Software Information
Cisco Certification: Five Things To Do DURING Your CCNA Exam
There are plenty of articles out there about how to prepare for the CCNA exam. However, there are also things you can do to increase your chances of success on exam day during the most important part of the entire process -- the time that you're actually taking the test.
Upgrading Great Plains Dexterity Customization ? switching to new technologies: SQL, Crystal, eConne
1. Replace Dexterity cursor with SQL Stored Procedure
Dexterity was designed as multiplatform technology (primarily Btrieve, Ctree, SQL Server, potentially Oracle). Dexterity data retrieving mechanism is based on Range start, Range End, Get First and Get Next clauses. It is in fact similar, however a little bit slower to cursors in Transact SQL. Long ranges in Dexterity are good candidates for replacement by SQL stored procedures with update clause.
For example, consider to replace following Dexterity code:
Range clear SOP_HDR_WORK.
Clear ?SOP Type? of table SOP_HDR_WORK.
Clear ?SOP Number? of table SOP_HDR_WORK.
Range start table SOP_HDR_WORK.
Get first table SOP_HDR_WORK.
While errEOF do
If ?Salesperson ID? of table SOP_HDR_WORK = ?ERIC? then
Edit table SOP_HDR_WORK.
Set ?Salesperson ID? of table SOP_HDR_WORK to ?BILL?.
Save table SOP_HDR_WORK.
End if.
Get next table SOP_HDR_WORK.
End while.
With the following SQL code
Update SOP10100 set SLPRSNID=?BILL? where SLPRSNID=?ERIC?
Bringing new data into a table in Dexterity is based on change/edit table clauses, in SQL they are equivalent (by performance) to inserting one record at the time.
When having long cycle of change/edit table in Dexterity, consider replacement by SQL stored procedure with Insert Into clause.
2. Use Crystal Reports, call them from via VBA in Modified form
The easy way to call Crystal Report from your VBA code from your modified form:
Const RPT = "D:ClientsTheClientInvoice Status.rpt"
Public crwApplication As CRPEAuto.Application
Public crwReport As CRPEAuto.Report
Private Sub Print_BeforeUserChanged(KeepFocus As Boolean, CancelLogic As Boolean)
If SalesTransactionInquiryZoo.Type = "Invoice" Then
If crwApplication Is Nothing Then
Set crwApplication = CreateObject("Crystal.CRPE.Application")
End If
Set crwReport = crwApplication.OpenReport(RPT)
crwReport.ParameterFields(1).SetCurrentValue (DocumentNo)
End If
3. Use Direct .Net Web Publishing from Great Plains Database
The easiest and safest way is to use eConnect - SDK with VB samples, created for eCommerce programmers and web designers to call the functionality in Microsoft Great Plains. If your company can not afford eConnect - create your own set of stored procedures to address Great Plains database and go ahead with Visual Studio.Net to do the web publishing.
Happy upgrading and customizing! if you want us to do the job - give us a call 1-866-528-0577! help@albaspectrum.com
Choose your Java Wisely
Java has come along a long way. Many would agree with this. I did not until the Java 1.5 ?Tiger? hit me. The tiger had several new features, and more importantly, it has new syntax. Six major upgrades that the tiger presents are certainly the generics, enhanced for loop, autoboxing (unboxing), improvement on Typesafe enum, Static import and the metadata. Of course there are many more, which can be found at java?s official site. Out of these six, at least four would be used in my daily ?programming? life. From java 1.1 to 1.4, it seemed more like new frills were simply added. It felt like earning more brownie points when you downloaded the newer version. But should I start using 1.5 immediately, maybe not.
Microsoft CRM Programming Secrets ? Tips For Developers
This article is for advanced Microsoft CRM SDK C# developers. It describes the technique of direct SQL programming, when SDK doesn't have the functionality to do the job.
Microsoft Great Plains Integration with Legacy Systems ? Overview For Developer
Looks like Microsoft Great Plains becomes more and more popular, partly because of Microsoft muscles behind it. Now it is targeted to the whole spectrum of horizontal and vertical market clientele. Small companies use Small Business Manager (which is based on the same technology ? Great Plains Dexterity dictionary and runtime), Great Plains Standard on MSDE is for small to midsize clients, and then Great Plains serves the rest of the market up to big corporations.
