Software Information
Benefits of Integrating Online Chat Software with CRM
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a strategy and processes used to learn more about customers' needs and behaviors in order to develop stronger relationships with them. CRM applications are traditionally developed as client-server software. The proliferation of the Internet and the Web has fueled the rapid growth of Web-based CRM or online CRM applications. Web CRM systems are widely deployed for Web based call center, contact management, trouble ticket, personal information manager and scheduling. As more and more corporations use chat software to provide quality customer support, many CRM vendors have built chat functionality into new generation of Web-based CRM systems.
Constructionalist Parsing - Deciphering Natural Language
The research in the field of Natural Language Processing usually assumes the existence of a syntactic "Generative Engine" that combines words and word-like elements into syntactic structures, and then sometimes displaces them by "syntactic movement". A Linguistic Parser must "undo" all the effects of syntactic movement, which results in a structure where the relations between the words are represented more directly.
Mapping Software: Putting Data Visualization on the Map
Mapping Software Improves Data Visualization
Microsoft Great Plains: Large Scale Implementation
Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains, Navision, Axapta, Solomon and CRM are coming up to satisfy ERP needs for large corporation, including multinationals. In this article we will be describing Microsoft Great Plains as the MRP platform, fitting to multiple industries and business niches: aerospace, defense, textile, pharmaceutical, healthcare, constructions, mining, services, distributions & logistics, wholesale & retail, public sector, chemicals, oil & gas, finance, brokerage, etc. We?ll try to give you orientation and set realistic expectations if you are CIO for large publicly traded company and looking for reasonably budgeted solution.
A Simple Guide To Wikis
A wiki is an editable text-based website. But you don't need to understand any complex HTML, or anything like that to use a wiki. A wiki is really only a little bit more complex than a word-processor, but MUCH more powerful, because instead of only being 1 page, it can be lots of pages, all linked up together.
Software For Your Hard-Drive
All your software is stored on a hard-drive. But how about software FOR your hard-drive - private disks, partition managers, disk defragmenters? Here is the scoop on the latest tools.
Are You Waiting for Microsoft Longhorn Operating System
I love new technology. I am still ready to wait long for Longhorn. I have tried almost all operating systems of Windows series. My interest in Longhorn is building up day by day and the reason is..! From beginning Microsoft is very successful to project Longhorn as something mysterious. Many interesting stories are connected with it, which helped Longhorn to gain pre-launch popularity; I would rather say curiosity about this product. I don't know who is the propaganda minister of Microsoft? May be Mr. Brightside or Mr.Lonely. Relax guys I was just kidding.
Microsoft CRM Implementation for Large Corporation ? overview
Microsoft Business Solutions CRM is now approaching the phase of being mature product and the CRM solution you may consider for large publicly traded company. Our view point considers the fact of multiple platforms and systems coexistence and balancing: UNIX, Linux, Microsoft Windows, Java, .Net, PC, AS/400, RS6000, Microsoft Exchange, Lotus Notes Domino, etc. This increases the cost of maintenance, but decreases the risk of being trapped to one vendor/solution. So far we?ve seen successful implementations of Microsoft CRM in the following industries: Distribution, Logistics, Non-Profit, Chemicals, Pharmaceutical, Placement/Recruiting, Medicare/Hospitals, Retail, Wholesale, Education, Beverages, Services, Defense, Aerospace, Oil & Gas.
Professional Software Icons For Your Standalone Application
User interfaces and accessibility are some of the most important aspect of an application. It can have a million features, it can do a thousand things once, but if it doesn't look quite right then it will be a disaster. Take Linux for example. This open source (free) operating system has been around for quite a while, and it has been very appreciated for its stability and speed. However, in its earlier days it lacked a user interface, which made it very unattractive to the general public. While a few years back Linux was used only by system administrator and computer freaks, Microsoft's Windows was all over the place, pumped up by its friendly user interface, even though it had a lot of bugs and was very unstable. Today's things are quite different. People have learned from their mistakes and now, most operating systems, including Linux, use a graphical interface and are very user-friendly - things that in the past you could do by writing lines and lines of instructions, you can now do with a few clicks. This major improvement has brought in a whole new class of users, and the popularity of this operating system has increased considerably.
Dont Choose Adobe When Working With PDF
While Adobe is the most known maker of PDF tools, your business will be much better off, if you select third party tools to work with PDF documents.
Business Plan Software Review: Ultimate Business Planner?
One of the main reasons business owners and entrepreneurs use business plan software is to simplify building their financial models. Even with an explosion in business plan software packages on the market today, ?doing the financial projections? is still often cited as the most difficult part of completing a business plan. Yet, software can still simplify financial forecasting.
