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You Dont Love Your Kids if You Dont . . .
"You don't love your kids if you don't buy my vacuum cleaner." The salesman looked me right in the eye and didn't even flinch. He was sure he was going to get the sale. I was a caring Mom, of course I'd buy his vacuum. Now it was a good vacuum cleaner, but I wasn't buying one that day, already said so before his demonstration. To make things worse, he had a young assistant with him, training him. The only reason I let them do the demonstration was the new kid said he needed a place to "practice", didn't matter that I wasn't going to buy one, "let me give you a free carpet shampoo". So I looked right back and told him exactly what I thought of his sales tactic. I also said that I didn't even think it was very effective, I'm sure he'd made many people angry. I could not believe it when he said that it did not matter since many would buy out of guilt or whatever. It had a lifetime warranty, thus no repeat customers. I guess he didn't want any referrals either, nor did he care about his reputation. Recently, I got a call from a person I do not even know. "If you are serious about your business, you will take 45 minutes to listen to my call. I promise your business will explode." (From a person who didn't know me and had never heard of my business) Now I admit, there are times when I get frustrated, blowing up things could be tempting, but no thanks. I declined. Now the vacuum cleaner was good, so I'll keep an open mind, maybe the program they are selling is good. I do care about my kids and my business. But the sales tactic still stinks. And we wonder why people hate sales. I'm betting that they met someone like that particular vacuum salesman. I suggest that he didn't understand sales. I didn't buy. Neither did my neighbors, amazing the power of word of mouth. But what if, after his demonstration, listening to me when I said I wasn't in the market for a cleaner, he was kind, thanked me for my time, left a couple of his cards for referrals? What if the person on the phone, instead of saying "Have I've got a deal for you, give me 45 minutes of your time or else . . ." introduced themselves, asked questions about myself and my business. There is no way they can know whether or not they have something that I need, unless they know a bit about my business. When and if they saw that they had something that would truly benefit me, then they could ask. I'm not going to give a total stranger 45 minutes just because they ask for it, nor do I want to learn better ways to market my business from anyone using this guilt trip technique. I'm not fond of the "If you don't buy now, you'll be sorry" deal either. I can remember looking at cars, and I'd hear "You can only get this deal if you buy this car right now." I bet if I showed up with cash the next day, that I could talk them into the same offer. But I do appreciate the car salesman who explains that since the '06 model is out, they have a great deal on the '05, but once it is sold they can't promise to find another. I always appreciate truth, even if there is some fear of loss involved. Don't pressure. "This deal may be gone, but I will see what I can do for you, whenever you come back." You have to admire Dr. Suess's "Sam I Am". He was persistent marketing his green eggs and ham. "Will you try them here or there?" "Will you try them in a box with a fox?" In the end, the character tried the eggs just to get him to shut up. Worked in the story, but I'd have hung up on the guy. I believe that try it to see if you like it is a great way to go, samples, money back guarantees, etc. But don't shove it down my throat. Consumers are bright. Find a nice way to get their attention without insulting them, show folks what you have to offer. Address any objections they have, clear up misconceptions, listen, and show concern for their needs. You don't love your customers if you don't treat them with respect and show that you care. Copyright 2005 Heidi Caswell Heidi Caswell, along with her accomplishments in raising seven wonderful children; operates her own business, Connect Simply which is dedicated to helping others stay in touch. Contact Heidi at heidi@connectsimply.com
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Are You Missing Out On Sales Through Fear of Pain? Improve the Persuasive Power of Your Words! Education plus Motivation is a powerful formula. But how do you ensure the motivation level in your prospective customers or yourself, for that matter, is really as high as it could be? Easy. You make sure to build pain into your motivation strategy. Our basic survival instincts mean that given a choice between finding pleasure or avoiding pain - we'll usually opt to avoid pain. What Does It Take To WIN A Sale? What to do when you win or lose. A Revolutionary NEW Dimension in Sales A Revolutionary 'NEW' Dimension In Sales: Make many more closings in the same amount of time! Stop Selling! for the Million Dollar Contract During the introduction of the "Stop Selling!" philosophy, we typically use the example of buying shoes to make the participants aware of the infinite number of ways buyers decide on purchasing simple items. 10 High Powered Ways To Magnify Your Sales 1. Give your prospects a f~ree trial of your software product, service, or let them read the first chapter or two of your informational product. Sales Strategies: Its Not Who You Know - Its What You Know We are all in sales. We all selling in every role we have. Whether you are in sales, marketing, home business, looking after your kids, dentist, athlete or whatever your chosen field is ? you sell. When you are "selling an idea" or pitching a business proposal or offering a product or service ? it is all selling. You can choose to avoid it or be good at it. Have you ever met natural sales people and admired them? Have you wondered how they do it? It is simple ? you just need to be in the "know". How To Win Business By Networking In sales we do tend to become focused upon our own little worlds. Our company, our desk, our clients; but there is a whole world of people out there living their lives in their little worlds too. And they do a lot of business. The purpose of personal networking is to move yourself into these people's networks so that you can do business with them naturally and without cold calling. Now, I am not for one second suggesting that you should stop cold calling but you can use personal networking to greatly increase your chances of success and referrals. Got Sales Objections? Wheres Your Value? A sales manager who reads this newsletter regularly suggested the topic for this issue. "I read your news letter weekly, and would like to see some information, or suggestions that deal with overcoming sales objections, such as cost, and 'no time right now.' Thank you and I look forward to further readings in the future." Sales and the City It's all about relationships! You Dont Love Your Kids if You Dont . . . "You don't love your kids if you don't buy my vacuum cleaner." The