Sales Training Information
Dont Close Your Eyes Or Let Deaf Ears Fall Upon You
To listen to your customer is important, and to hear your customer is critical. But, to see what actions they take is the lifeline to your business.
The Reason Why They Buy
If you?re a business person you want to sell your product or service. If it?s been a struggle, then you probably aren?t giving your potential customers a good ?Reason Why? they should buy from you.
Sharpening Your Sales Skills
Making a living in sales can be very rewarding, however, it can also be tough at times. That is why it is very important to stay on top of your game at all times.
7 Keys to Turning Cold Calls Into Warm Calls
Let?s face it when it comes to cold calling many of us fear being rejected. What if I was to tell you I have come up with 7 keys to turning your cold calls into warm calls? Would you believe me?
Theres a Referral for Everyone
I worked for years as a mortgage loan officer. During this time I worked with two very successful loan officers, however, their styles were polar opposite. These two guys were opposites to the point where they basically didn?t like each other, and spent most of the day avoiding one another.
Make Your Prospects Speak
You've probably heard people speaking about someone that he
was born a salesperson. You might think that talent and native skills are all what you need to succeed in sales. In spite of what most people believe, selling is a science. Native abilities can help you to feel more comfortable in salesman position, but first comes learning.
You have to build and permanently grow your knowledge and
techniques. It's not just about putting up a web site, or using a replicated web site and promoting it to free classified ad sites and FFA pages. It is not just about learning by heart your product and telling to your customers all what you know.
The most important part of sales science is to listen.
A serious prospect is one who is interested to get what he needs. By the consequence, having some questions or concerns related to your product, he is really interested to find out if your product fits his needs. He will come to you to tell about his questions and concerns. Be prepared to welcome him in silence, selling is not about talking, it is firstly about listening.
Pay attention to his questions or concerns.
What are his likes and dislikes?
Is he motivated by your product price or he perceives the value ?
How your product fits his desire for status ?
Listen to him is like listen to your market.
When is your turn don't start answering, better ask what he means by every question. Make him speak and listen what key words he uses for explanations. Tailor your answer based on the information you gather and be prepared to reply using these key words to emphasize the image of your product.
This technique requires effort and practice to be able to leverage its full potential, so take the time to study and practice it. Make your prospects speak and their concerns will do all selling
work for you.
Selling White Space
Almost all Internet Marketers have a basic idea of what they want to achieve in their careers. They may want to close more sales and earn a higher income.
The process is quite simple.
They craft a targeted letter with a powerful offer and post it on a web page. However, somehow they do not achieve the success they desire.
Why is it that intelligent, motivated, hard-working individuals are not achieving the success they deserve? It is because they don't know to sell white space.
They pay all attention to sales letter vital elements:
The Headline.
They create a power headline to get the reader's immediate attention and create curiosity.
Visual Science of Selling
Statistics state that 55% of people judgments are made based on what is seen visually, as opposed to 38% based on voice and the message you give. That means what you promote using images is the most important factor in making the right connection.
This observation makes the Internet the biggest opportunity to sell. It's been said that information is king, but in the world of the Internet, it's image. Here the visual presentations are the most usual method to promote your product/service. According to web development tools you have at your disposal photos, images, animations, movies to enhance your marketing strategies and create a professional sale system
There are thousands of authors out there teaching sales people on how to turn more prospects into customers, how to increase their sales, and convince people to buy. Almost all of their books state that creating an image of your product is the best thing you must do and this is nothing else but to recognize the importance of visual methods in sales process.
Here are some 'visual' tips that salespeople may use effectively in selling their products
Use images in your website. An image values more than a thousand words. Take care to not overload your web site with high tech gadgets. They can create a slow loading web page and distract people away from your offer.
Close More Sales With This Very Simple 3 Step Sales Process.
As Financial Services Sales Professional you need to build trust and rapport in order to close more sales. By using a simple 3 Step Sales process you will able to close more sales and earn more commissions.
Selling More Effectively as a Trusted Sales Professional - Thirteen Tips
Do you want to sell more successfully using an honorable and straightforward approach? Read these thirteen sales tips to help you be perceived as a trusted sales professional by buyers. Incorporating these sales tips into your selling process will differentiate you from the rest and help you sell more successfully.
Are You a Sales Professional?
Many sellers like to describe themselves as professionals, but what is it that makes a seller a professional?
Sales Skills for the Non Sales Professional
Have you ever wondered how in the heck you?re going to do it? You are a lawyer who wants to make partner, an accountant, an engineer or other professional and part of your business plan is that you have to attract business customers? You?ve always detested selling, and you can?t see yourself doing it! As a matter of fact, sales people are a HUGE turn off to you!!!
The Unmentioned KEY to Selling
A Simple Sales Strategy: Talk to Yourself!
You are about to speak to a potential client, go to a networking meeting or give a presentation. What should you be saying to yourself in those few minutes beforehand? If you spend that time saying what I propose below, you will effortlessly and naturally become very attractive to your potential clients. This approach is very powerful, I promise you.
