Software Information
Corporate ERP: Standard vs. Rich functionality ? Microsoft Great Plains
Traditionally we were considering functionally rich systems, such as SAP, Oracle Financials, PeopleSoft, JDEdwards as the fit for large publicly traded corporation. There might be multiple opinions for the future corporate ERP/MRP systems. We would like to give you our prognosis: high-end systems will be losing market to generic granulated standard functionality systems. Customization will be in high demand ? but it will be appropriate to go for light of medium customization versus purchasing high-end functionality system. It is not a secret, that nowadays multiple companies from Fortune 500 list use midmarket solution, such as Microsoft Great Plains as their corporate ERP. In this small article we?ll try to defend our position and give you highlights on deploying Microsoft Great Plains for large corporation.
Microsoft Great Plains: Annual Enhancement Program ? How To Be Re-Enrolled
Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains is mid and even corporate market ERP and as being relatively complex and difficult to do self-support in-house, Microsoft Business Solutions requires you first to have so-called VAR of record, or your MBS partner and second ? pay annual enhancement program, which is typically 16% of you software price list. Enhancement program allows you to get new version of the product as well as purchase and add new modules you might need. Plus you get discounts on the technical support cases placed to Microsoft Business Solutions technical support directly.
Corporate ERP: Microsoft Great Plains For The Plant In Brazil ? Overview For CIO
Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains as new ERP for multinational corporation manufacturing facility in Brazil.
Blind CC (Bcc): Master Its Use When E-Mailing
If you use Microsoft Outlook (or similar applications) for e-mailing, then you are familiar with the fields at the top of a new mail message, right? Of course, in the "To..." field, you enter the name of one or more persons you intend to receive your message. Use the field labeled "Cc..." (for Carbon Copy - remember how they did it back in 1978 BC, "before computers"?) for anyone who needs to view your e-mail but is not the addressee.
Selecting Corporate ERP: Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains ? Estimation Parameters
As we could imagine, if you are reading this article ? you are in the decision making mode, probably replacing legacy system with the new one or abandoning either Unix/Mainframe or Apple direction for your corporation. In any case, nobody should make an outside influence on your decision ? you should be maximally objective. Let us give you our estimates and the parameters to check on the pool of the possible ERPs/MRPs.
7 Things to Consider Before Buying Small Business Accounting Software
The world of small business accounting software can be a minefield for any business owner. However choosing the right package is one of the most critical business decisions you will make.
Getting Patched with Windows Service Pack
Are you one of those people that keeps track of recalls, just in case one of your most recent purchases gets recalled? Well, some of us do, but many of us don?t.
The Dirt on Screensavers
Remember back in the days where screensavers were the coolest thing at the office? You could stare at your co-worker?s ?fish in the ocean? screensaver at the cubicle next door for hours and actually have a full afternoon of conversation about that one screensaver.
Review of TikiWiki Content Management System
TikiWiki is open source software ? it is written in PHP, uses phpAdmin for mySQL database administration, and uses the Smarty Template Engine.
Four Desktop Tools To Drastically Increase Your Productivity
Sticky Notes
Microsoft Great Plains Customization Recovery & Upgrade for Large Corporation
At the end of XX century, in the late 1990th Great Plains Software eEnterprise was recognized as one of the leader on the midsize to large corporate ERP market. Due to the nature of eEnterprise architecture - it is Great Plains Dexterity based application and Dexterity imposes some specific to the database access and table structure ? eEnterprise was subject to relatively inexpensive customization. During the recession time a lot of former Great Plains Software and then Microsoft Business Solutions partners either went out of business or merged with Auditing firms and their Great Plains clients saw this instability and simply stopped annual enhancement program payments and become so-called orphan clients. Today, in 2005 ? it is time to upgrade from eEnterprise 6.0 to Microsoft Great Plains Professional 8.0. If you have major customization for eEnterprise ? you need to understand your options before you find your new Microsoft Business Solutions VAR of record. In this small article we will describe you the main steps and options to upgrade Dexterity customization:
The Tools and Features of Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Photoshop is one of the world's leading graphics editing programs, developed by Adobe Systems. Available on Mac OS or PC, Photoshop is used as one of the leading image design programs for the World Wide Web. The most recent version of Photoshop, or Photoshop CS2, "bridges" between other Adobe products such as Image Ready, Illustrator, Premiere, After Effects, and Encore DVD to produce professional videos and DVDs. Photoshop uses a file format called a .PSD or .PDD to store multiple layers of an image. Recently Adobe released a program called Photoshop Elements in order to give a less expensive version of Photoshop with many of the same features. Although Adobe Photoshop is used primarily in doing touch-up for digital photos, it is also used for creating designs for web pages and professional companies.