Microsoft RMS ? Great Plains Integration ? Overview For IT Specialist
Microsoft Great Plains and Microsoft Retail Management System (Microsoft RMS) are getting new market share due to the Microsoft strong marketing campaign. Both products: Microsoft Great Plains and Microsoft RMS are coming from the same Microsoft subdivision - Microsoft Business Solutions (MBS), however due to the fact that both products were bought by Microsoft from different vendors, the integration between the two is not an easy thing. At this time MBS has RMS integration on the General Ledger and Purchase Order level into Great Plains out of the box. This integration has some advancements in comparison to old product: QuickSell, but it is still GL and PO only. We do understand the need for midsize and large retail companies, structured as clubs and selling on account to their members to have more adequate integration when you can synchronize your Sales information and have robust Great Plains reporting.
There is the product on the market, which is integration on the Receivables Management level from RMS to Great Plains, written by Daniel Sionov and Andrew Karasev and maintained by the alliance between LightEdge Solutions (www.lightedge.com) and Alba Spectrum Technologies (www.albaspectrum.com). In Alba Spectrum Technologies we actually do coding and product tuning for specific client needs.
Removing Incoming Email in MS Exchange, C# Example
The purpose of one of our projects was MS Exchange handler for processing incoming email.
A Guide To Purchasing Professional XP Icons Online And Enhancing Your Applications
Icons are used everywhere; right from software applications, to internet browsers, to operating systems to websites and even in print media. But businesses have to waste a good deal of money and time in manufacturing icons on their own. Professional icons are tough to create and need expertise in terms of creative artists, lots of time and software. But just as in any other field today, here again there are specialized organizations dedicated to manufacturing and supplying ready made icons. This article is meant for those of you who intent to purchase readymade XP icons for your applications
SyncUp ? A File/Folder Synchronizer For Windows
SyncUp, a file synchronizer is designed to assist the home and advanced users. The product has a simple and familiar windows explorer type interface for easy file handling. Further, the Scan Results provides a detailed preview of the files for synchronization.
OEComplete ? A Personal Information Manager
OEComplete is a utility for managing the personal information of the user. It is designed to be flexible and affordable even for the home user. OEComplete allows setting up appointments and tasks, and creates notes for easy reference. Recurrence, reminders and attachment enhance the competence in addition to import and export facility.
Microsoft Great Plains Dynamics on Pervasive SQL.2000 Data Repair ? Overview For DBAs
Some introduction into Great Plains Software products, now Microsoft Business Solutions. Microsoft Great Plains becomes more and more popular, partly because of Microsoft muscles behind it. Now it is targeted to the whole spectrum of horizontal and vertical market clientele. Small companies use Small Business Manager (which is based on the same technology ? Great Plains Dexterity dictionary DYNAMICS.DIC and runtime DYNAMICS.EXE), Great Plains Standard on MSDE is for small to midsize clients, and then Great Plains serves the rest of the market up to big corporations.
Microsoft Great Plains - Typical Problems And Fixes ? Overview For IT Administrators
How to delete the user? This is the first problem you encounter - when user shuts down the computer - Great Plains doesn't have the command to log off the user and when user tries to login the next day - she gets error message that user is already logged on. The fix:
Microsoft Navision Customization Upgrade ? Tips For Programmer/IT Specialist
Currently Microsoft Business Solutions is on the way of creating so-called suites: Microsoft Financials, Microsoft Distributions, Microsoft HR, Microsoft Manufacturing. It is very difficult to say which product will be the core of which suite, but the best guess is this: Microsoft Great Plains - Microsoft Financials and probably Distribution/Supply Chain Management and HR, Solomon - Microsoft Project or Professional Services, Navision - Microsoft Manufacturing. If you have Microsoft Business Solutions Navision and support it for your company then you need to know some technical details about Navision version upgrade and what is going on behind the scenes, which options do you have in case of C/SIDE customization or Jet Reports.
Is Your Family Protected?
