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Software InformationOSI Layers ModelIntroduction Five Tips For A Great Software DemoWhether you need to close a sale, gather end-user feedback, show progress to your customer, or simply explain how your product works, sooner or later, you will need to demo your software product. Five Reasons for Using an O/R Mapping ToolSo, why should you use any O/R mapping tool? I am not talking about a specific tool but rather all O/R mapping tools in general. There are a number of reasons for using an O/R mapping tool but before I dive into that, let me give you a brief overview of what an O/R mapping tool really is. S is for Spying, Surveillance -- and for Software as WellWords we choose to describe things and phenomena often show our attitude towards what we say. They imperceptibly reflect our opinions and judgments, prejudices and preferences, moral convictions and beliefs. Whether we like it or not, good deal of words we use are biased, or should I say "slanted", --positively or negatively. Two people will call the same thing differently, depending on their points of view. Put Some Pizazz in Your Software ArsenalThe software giants don't do everything and don't always produce the result that we want. At least if you're like me, and you're not where you would like to be (profitwise). Microsoft CRM in Latin America: Implementation, Customization, Support ? Overview for ConsultantMicrosoft Business Solutions CRM is present several years on the US software market plus it makes advances in Europe. We expect substantial number growth of Microsoft CRM implementations across South and Central America and the need for Microsoft CRM implementation, support, tuning, reporting, training services, especially in such countries as Mexico, Columbia, Venezuela, Argentina, Peru, Uruguay, Chili, Costa Rica. In this small article we try to project US market lessons on Latin American business climate. Document Templates Give You The Perfect Framework For Your DocumentsWhen it comes to running an office, the SOHO entrepreneur has enough on his or her plate as it is. So if you find yourself in the unenviable position of regularly having to set aside your core competencies to handle tedious, repetitive administrative duties such as creating your business documents from scratch, then you need to consider the potential benefits offered by document templates. Lotus Domino: Application Integration ? A Programmer ViewThere are two approaches for application integration: Microsoft CRM: Implementation, Customization, Support ? Consultant OverviewMicrosoft Business Solutions CRM is present several years on the US software market plus it makes advances in Europe. We expect substantial number growth of Microsoft CRM implementations across USA. SpyBot - Search and Destroy versus Microsoft AntiSpyware (Beta).... My personal experiences...Ok... Where to start? Microsoft CRM Implementation ? Fundamental CRM Principles RevisionMicrosoft CRM is relatively new player on the now becoming traditional CRM software applications market. We would like just to mention shift in the technical conception ? Microsoft CRM is committed to Windows and Microsoft components: Exchange, Active Directory, SQL Server, etc (while traditional CRM applications, such as Siebel were biased toward multiplatform compatibility: Unix, Oracle, Windows, SQL Server) and move up to business logic paradigm shift. Dreamweaver vs FrontPageThere are two major WYSIWYG(What You See Is What You Get) editors available for beginners. These are: Microsoft FrontPage and Macromedia Dreamweaver. So the question is which one is better? Causes of ERP FailuresERP is the acronym of Enterprise Resource Planning. Multi-module ERP software integrates business activities across various functional departments, from product planning, parts purchasing, inventory control, product distribution, to order tracking. ERP has transformed the way multi-billion dollar corporations conduct their businesses. Successful implementation of ERP systems could save tens of millions of dollars and increase employee satisfactions, customer satisfactions and sustain competitive advantages in every-changing marketplace. Corporate executives are often perplexed by the stories that how reputable corporations (Hershey Foods, etc.) have failed miserably and lost ten of millions of dollars in their ERP endures. Microsoft Great Plains 8.0 Brazilian Version ? Overview For International ConsultantMicrosoft Great Plains has substantial mid-market share in the USA plus due to the marketing efforts of former Great Plains Software (now part of Microsoft Business Solutions) in Spanish Speaking South America, South Africa, United Kingdom, Middle East, Poland ? we see strong position of Microsoft Great Plains in these regions (on these markets MBS promotes two mid-market ERP: Great Plains and Navision). C++ Tutorial 1, Introduction to C++Introduction to C++
