your competition? Why or why not? When you stop to think about it, these are valid questions. Most people rely on some sort of clientele for their business, and can improve on customer relations. A more holistic approach to this process incorporates the more global question:

Nine Common Mistakes Salespeople Make

1. They talk instead of LISTEN. Too many salespeople monopolize the time they have in front of prospect with their talk, only allowing the prospect to listen (whether or not it's interesting). For every hour they actually spend in front of a prospect, they spend five minutes selling their product or service...and fifty-five minutes buying it back, Result: "No order" or "Think it over".

Customers Want You to Ask for the Money

Many years ago, I was the one starting a small business. I ran a part-time resume service out of my New York apartment. One client showed up on time for her first appointment, nervously clutching her notes.

Failed Salespeople Share Similar Traits

We are each responsible for our own success - or failure. Winning at a career in sales is no exception. To ensure a win, you must take a proactive approach. Prevention of failure is an important part of that process. If you find yourself saying "I'm not cut out for sales," "I'm not pushy enough," "I hate cold calling," "I can't take the rejection," or "My manager is a jerk"-you are heading down the wrong path.

Sales Discipline: Five Steps To Recover From A Lost Sale

Ever lost a sale? Of course you have, we all have. The difference between the average salesperson and the great salesperson is how quickly you recover from the lost sale. When you lose a sale that you thought you should have won, it is often tempting to take it personally and to become negative. If you give in and allow the lost sale to affect your attitude, then you will be allowing the lost sale to affect your future sales presentations and therefore affect your future sales.

Emotions That Sell, Part 2

In the last article, we looked at three emotions (besides fear and greed) that you can use to connect with your prospects and enrich your marketing campaigns. This time, we're digging a little deeper into the sales psyche. See if you can "connect" with these feelings:

The Choice between Yes and Yes: A Psychological Revelation

Three year old Kara was throwing a tantrum. She didn't want to go to bed, of that she was certain.

Follow-Up Marketing: How to Win More Sales with Less Effort

A study done by the Association of Sales Executives revealed that 81% of all sales happens on or after the fifth contact. If you?re a small business owner and you?re only doing one or two follow-ups imagine all the business you?re losing.

You Dont Need Health Insurance!

Seems almost every situation in our lives is centered on communication. Good or bad, the way we express our thoughts, wants, and needs to each other determines how we live, love, and learn together.

Sales 101: Asking for the Order

?Ask, and you shall receive?, a biblical principal that offers some of the best sales advice for beginning salespeople and experienced sales professionals alike. The best sales presentation imaginable generally will not yield the desired results unless the salesperson asks for the business.

Increase Your Selling Confidence

1. Be on time. In fact, arrive a few minutes early, so you can mentally prepare for your sales presentation. When you arrive on time, your professionalism shows your prospects that you value their time as well as your own.

Three Ways To Get A Prospect To Say Yes To Your Offer

Here are three proven ways that will increase your sales:

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