When you think about Security, what do you think of? We all have one device or another to assist in keeping us safe. We have pad locks and security systems to safe guard our home, alarm systems to protect the equipment in our cars, parental controls on our cable TV and satellite accesses. We even have ways to protect our loved ones from computer invasions.
But are we protected enough, are we using the best devices to combat the unwanted and dangerous intrusions, not to mention keeping our family from stumbling across those out on the internet?
Let?s face it, without the proper soft ware to protect your computer, you are at risk every time you connect to the internet. There are the viruses, the Trojans and unwanted spam, not to mention the chat rooms where millions fall victim of on-line predators, and let?s not forget the #1 problem on the internet, pornography.
You may be saying, but I have the best anti- spy ware money can buy and my internet service provides parental controls. Here?s the underlying question: How effective are they? Statistics show that 95% of internet users don?t have the adequate security to prevent attacks or control the content the computer user can access. The average computer is scanned by online intruders on average of 12 times a day. More and more victims are realizing the importance of these safety devices. The newest trend for identity theft is to steal information and cash out, out side of the country making it impossible to trace and leaving the victims with nothing to replace the funds.
What do I do, you ask? Let me begin with the basics. There are four steps to take into consideration.
1. Evaluate- There are diagnostic tools to find and identify dangerous threats to your computer. These tools are as simple as popping into you computer and scanning your hard drive. Threats are then identified with the proper recommended course of action to take.
2. Eliminate- Once the threats have been identified the obvious next step is to eliminate. These security tools help scan, eliminate and block threatening spy ware, annoying ad ware and cookies, damaging worms and Trojan horses.
3. Protect- Set up a barrier around your computer. This will keep intruders out and create a fire wall. This is the most effective way to defend you against hackers and avoid identity theft.
4. Control- This final step will create a peace of mind for you, with the knowledge that you can avoid potentially dangerous web sites. You can block undesirable websites as well as avoid ones that try to download spy ware onto your computer.
So what?s the next course of action? Find a security device that will cover these four steps and protect you from all of these hazardous things. There are even programs that will do this and automatically update every month to ensure added safety and avoid any new unknown danger.
My advice, find them, get them on your computer to avoid any heartache that could happen. The average cost for these programs, to completely cover you computer, vary from $40- $120 depending on the collection of software you use. The products that will automatically update usually run $5 - $10 a month to give you the essential idea of, get it and forget it. Too many times we forget to update our securities and fall victim of these malicious acts. Don?t wait, don?t become a victim before you take action. What is the price for your safety?
Microsoft Navision Customization and Reporting ? Tips For Programmer/IT Specialist
C/SIDE (Client/Server Integrated Development Environment) - The core of Navision is the C/SIDE. C/SIDE is the foundation for all the business management functionality of Navision. It is made up of five building blocks, called object types, which are used to create the application. These five object types are shared throughout Navision to create every application area, and give it a unified, consistent interface. This powerful language allows for the internal construction of new business logic and sophisticated reporting. Because of the internal nature of modifications it?s highly recommended that you develop all your code in ?processing only? report objects and called from the native code base. By grouping all your code in logical units, upgrades and additional modifications are easier to manage.
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Behave, Word, Behave!
If you copy something from a Web site or elsewhere... or you reuse a document and the formatting is making you crazy with its weirdness, then stop the insanity. The first option to make the document behave loses some of the formatting. You can always undo the changes if you don't like it by pressing CTRL+Z. To dump some of the formatting, press CTRL+A to select all and then select "Normal" from the style drop-down box in the left corner next to the AA as shown in the picture. This changes some of the formatting. If it's too much, remember CTRL+Z is there. If it's not enough, try option two.
How to Build a Basic CSS Layout
Designing without tables by using CSS layouts is fast
becoming the new standard on the Web because of the
benefits mentioned in my previous article. Web browsers
used these days are now able to render web pages
proficiently. In this article I will endeavor to create a
basic 2 column CSS layout which you can use for future
design projects.
Photoshop Files and Formats
People often ask me: What image file formats will Photoshop open or save in? What are the advantages/disadvantages?