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40/sec to 500/sec Introduction Professional XP Style Icons in Software and Website Development Using professional icons in your application or website can bring a modern and aesthetically pleasing appearance to your product or service. This will not only help you to attract potential customers but also give you that "edge" you need to stand out from your competitors. In an internet age, it's important that your interface looks professional or your potential buyer might move on without really giving your product a chance to prove itself. Microsoft Great Plains Logistics & Warehouse Management ? Implementation & Customization Highlights Logistics automation is often considered as barcoding extension to Sales Order Processing, Purchase Order Processing, Inventory Control modules. Software extensions makers may disagree with this simplification, but budget solution works exactly like barcoding extension and is usually done via Great Plains Dexterity, Modifier with VBA and SQL stored procedures. If your company is looking for implementing automated inventory bin/item pickup and conveyer ? then you need specialized software. However if you just envision your warehouse workers with barcode scanners ? then read this article to understand your options with Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains. Spyware Protection: A Must for Any Home Computer Now that spyware is the single most dangerous threat to home computers connected to the internet today, getting your hands on some sort of spyware and adware protection is critical. Spyware has outpaced computer viruses in its prevalence, and in the kind of damage it can do to your system. Microsoft Great Plains: If You are Orphan Client ? What to Do and FAQ Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains, former Great Plains Software eEnterprise, Dynamics and Dynamics C/S+ is very popular ERP and since 1994 has been successfully implemented for mid-size and mid-size to large companies in the USA, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Middle East. During the economic recession time 2001-2004 the majority of businesses cut to virtually zero their IT/computer support expenses and stayed with hardware and software. At the same time consulting companies: Great Plains Software and later on Microsoft Business Solutions Partners, VARs, Resellers and ISVs had to reduce their workforce, merge with large auditing companies or simply close their doors. The result of these two tendencies was huge number of so-called Microsoft Great Plains and Great Plains Dynamics orphan clients. In 2005 we see the signs of economy recovery: companies invested into new computer hardware and OS: Windows 2003 servers, Windows XP Pro workstations, Microsoft Exchange, etc. Now it is time for them to upgrade/recover their Great Plains Dynamics or migrate Great Plains Accounting to Microsoft Great Plains. Let's consider the steps required to upgrade your ERP system: Builders Beware Which Type of Shop Can Rely On A Home Built System? IT Department Skills to Support Microsoft Great Plains and Microsoft CRM Microsoft Great Plains as ERP and Microsoft CRM as Client Relation Management system is very robust combination and could serve midsize to large corporation as Business System.� Being VP IT or IT Director you need to foresee the positions to have in your IT department to do internal MS Great Plains and MS CRM support. Let us give you the directions, based on our research and consulting practice. Microsoft SQL Server Specialist ? we specially do not name this position as MS SQL DBA, because both Great Plains and MS CRM are not very complex from the database administration side, they do not use indexes optimization, referential integrity, probably do not require complex transaction log backup/recovery scenarios.� On the other hand this position requires Great Plains and Microsoft CRM tables structure analysis and some primary Great Plains data fixing skills via SQL queries, described in MBS Customer source techknowledge database.� The best candidate should have some accounting background - to be able to address ongoing issues to MBS technical support. Network Administrator with good Microsoft Exchange and Active Directory skills.� Microsoft CRM uses all the newest Microsoft technologies, and Exchange is a workhorse here.� In order to install and upgrade MS CRM this guy needs to understand the under-laying Microsoft technology.� In the best case - she/he should know Exchange security structure and probably program Exchange handlers, due to the fact that CRM/Exchange connector is not a perfect tool yet. C# or VB.Net programmer with excellent SQL Skills? if you are midsize or large company - you should have this position - you will need web publishing and MS CRM customization and its support.� Currently Microsoft CRM SDK has C# examples - so C# programmer would be the best fit, it may have more VB code in the future, so the C# - VB balance maybe restored. Crystal Reports Designer/Programmer - Crystal Reports is the best tool available on the market to address both Great Plains and MS CRM reporting needs.� This position maybe merged with one of the above. These people should be probably cross-trained in both Great Plains, Microsoft CRM, Crystal Reports, SQL and C# programming, so you do not depend on the unique skills of one person.� In our opinion, which is based on our long term consulting practice - these skills will allow you to keep the cost of IT support reasonably low and avoid paying high consulting price to your Microsoft Business Solutions Partner. Happy hiring and training! But in any case you need to select Microsoft Business Solutions Partner/Var/Reseller to be your official representative.� This is how MBS has its channel working - it assures that Microsoft Business Solutions products are properly implemented.