Sales Training Information

Why Salespeople Fail

Since 1990 I have focused on the three primary barriers which affect the performance of salespeople:-

Increase Sales By Flying Under Your Prospects Radar Defenses

How do you persuade someone to do what you want them to do?

Sales Performance and Motivation: How to Get Your Edge Back

Performance and motivation are like chocolate & peanut butter; the combination is better than either one alone. Motivation feeds successful sales performance, which in turn generates increased motivation, which encourages performance, and so goes the synergism of our days. Until one day...

Like It or Not... You?re in SALES!

Mention the word sales or salesman and two out of three people get a little clammy under the skin. ?I hate sales people and I could never do what they do!? is what many say at the mere thought of having to sell something. How wrong they are.

The Top 7 Sales Blunders

We all make mistakes when selling our product or service. Here are the most common mistakes people make. I have to admit I have made many of mistakes listed in this article even though I have been teaching this stuff for almost a decade. I hope you can learn from them.

You CAN Be a Great Salesperson!

When you are in sales, you have the choice to be successful or unsuccessful. The only one to set limits on your income and success is you! A career in sales is a challenge. Use that challenge to motivate and excite you. Meet and beat that challenge!

Sales Strategies: Its Not Who You Know - Its What You Know

We are all in sales. We all selling in every role we have. Whether you are in sales, marketing, home business, looking after your kids, dentist, athlete or whatever your chosen field is ? you sell. When you are ?selling an idea? or pitching a business proposal or offering a product or service ? it is all selling. You can choose to avoid it or be good at it. Have you ever met natural sales people and admired them? Have you wondered how they do it? It is simple ? you just need to be in the ?know?.

Boost Your Productivity, Networking and Sales: Make an Impression

Through out our career and lives we regularly get an opportunity to meet new people and form new relationships. Did you know you have seven seconds to make a first impression? Apparently in those seven seconds people assess your age, income, marital status, education level and interests ? in seven seconds! Regardless of whether people are right about their perception of you? we all subconsciously make assessments of people when we meet them. To ensure you make an outstanding impression every time? try some of these tips.

Boost Your Selling Power With Your Call-To-Action Phrases

Look at your marketing material. Now, is there something missing? If you?re missing a phrase or paragraph requesting your customer?s business, your copy is lacking an essential component. You can?t assume that your customers will know why they should act, how they should, or when they should act.

Get Over Your Resistance to Sales

I have found that there are two best ways to eliminate your fear or resistance to sales. First, become so familiar with your product/service and any objections that might surface, that you simply can?t be flustered during a sales call. Second, you need to truly believe that your product or service will be of value to your customers ? that you?re really helping them by sharing your product with them.

Woo the Buyers Limbic Mind or All Your Sales Efforts are Wasted

If you've driven yourself crazy trying to figure out why so many customers get away, relax. You can't figure it out because... It's not logical. The impulse that makes people buy from one business instead of another is no more logical than the baying of an elk's mating call. In fact, it works exactly the same way, through the limbic system.

Sales As A Positive Experience

No matter what your age or stage in life, some words come with preconceived meaning. "Sales" is one of them. For most people, it means being put in a position to have to buy something you don't want at a price you can't afford. Therefore, how do you conduct a critical element of the small business marketing process without incurring the negative impact of the word "sales"?

The Top 10 Powerful Tools for Growing Sales Through Creating Connection

Your mission as a business owner is to develop a marketing strategy which offers your potential clients/customers a way to improve their situation in a certain way, solve a problem, provide more value, or open new opportunities for them which will motivate them to pick up the phone and buy from you. This requires that the focus of your marketing plan be placed on your customer?NOT ON YOU! Taken from The 90 Day Marketing Marathon Blunders from A to Z these ten powerful tools will support you in creating meaningful connections with your clients/customers and providing real time solutions to their challenges of the today.

Boost Buyer Confidence By Assuming The Sale

I saw something in town the other day that just really struck me as funny. Not only that, however, it really nailed home a strong lesson for me about how to make more money.

12 Sure-Fire Steps To Improve Your Retail Sales

The purpose of any business is to bring in customers, and it can only be accomplished through marketing. If your cash registers don't ring, something is wrong and you had better find out what is wrong fast. Because in today's competitive retail world... getting results is what counts.

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