ERP Implementation: Success Factors
As seeing large number of implementations ? in our case these are Microsoft Business Solutions Products: Great Plains, MS CRM, Navision ? we would like to give you our opinion on what should you consider to do to secure implementation success. These principles should work as for large corporation as well as for midsize and even small business. We will not be talking about old-wisdom, which you know from the college classes or business school about management and staff involvement into the decision making, brainstorming, etc. ? we?ll be ERP specific
ERP Remote Support: Microsoft Great Plains Analysis ? Pluses & Minuses
Former Great Plains Software Dynamics/eEnterprise and currently Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains serves midsize and corporate clients as ERP system in the following countries and regions: USA, Canada, Mexico and Latin America, Brazil (where MBS actually promotes Navision and has GP for multinational corporations), Saudi Arabia, OAE, Egypt and the rest of Middle East, South Africa, Nigeria and the whole African continent, U.K. and Ireland, partially France and Belgium, Poland, Pakistan, South East Asia, Philippines and Pacific. The fact that Ernst & Young consulting subdivision was specializing in supporting Great Plains eEnterprise for clients in remote locations, such as Bermuda, having small offices over there and later on E&Y had to stop it ? due to the fact that Microsoft purchased GPS ? left large number of so-called orphan clients, who are still without support and using Dynamics, eEnterprise or even old DOS-based Great Plains Accounting. As the result ? there is very lucrative market niche for Microsoft Great Plains remote support. In this small article we?ll give you pluses and minuses of GP remote support ? so to say optimistic and pessimistic points of view.
ERP for Large Corporation ? New Selling Strategy
Our opinion is based on our Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains, Microsoft CRM sales and marketing campaign to large businesses in the following industries: Aerospace, Furniture, Beverages, Placement, Distribution & Logistics, Textile, Services, Food, Manufacturing. With the new economy recovery we see signs on the market, signaling selling strategy change. On the other hand this is normal process and each time you sell different, probably keeping your personal passion to sell and help your customers. Let?s look at the trends:
Lotus Notes Domino and Microsoft CRM Integration
Well, even if the combination might look very unusual, we see the coexistence of these two systems, especially in large corporations, non-profit organizations. Technically Lotus Notes Domino has parallel structure, including Domino email server. Lotus is extremely flexible and you can program your own CRM or purchase CRM for Lotus, however Microsoft CRM has Microsoft SQL Server database and very simple Sales automation module. Let?s look at the integration reasons and scenarios. Be sure that each specific case requires custom programming, tuning and support.
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Online PowerPoint Presentation ? Convert PowerPoint to Flash
Although we don't know whether Microsoft ever envisioned such a big market about PowerPoint on its first release. Today this software is impacting profoundly on education and corporation's activities in the way that nobody could ignore. With a wealth of visual and audio effects people rely on it to express their ideas, plans more intuitively with more effective communication outcomes.
Microsoft Great Plains: Getting New Users Licenses ? Annual Service Plan FAQ
Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains, Solomon, Navision, Axapta, Microsoft CRM require existing customer to be on active service contract: enhancement program. Minimal maintenance plan gives you free new software version (however upgrade itself, if it is done by your MBS partner is not free). If you are outside of USA/Canada: Mexico, South America, UK, South Africa, France, Australia, New Zealand ? you may have different promotion campaigns and might be not required to be on the service contract. In this article we assume that you are US/Canadian client.
Microsoft Great Plains Customization Tools Evolution ? Overview for Consultant
When Great Plains Software introduced the first graphical accounting application for Mac and Windows in the beginning of 1990th it had Great Plains Dexterity customization tool, IDE and programming language. Dexterity design was based on several longevity principles: Graphical platform independence and database platform independence and easy switch from one DB to the other among the most important ones. Dexterity was written as a shell in C programming language, which was "platform independent" and at the same time very efficient in compilation (close to assembler). Since then we saw new tools and options:
Will Adobe Manage to Replace Industry Work Horse Quark Express by Giving Adobe InDesign for Free?
Heard about the Quark "killer"?
How to Backup Windows XP Home Edition
Your computer cost you from hundreds to thousands of dollars, but the computer itself is not the most valuable part. The data on the hard disk is the most valuable part. How many hours of work did you put into creating that data? One little event, like a power line spike from a lightning strike, and all that work could be lost. Unfortunately, backing up with Windows XP Home Edition is not as simple as it should be.