Great Plains Dexterity Development: FAQ
Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains is Dexterity-written application and currently we see increased interest for Great Plains customers to do in-house Dexterity development and customization. Dexterity itself is written on C programming language and its initial architecture was based on the Graphical and Database platform independence, which C programming language was believed to provide. Initially back in 1994 Great Plains Software Dynamics and Dynamics C/S+ were realized for Macintosh and Windows and pretty similar Dexterity DYNAMICS.DIC dictionary worked for Ctree/Faircomm and Microsoft SQL Server 6.5. In our days Microsoft Great Plains is available for Windows and MS SQL Server only (since version 8.0). In this small article we would like to give you highlights on the most typical entry level Dexterity development questions
Understanding XML Server
XML Server can be a Web Server that stores the XML files in it and serves them on demand. The XML Server would have processing capabilities with an XML engine and to transform the XML document to other forms. Basically a server which hosts and serves the XML documents is called a XML Server.
SQL Administrator Skills Required to Support Microsoft Great Plains
Microsoft Great Plains is becoming more and more popular and we see new purchases among midsize and large corporations, where, in our opinion, Microsoft SQL Server DB administrator position is a must. If you are database administrator and you are part of the decision making team, purchasing Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains for your corporation, we would like to set your expectation on the level of SQL knowledge, skills and experience needed to support Microsoft Great Plains in-house
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ERP System of the Future: Database, Business Logic and Interface
We will base our prognosis on our Microsoft Business Solutions ERP consulting practice: Microsoft Great Plains, Navision, Axapta, MS CRM. Also we've analyzed Oracle products: Oracle Financials, JD Edwards, PeopleSoft, and IBM Lotus Notes Domino. The trends could be seen in both: so-called functional consulting, dealing with overall system implementation and user training and customization ? customization tools, open vs. proprietary technologies, etc. Our ideas are addressed to large corporate business IT departments, because in our opinion these professionals are under the highest pressure to foresee the future and make proper selection decision today.
Tools for Customizing Great Plains
Microsoft Business Solutions ? Great Plains has captured the US market with its integrated business applications for small and mid-size organizations. Its comprehensive accounting and business management capabilities provide businesses with tools to customize various modules of the Great Plains software. These tools have been proven to have contributed to business growth and tighter control over its processes.
Microsoft CRM Integration With Microsoft Office Documents ? Overview For System Integrator
Microsoft CRM is CRM application, maintained and supported by Microsoft Business Solutions. Microsoft CRM utilizes majority of the Microsoft technologies: Windows Active Directory, SQL Server, MS Exchange, BizTalk (integration with MS Great Plains, and soon with Navision), Message Queuing, .Net web services to name a few. There is market demand on the efficient integration of MS Office documents into Microsoft CRM. Let's take a look at the options:
Two Reasons to Use Timesheet Software
This short paper will expand on two key reasons to move to a computerized timesheet system at your company. There are more than two reasons of course, but these will be expanded on at a later date. The two key reasons to be discussed here are Timesheet Efficiency, and Timesheet Automation.
Five Steps to Rapid Development with TierDeveloper 4.0
Follow the steps below to quickly design, generate, and deploy a great portion of your real-life N-Tier application.