Stop Selling! for the Million Dollar Contract
During the introduction of the ?Stop Selling!? philosophy, we typically use the example of buying shoes to make the participants aware of the infinite number of ways buyers decide on purchasing simple items.
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In Sales - Heres News You Can Use
Here's an idea on how to make reading the daily newspaper a source for new selling ideas. Make it a point to identify at least one thing that you can use in your business whenever you read the newspaper. There is always great stuff in the sports and business section of most newspapers. Here are some examples.
Making Sales is Easy When You Learn How to Make Friends
Friends buy from friends. Why? Because people trust that their friends
will go above and beyond the duties of a typical salesperson. They
know that their friends will give them friendly, honest help and provide
them with the product that is perfect for their needs. In return, these
people develop into loyal customers who are happy to support their
friend's business with continued sales and referrals.
Nine Common Mistakes Salespeople Make
1. They talk instead of LISTEN.
Too many salespeople monopolize the time they have in front of prospect with their talk, only allowing the prospect to listen (whether or not it's interesting). For every hour they actually spend in front of a prospect, they spend five minutes selling their product or service...and fifty-five minutes buying it back, Result: "No order" or "Think it over".
Sharpening Your Sales Skills
Making a living in sales can be very rewarding, however, it can also be tough at times. That is why it is very important to stay on top of your game at all times.
How To Win Business By Networking
In sales we do tend to become focused upon our own little worlds. Our company, our desk, our clients; but there is a whole world of people out there living their lives in their little worlds too. And they do a lot of business. The purpose of personal networking is to move yourself into these people's networks so that you can do business with them naturally and without cold calling. Now, I am not for one second suggesting that you should stop cold calling but you can use personal networking to greatly increase your chances of success and referrals.
3 Tips to Get Clients Now
"I need more clients!" wails Steve, a 32 year old Boston-based financial planner, echoing a familiar refrain. Poised and well spoken, Steve is after the same high net worth individual as others in his field. How can he rise above his competition?
Grow Sales Using Image Tactics
In my dreams, I envision being the marketing consultant equivalent of Oprah or Tiger Woods. Oprah, for her premise, "You're a woman and only you are responsible for yourself." Tiger Woods, for his ultimate dedication to the game. Respectively, this is what they're known for or what their personal value can be identified as; put another way, this is what their brand identities are.
More Sales with Less Selling
Have you ever passed by a bakery display case without feeling the urge to buy at least one cookie, dessert or cinnamon bun? Have you ever taken a child into a candy store and not had them ask to buy at least one of their favorite sweets?
Win More Sales With a 5-Step Sales Process
Facilitating the buying process can be very straightforward and fairly uncomplicated. Yet most professionals have no idea what it takes to guide a potential client through a decision making process. They are completely lost when it comes to effective follow-up and unsure how to best get prospects to take the "next step".
How Salespeople Can Create Immediate Believability And Credibility
It pays to be specific. I believe that statement is true. If it is true, why do so many salespeople pepper their sales presentations with phrases of generalities? There are two primary reasons. One is habit and the other is instinct.
How To Write A Solution - Savvy Sales Letter to To Get Clients
Too many sales letters are shaped into paper airplanes and flown into trash cans because freelancers write sales letters that sell their services. These freelancers have never listened to the quietly- whispered secret that says their sales letters should sell solutions, not services, to yield the best results.
Sales As A Positive Experience
No matter what your age or stage in life, some words come with preconceived meaning. "Sales" is one of them. For most people, it means being put in a position to have to buy something you don't want at a price you can't afford. Therefore, how do you conduct a critical element of the small business marketing process without incurring the negative impact of the word "sales"?
How to Sell a Feeling
To be totally in tune with the needs of your customers or prospective customers you have to listen to them. Listen to them ? it sounds easy enough to do but not everybody gets it right. What you must always bear in mind when you are selling something is that you are not selling an item or object ? you are selling a feeling.
Success Secrets Of A Famous Vacuum Salesperson
I have to admit, I have an 'addiction'.
Cross-selling for Increased Sales, Profits, and Customer Satisfaction
Cross-selling - the art of selling for non-salespeople
In Sales The Biggest Rolodex Wins
How many names do you have in your business Rolodex? ______
10 Ways To Improve Your Sales
1. Determine your current situation. How are you currently positioned in the market? How do you compare to the competition? Where would you like to be in a Year or in five years and how would you like to get there? Or more appropriately how can you get there, as it is not always the way that you want that works. Planning requires that you understand how you currently stand.
Catapult Your Business?How to Get Customers to Chase You Instead of the Other Way Around
I was thinking about the statement:
Instant Rapport: The Key to Sales Success
Did you ever meet someone with whom you just clicked? Someone who was so much like you that you practically knew what he was thinking? How comfortable did you feel with that person? Did you trust him? Chances are that you have very high rapport with that person.
Boost Buyer Confidence By Assuming The Sale
I saw something in town the other day that just really struck me as funny. Not only that, however, it really nailed home a strong lesson for me about how to make more money.