C++ Tutorial 2, Input and Variables
This is the tutorial where we really get into programming. Input and variables are the essence of programming. In this tutorial you will learn how to get data from the user and use variables. You will learn the types of variables there are and how to do basic math with them. At first, this may seem boring and pointless, but you have to learn it, and it should go quick.
Microsoft Axapta, Navision or Great Plains: ERP Selection for Large Corporation
If you would like to pick something from Microsoft, or its ERP subdivision ? Microsoft Business Solutions, and in case of large public company, you should consider these three: Axapta, Navision or Great Plains. We are not talking about Solomon here, because it is recommended for project organization. You should probably be aware about specific product life cycle (or is it new or mature one on the market), database platform, average implementation cycle, typical customization requirements, rich vs. standard ERP functionality, etc. Also you should get comparison from relatively objective source, if you are asking to compare somebody, who implements and sells Great Plains ? more likely these people will try to prove that you need Great Plains and it is the best fit. On the other hand if you ask large consulting practice with regional offices to make comparison for you ? you should know that specific regional office might operate with maximum independence and promote, say Navision only.
Bill of Lading ? Custom Reporting for Microsoft Great Plains ? Overview for Consultant
Bill of Lading is required report for Logistics and Freight Forwarding companies. If you are looking at Freight Forwarding software, targeted to automate transportation business ? Bill of Lading with multiple custom forms should be present there. However if you need the extension to standard ERP/Accounting application ? you may be looking at the option to customize the system. Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains might be considered as ERP platform, ready for customization. Let us give you customization highlights.
How to Choose the BEST Charting Software
I suggest that you do not spend a lot of money on charting software as most perform very similar functions. Often the price is inflated to capitalize on the mentality that expensive is better. A software package under $1000 will perform all of the tasks required by even the most advanced traders.
How To Identify, Cure and Prevent Spyware/Adware Infections
Just when you thought you were Web savvy, one more privacy, security, and functionality issue crops up - spyware. Installed on your computer without your consent, spyware software monitors or controls your computer use. It may be used to send you pop-up ads, redirect your computer to websites, monitor your Internet surfing, or record your keystrokes, which, in turn, could lead to identity theft.
Microsoft Great Plains: Getting New Users Licenses ? Annual Service Plan FAQ
Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains, Solomon, Navision, Axapta, Microsoft CRM require existing customer to be on active service contract: enhancement program. Minimal maintenance plan gives you free new software version (however upgrade itself, if it is done by your MBS partner is not free). If you are outside of USA/Canada: Mexico, South America, UK, South Africa, France, Australia, New Zealand ? you may have different promotion campaigns and might be not required to be on the service contract. In this article we assume that you are US/Canadian client.
Microsoft Great Plains Project Accounting ? Overview For IT Director/Controller
Microsoft Business Solutions is now in process of creating so called Microsoft Suites: Microsoft Financials, Microsoft Logistics, Microsoft Manufacturing, Microsoft Professional Services - this last one will be based on Solomon Project module. The long story of Great Plains Software Project Accounting - it was originally created by MatchData, which was bought by Great Plains in late 1990-th and renamed into Great Plains Project Accounting. Great Plains Project accounting future is uncertain - it will not ( according to rumors in Microsoft) become the base for one of the Microsoft suites. However right now it is used by variety of businesses and has good functionality to fit general project accounting needs.
Microsoft Great Plains version 8.5: Upgrade, Customization, VBA, Crystal Reports - Highlights
Microsoft Great Plains is one of the Microsoft Business Solutions family ERP products: Great Plains, Navision, Axapta, Solomon, Small Business Manager. MBS also has Microsoft CRM - Client Relation Management software and Microsoft Retail Management System (Microsoft RMS)
Microsoft Great Plains Implementation in Russia ? Overview for Consultant
Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains is very popular ERP platform in the USA, Canada (including French speaking Quebec/Montreal), U.K., Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Middle East: OAE, Egypt, Arabia, Latin America. Former versions ? Great Plains Dynamics/eEnterprise was also popular in Europe: France, Poland, Russia. When Microsoft acquired Navision Software ? and handed it out to its subdivision: Microsoft Business Solutions ? we saw some geo-strategy changes. Navision, the leader on the European mid-market and successfully overcoming such localization barriers as language translation, adaptation to country-specific taxes and payroll taxes ? was chosen as preferred or the only recommended solution for emerging markets. In Russia we saw dramatic situation, when multiple Great Plains Dynamics/eEnterprise resellers went out of business. At the same time, Russia is huge and lucrative market for ERP/MRP applications and we envision large number of multi-national companies, having GP as their Headquarters chosen solution and who needs Great Plains to be implemented for Russian subsidiary. Here are the implementation highlights for you:
Free Microsoft Word Online Training Tutorial Resources
Microsoft Word is one of the most popular office applications that provide many features such as word processing, web publishing and database creation. Tapping into these Word resources, however, is not always easy and straightforward, leaving users stumped and puzzled.