� If you want us to be your Microsoft Business Solutions Partner - give us a call 1-866-528-0577! help@albaspectrum.com How to Make Attractive and Effective PowerPoint Presentations Microsoft PowerPoint has dramatically changed the way in which academic and business presentations are made. This article outlines few tips on making more effective and attractive PowerPoint presentations. ERP Implementation: Success Factors As seeing large number of implementations ? in our case these are Microsoft Business Solutions Products: Great Plains, MS CRM, Navision ? we would like to give you our opinion on what should you consider to do to secure implementation success. These principles should work as for large corporation as well as for midsize and even small business. We will not be talking about old-wisdom, which you know from the college classes or business school about management and staff involvement into the decision making, brainstorming, etc. ? we'll be ERP specific A Guide To Purchasing Professional XP Icons Online And Enhancing Your Applications Icons are used everywhere; right from software applications, to internet browsers, to operating systems to websites and even in print media. But businesses have to waste a good deal of money and time in manufacturing icons on their own. Professional icons are tough to create and need expertise in terms of creative artists, lots of time and software. But just as in any other field today, here again there are specialized organizations dedicated to manufacturing and supplying ready made icons. This article is meant for those of you who intent to purchase readymade XP icons for your applications Microsoft Great Plains international implementation ? USA / Mexico ? overview for consultant Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains was purchased from Great Plains Software and Great Plains Software itself had strong international marketing plans and campaigns. If we look back to 1990th ? we'll see that GPS had Multilanguage support and Great Plains Dynamics / Dynamics C/S+ was localized and translated into multiple languages, including Spanish. Localization means not only the translation, but also adaptation to specific local country tax rules (Sales Tax versus Value Added Tax VAT, GST, specific payroll taxes, etc.). Let's consider typical case when we see international company with headquarters and distribution centers in the US and manufacturing and purchasing in Mexico Dreamweaver vs FrontPage There are two major WYSIWYG(What You See Is What You Get) editors available for beginners. These are: Microsoft FrontPage and Macromedia Dreamweaver. So the question is which one is better? Interactive Mapping Brings Information to Life What is Interactive Mapping? The Importance of Timely Timesheets Whether you are a small consultancy firm, a medium sized accountancy practice, or a code warrior for hire in a back room of your house then you have at least one thing in common: you are in business to get paid quickly, and for the work you have done. Timesheets are the usual method for tracking time you spent working and thus are the key to timely invoice generation. Timely invoice generation and despatch is important for two reasons: Free Software - Powerful Alternatives to Budget-Busting Software When you buy a computer, it most likely comes with Microsoft Windows preinstalled. And when you need a word processor, spreadsheet, or other software, you probably buy it from a computer store. That software is vital. Without it, a computer is just an expensive paperweight. Five Steps to Rapid Development with TierDeveloper 4.0 Follow the steps below to quickly design, generate, and deploy a great portion of your real-life N-Tier application. Pros and Cons of Using FREE Software in Your Business It�??s easy to understand why you might be drawn to the allure of free software. After all, it is free and free is always a good price to pay. But before you plunk down your hard-earned no money and possibly put your business at risk, consider the following. Understanding XML Server XML Server can be a Web Server that stores the XML files in it and serves them on demand. The XML Server would have processing capabilities with an XML engine and to transform the XML document to other forms. Basically a server which hosts and serves the XML documents is called a XML Server. Ukraine IT Myths Dispersed While Ukraine is becoming a new popular IT outsourcing destination, there are still many myths about it and no clear understanding of the opportunities outsourcing to Ukraine can present. Let us look closely at some of those myths and find out whether there is any truth behind them. Basic Tips and tricks for Windows XP Running Applications in Compatibility Mode With Windows XP, you can run programs as if though they were being run under a different operating system. (This is known as "emulation".) Simply right-click a shortcut, select "Properties" and then check "Run in compatibility mode" and select the operating system you wish to make the program believe it is being run under. This fools or tricks the program into thinking you are really using a previous version of Windows, such as NT, 2000, 98, or 95. This is especially useful for certain games that won't run properly. Be careful *not* to use this with certain system utilities, such as antivirus, defrag, registry, and disk tool applications. ![]() |
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