salesman looked me right in the eye and didn't even flinch. He was sure he was going to get the sale. I was a caring Mom, of course I'd buy his vacuum. How to Sell a Feeling To be totally in tune with the needs of your customers or prospective customers you have to listen to them. Listen to them ? it sounds easy enough to do but not everybody gets it right. What you must always bear in mind when you are selling something is that you are not selling an item or object ? you are selling a feeling. The Processionary Caterpillar Syndrome Costs You Sales? Some years ago I read and interesting story that illustrated why many of the sales and service industry professionals that invest their time and money in my personal telephone coaching sessions ( http://www.TheSellingEdge.com/personalCoaching.htm ) have until the coaching sessions have failed to move beyond an intellectual understanding of sound selling principles. Do you have the processionary caterpillar syndrome? Is It Time To Rethink Your Sales Training Program or Is Your Sales Training Delivering Results? Sales is still a must for any company who wishes to stay in the marketplace. A recent Internet search uncovered over 471,000,000 hits on the words sales or selling. Visiting an Internet bookstore revealed similar interest with almost 11,400 titles including the key word of sales, over 8,208 titles with the key word of selling and 4,700 titles with the key words of sales and marketing. Increasing Your Sales FASTER -- Dealing with Ill Think It Over. Do you frequently hear that from a prospect? Boost Your Productivity, Networking and Sales: Make an Impression Through out our career and lives we regularly get an opportunity to meet new people and form new relationships. Did you know you have seven seconds to make a first impression? Apparently in those seven seconds people assess your age, income, marital status, education level and interests ? in seven seconds! Regardless of whether people are right about their perception of you? we all subconsciously make assessments of people when we meet them. To ensure you make an outstanding impression every time? try some of these tips. Five Tips To Increase Your Sales 1. You could end your ad copy with a discounted price. Just list your regular price and then offer a discounted price off the order 'right now'. You could also offer a rebate that takes effect instantly. For example, you could say, "Instead of paying $99, you could order now and get an instant rebate of $20 - you only pay $79!" Smart Discounting: The Right Way To Discount Your Products If a store had a great discount in the middle of the woods and nobody was around to hear about it, would it make a difference? Selling - Always Go for Top Money If you've ever flown economy class on an international flight then you've probably noticed that the airline makes you walk through Business or First Class to get to your economy seat. You become very much aware of the wider isles, the more spacious, comfortable seats and the greater leg room. Quit Talking and Listen! Give Clients and Prospects Your Undivided Attention I have found that the best sales people are the best listeners, not the ones that talk your ear off. Listening is a skill that much more than just hearing the words coming out of their mouth. Here are some tips that you can use to see how well you actually listen. How To Master the Art of Super Salesmanship Mastering the "art of selling" is simply knowing how to present whatever it is that you're selling, to the buyer in such a manner that he feels buying it from you will solve his problems or fulfill his dreams. Selling online is really no different than selling in person, face to face with your prospect. Really, it's just a way of making sales calls more efficiently and economically. You've got to get his attention - you've got to appeal to his interests -you've got to make him understand how his purchase of your product will benefit him ? and finally, you've got to close the sale by causing him to reach into his wallet for money or to write out a check for whatever it is you're selling. Remember, in essence, even though the method of selling is the Internet, it's the same as if you were knocking on his front door. Thus it's very important that your material look its best. Make your website look professional and successful. The opening encounter with the prospect affects the success of the presentation and whether or not a sale is ultimately closed. Once he's gotten the website opened and is looking at your presentation, you've got to carry over that image of professionalism and success -Make him feel comfortable -Be friendly and believable. -Stimulate his interest in whatever you're selling by appealing to one of his basic wants, needs or problems with a solution. Don't waste his time with a long and/or complicated dissertation. >BR>The most important thing you want to do is to create within your fulfillment he'll have as a result of buying from you. Stimulate his imagination, and explain to him how he can use whatever you're selling to his advantage. Finally, and most importantly, make it as simple and as easy as possible for your prospect to buy from you. Don't force him to read a long, drawn out sales agreement or contract. Just make your presentation, explain how purchasing from you will solve his problems or fulfill his dreams, paint a word picture that allows him to see himself with your product and his problems solved or his dreams fulfilled, and then direct the buyer to your order page on your website. Too many sales presentations begin with some sort of story about the seller ? Hello there, I'm writing to you from the beautiful beaches of Waikiki; or after a hundred years of research I've found the fountain of youth; even some such tripe as dear friend - you may not know me but I'm now a millionaire... When you put your sales presentation on paper - when you're trying to sell something by mail or online - appeal to the basic wants, needs or problems of your prospect. He or she wants only to satisfy his or her problems - not read about who or where you are or what you've done -just ask them if they'd like to know how to make their tires on their car last 10 years or more (or whatever the benefit of your product is) Above all else, remember that people's wants, needs and problems are changing constantly - and that people are learning all the time ? meaning that you must constantly be up-to-date with what you're selling, and always be improving your sales presentation. May be reprinted and redistributed freely as long as the resource box remains intact. To show my appreciation to the people that use my article, I run a free solo ad to my ezine list. Once I receive confirmation of the url or a copy of the ezine that the article was used in, I will run your solo ad. Send the url or ezine copy to pnewsletter2004@yahoo.com*************************************************************DeAnna publishes the biweekly ezine Prospecting and Presents. ![]() |
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