MSN Messenger Is A Sweet Way To Communicate
MSN messenger is a pretty cool invention. I mean I'm not really into serious discussions on the email, answers to questions can often take a few days to arrive because people are so busy these days. I've just been 'hooked up' into Messenger and it's really a different kind of communication, quick, simplistic and even humorous with the capability to express your feelings with 'emotion' cartoons.
Microsoft Great Plains Multicurrency ? Overview For Implementation Consultant
When you first think about multicurrency ? you probably have in mind the revaluation question. Currency triangulation ? which was the need when European currencies were fixed to Euro is not an issue any more.
Open Source Concepts: Dual Licensing Explained
We were recently faced with a decision: either to let a program that took us one year to code die, simply because we do not have enough time to maintain it, or make it open source.
Adware and Spyware
What is 'adware'?
Lotus Notes Domino and Web: Application Development ? Tips for Programmers
Beginning with Domino version R4 it has integration with the Web, and the server itself becomes a HTTP-server. The next releases of Domino Web-server add new functionality (for example servlet managers, supported JVM versions upgrade, etc). To give you general picture and abstracting from details we'll talk about two major Domino Web-server functions:
Lotus Domino/Notes - Microsoft Great Plains Tandem as ERP with Documents Workflow - Overview for IT
Lotus Domino/Notes ? Microsoft Great Plains tandem as ERP with Documents Workflow ? overview for IT Specialist
Groupware and Online Collaboration: Collaboration Series #4
This article is the fourth of a series of articles exploring specific aspects of groupware. The brief informational articles in this series discuss some of the technologies associated with groupware, as well as some of the characteristics of groupware. Some of these characteristics may go hand in hand with business collaborative needs. Other characteristics go beyond what some groupware providers have to offer. The purpose of these articles is to equip the groupware user or investigator with helpful knowledge about the product in order to enable more effective use or to lead the investigator to the groupware service he or she is looking for. This fourth article explores the ability of groupware to facilitate online collaboration.
Change Your Word Docs in Record Time!
Anyone who has ever used Microsoft Word knows that it is a
powerful word processing package. It's loaded with dozens of
features designed to make creating documents a breeze. And anyone
who has used Word's Find and Replace feature knows that this is
one handy feature. It makes changing words or phrases throughout
your documents fast and painless.
Not All Project Management Software is Created Equal
The purpose of Project Management Software is to provide an environment in which a group of people can work together on joint projects. Most projects involve the development and implementation of new ideas, and these ideas have to be presented, evaluated, and revised.
Microsoft Great Plains: Interest Calculation Example ? Stored Procedure for Crystal Report
This is intermediate level SQL scripting article for DB Administrator, Programmer, IT Specialist
Microsoft C# vs. VB.Net
Hi, Guys,
Reporting for Microsoft Great Plains/Dynamics/eEnterprise: RW ? ReportWriter ? Tips for Developer
Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains is written in Great Plains Software programming tool: Great Plains Dexterity. Dexterity in turn was built with conception of graphical cross-platform transferability (in time ? 1992 ? mostly Mac and MS Windows). Plus Dexterity had database abstraction level (through C programming language). The result of such a shrewd future-looking architecture ? Great Plains ReportWriter has multiple restrictions and drawbacks.
Examining the Substance of Studio MX
To all web designers out there, this article is for you! I guess you already heard about Studio MX (I think so!) ? the ideal bundle for professional web designers, bringing together Dreamweaver MX for page design, Flash MX for animation and interactivity, and Fireworks MX for editing and optimizing graphics. With all these components, it certainly provides professional functionality for every aspect of web development.
Basic Steps To Optimize Your Internet Security
After seeing many people complain about their weak Internet security I decided to write down some things that will help you for your Internet security.
Best Spyware Removers
Finding the best spyware removers to detect and remove spyware and adware from your computer is much easier if you consider a few things before you make your purchase. Here are a few things to keep in mind when looking for a spyware protection program.