Microsoft CRM Data Conversion FAQ
Microsoft Business Solutions CRM data conversion deserves FAQ type of article, where IT people could get initial directions. Even if it seems as a trivial task, we would suggest you to think about these possible scenarios: objects mapping between your legacy CRM: GoldMine, ACT, Siebel, Lotus Notes Domino. When you think about MS CRM switch over ? do you think just to transfer master records: Leads, Contacts, Accounts, or you are thinking about historical activities: emails, faxes, calls, appointments, etc?
Microsoft CRM: Implementation, Customization, Support ? Consultant Overview
Microsoft Business Solutions CRM is present several years on the US software market plus it makes advances in Europe. We expect substantial number growth of Microsoft CRM implementations across USA.
Story Development Software: Good or Evil?
In the early days of the personal computer, we're talking the mid-'80s here, there was speculation that someday books would all be writen by computers. It sounded a little too science-fictiony for most writers. After all, words on a page---no matter how well they appear to work together---are meaningless without the insights and experiences of the writer behind them.
Microsoft Great Plains & CRM in Transportation & Logistics ? Overview
Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains and MS CRM (client relation management system) are very popular in various industries and market niches. In previous article we described Microsoft Great Plains implementation for transportation & logistics company. Having more material, we would like to share with you how you can leverage Microsoft Business Solutions products to automate your business. We'll try to be both technical and business processes specific and be laconic to comply the rules of tiny article.
SQL Administrator Skills Required to Support Microsoft Great Plains
Microsoft Great Plains is becoming more and more popular and we see new purchases among midsize and large corporations, where, in our opinion, Microsoft SQL Server DB administrator position is a must. If you are database administrator and you are part of the decision making team, purchasing Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains for your corporation, we would like to set your expectation on the level of SQL knowledge, skills and experience needed to support Microsoft Great Plains in-house
A Symons Mark II Function Point Counting Example
I provide, here clear explanations and a count of function points, using the Symons Mark II method.
Pros and Cons of Using FREE Software in Your Business
Itâ??s easy to understand why you might be drawn to the allure of
free software. After all, it is free and free is always a good
price to pay. But before you plunk down your hard-earned no money
and possibly put your business at risk, consider the following.
Groupware: What Works the Way Businesses Do?
Microsoft Great Plains Nationwide Remote Support
ERP Consulting industry is on the way to serve clients nationwide and even worldwide, when the client is multinational corporation. There are several reasons to specialize in remote support. In this small article we'll give you these reasons and the advantages of remote installation, customization, integration, programming, reporting.
My Experience - Making a Vision into Reality
Disclaimer: All the thoughts expressed are my views only! Your perception might differ...
Microsoft Great Plains Dynamics on Pervasive SQL.2000 Data Repair ? Overview For DBAs
Some introduction into Great Plains Software products, now Microsoft Business Solutions. Microsoft Great Plains becomes more and more popular, partly because of Microsoft muscles behind it. Now it is targeted to the whole spectrum of horizontal and vertical market clientele. Small companies use Small Business Manager (which is based on the same technology ? Great Plains Dexterity dictionary DYNAMICS.DIC and runtime DYNAMICS.EXE), Great Plains Standard on MSDE is for small to midsize clients, and then Great Plains serves the rest of the market up to big corporations.
Troubleshoot Windows with Task Manager
Task Manager is a Windows system utility that displays thetasks or processes currently running on your computer. Toopen Task Manager, press Ctrl+Alt+Del. The Applcations tablists the applications currently running on your computer.A single application may actually consist of several runningprocesses, and many programs that run in the background arenot listed (you can see icons for some of these programs inthe System Tray).
Microsoft Great Plains - Microsoft RMS Integration ? overview
Microsoft Great Plains and Microsoft Retail Management System (Microsoft RMS) are originally developed by different software vendors, who had no idea that in the remote future (now) these two applications will be owned by Microsoft and will need to be tightly integrated. Current integration between the two is not an easy thing. At this time MBS has RMS integration on the General Ledger and Purchase Order level into Great Plains out of the box. This integration has some advancements in comparison to old product: QuickSell, but it is still GL and PO only. We do understand the need for midsize and large retail companies, structured as clubs and selling on account to their members to have more adequate integration when you can synchronize your Sales information and have robust Great Plains reporting.
Computer Phones ? Facts and Fallacies
The stakes are high when considering security, privacy, and savings, and the old adage, "look before you leap" might be a more judicial approach when searching for a computer phone provider, aka VoIP (voice over internet protocol).
Kick-Ass Performance For Your PC? Its Easy
Is your PC is slow and wimpy? Then you need some PC steroids - software applications that will cleanse the registry, optimize RAM and make that puppy fly. Here is what you should start with.