Accessing XML Using Java Technologies
The most important benefit of XML is its simplicity. Though it is simple it is powerful enough to express complex data structures. Java is one of most important programming languages that is used for creating your web pages.
CRM and Customer Life Cycle
Customer Relationship Management or CRM is a combination of enterprise strategies, business processes and information technologies used to learn more about customers' needs and behaviors in order to develop stronger relationships with them. CRM software systems automate many customer-related business tasks.
Why do Manufacturers Invest in Business Management Software?
With many manufacturing shops heading over seas in favor of lower cost, it is tough to compete in today's marketplace. As a result, the goal for manufactures who want to compete going forward is to run leaner, faster and more accurately.
Great Plains Dexterity Development: FAQ
Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains is Dexterity-written application and currently we see increased interest for Great Plains customers to do in-house Dexterity development and customization. Dexterity itself is written on C programming language and its initial architecture was based on the Graphical and Database platform independence, which C programming language was believed to provide. Initially back in 1994 Great Plains Software Dynamics and Dynamics C/S+ were realized for Macintosh and Windows and pretty similar Dexterity DYNAMICS.DIC dictionary worked for Ctree/Faircomm and Microsoft SQL Server 6.5. In our days Microsoft Great Plains is available for Windows and MS SQL Server only (since version 8.0). In this small article we would like to give you highlights on the most typical entry level Dexterity development questions
MultiNational Corporation ERP Implementation ? Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains
If you look back to the history, you will see that ERP for large publicly traded company had to be built upon very reliable hardware (more likely non-Intel hardware: mainframe, Sun sparc, etc.), powerful database platform: Oracle, DB2, Ingress, Sybase and reliable OS: UNIX. 10 years ago Microsoft had Windows NT first tries, plus Windows 95 was kind of revolution, but not the one to stake on for corporate users. Nowadays hardware (from Intel side), Windows 2003 Server Enterprise Edition, WindowsXP Pro, and Microsoft SQL Server could be considered reasonably reliable plus it is certainly easier to support these products, because of the large pool of Microsoft-oriented IT professionals available Worldwide. Microsoft Business Solutions offers several lines of ERP systems: Microsoft Great Plains, Microsoft Navision, Solomon, Axapta. We don't want to state here that in the future Microsoft will be only ERP systems provider, but it certainly is and will be one of the major players on the ERP/MRP market. In this small article we'll consider the ways to implement large corporation required features in Microsoft Great Plains.
Explore the Internet in a Whole New Way
For a long time now Microsoft's Internet Explorer has ruled as 'King of Internet browsers'. Like many of Microsoft's products an initially brutal marketing campaign pushed Internet Explorer into the mainstream's consciousness and from then on it was the logical, default choice. It's free with the operating system, works well, loads any page and is easy to use. Other web browsers soon faded into obscurity and sometimes even died in the shadow of the new king of the pack. Netscape Navigator, the former 'King of the browsers', has now ceased commercial operations and has been taken over by the fan base. Opera is fading into obscurity and Mozilla was facing a similar fate, until recently.
Microsoft CRM Data Import FAQ
Microsoft CRM has built-in conversion tool, however you should probably first try third party conversion tool, such as Scribe. It is relatively expensive and has bunch of importing capabilities, that you might never use and need. Scribe allows you to map objects in source and target, when source is ACT! for example. If you are just realized the need to load data into CRM ? please research Microsoft CRM import tool and Scribe. Here we will describe other option and possibilities