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The Do?s and Don?ts of Directory Submission
If you own a business online, would like to increase targeted traffic to your site but simply don't have any free time, hiring someone to submit your URL to niche directories may be what the Dr. ordered. I hope the following interview with Tim Mathews who owns http://timmathews.com a Directory Submission Service helps. Before we get started Tim tell us a little about yourself. I am an avid web designer at heart. I have been in the computer industry for about 10 years - back when AOL 2 was the bomb, and if you didn't have a 14.4 modem, you were cruising slow. (Wow, how times have changed). I really enjoy taking the mom and pop 100 product site and building it into a powerhouse ecommerce site. I love building sites, then getting them listed in the search engines and directories, and watching the sales roll in for the client. How did you get started in directory submission services? I first stumbled into Directory submission services when I was trying to get a companies site listed in the search engines. I was trying and trying to get it listed, but no use. After numerous reworking, I finally got the site listed. I was then thinking... Huh, this was tough for me, and I am a pro! I was wondering if others were having issues, and alas, THEY WERE! From then, business has spawned from current local clients to all the seven seas! For those new to the internet could you explain what a directory submission service is? A Directory Submission Service, in my opinion, is a company that will submit your website to directories. Now, the client must be careful when selecting a company. Many I have seen say something along the lines of "We submit you to over 800,000 Search Engines and Directories". This statement alone lets me know that they are not trustworthy. We can all fire up ANY free/shareware submitter and boast the same statement. What I LIKE to see, when checking my competition, is a listing of directories they will submit to. And, of course, no one can guarantee inclusion. What was your motivation for offering directory submission service? Well, to be blunt, I was thinking this could make us some money. I was thinking of my stumbling in the submissions, and how long and hard I worked to get sites listed. I learned what to do, and definitely what NOT to do. I figured it would be a great service. What problems did you have to overcome to start your directory submission service? Our main problems are the sites that boast hundreds of thousands of submissions to directories... This confuses the client to thinking there are this number of "separate" directories. After explanation that there are far less, (We submit to as few as 20 directories up to around 200 for some clients), so you can see why this would be a problem. How did you overcome these problems? We overcame the issues by explanation of the services that the "other guys" provide, and most importantly, we overcame the problem with RESULTS. We do what we say, and get it done. What impact can using a directory submission service have on ones online business? Directory submissions can make the business, LITERALLY. Submitting to search engines is fine, and SHOULD be done. Submitting to directories is definitely a necessity. What kind of gains can one expect to make by using a directory submission service? Once Directory listings take, you can expect to probably double your traffic. Double traffic could mean double sales/leads. What could the downfall be of using a directory submission service? Well, un kept promises. Many "other guys" make big promises, but deliver seldom few or none altogether. Do your research. How long has the site been in business? Do a "who is" look up and see when they bought the domain name just to be certain. Can you give 3 tips on successfully submitting to directories such as DMOZ for example? With Pleasure! Tip 1.) MOST IMPORTANT Tip 2.) Wait. Tip 3.) Do not hound the guides. Thank you for the opportunity to give my feedback in this. It has really been a pleasure. Thanks! Brian Holte Have You Been Thinking of Creating E-books? Brian Holte is a freelance writer/researcher and owner of http://www.theebookking.com. He publishes a newsletter which focuses on brainstorming and researching techniques for e-books.
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25 Common Link Exchange & Search Engine Terms In today's world of website promotion and traffic building, a whole new set of terms and definitions have developed. To be a successful webmaster and/or website owner, it is important to know the meanings of some of the most popular link exchange and search engine terms. Steer Clear of the Internet Traffic Jam Yesterday, I got stuck in a traffic jam. It wasn't the first time and unfortunately won't be the last time! 5 miles of bright beaming red tail lights flickering in my eyes. Just the thought of it makes me kind of nauseas. Especially, when all I was trying to do was go to the grocery store to pick up a gallon of milk! Why Getting More Traffic is the Biggest Mistake Web Owners Make Want to know the #1 misconception among Internet marketers and website owners? Costly Link Exchange Mistakes and How to Avoid Them When you are trying to promote your website, you want to make sure that you make as few mistakes as possible. However, there are a lot of mistakes people commit when making link exchanges that can be costly for their websites. Read the following ways to avoid making those costly link exchange mistakes: What Can Lots Of Content Do For Your Site? Today there are so many web sites on the web, but so few of them have good content and there are even fewer web sites that have large amounts of content. Why is the web like this? For one most webmasters are trying to make a quick buck and others don't know where to begin or are too lazy to do the work. Traffic Genereation: The Number One Skill That Will Generate Cash Flow (Part 2 of 3) If you're feeling a bit of confusion and frustration about how to get visitors to your website and generate more sales, I know exactly how you feel. I felt the same way until I stopped listening to every "big time" marketer that came along with the latest traffic generating trick. Top Tips for Requesting a Reciprocal Link While most webmasters agree that reciprocal linking is a very good way of increasing web site traffic, get your reciprocal link request wrong, and you won't get the link. Use Free Articles To Create High Quality Backlinks Part II The first part has dealt with introductory elements which could provide quality to an article. Yet, there are more to follow with a view to reach the wanted standard quality of the syndication of an article. Linking is Queen If content is king, then linking is the queen that shares his throne. We have all heard about adding content to your site to give the search engines fodder to consume. But the secret to luring the search engines is the links to your site. Today's search engines look very carefully and critically at who is linking to you, and what it is that they are saying about you. A link from a leader in your industry carries a lot of weight and means that your site is important. Two links from industry leaders means your site is even more important. 100 links from random web sites, from industries you are not even related with, means almost nothing. Thus, getting links is only the start; the important thing is getting good links from quality web sites. More of What You Need to Know About Your Website Traffic is Contained in 3 Other Key Stats Their is an old Saying it goes something like this 'Figures Lie and Liars figures. While it is true that you can skew Statistics anyway you want, it is also true that with properly gathered statistics you can learn a great deal about your web site traffic if you know what to look for. Winning the Traffic Exchange Game Winning the traffic exchange game can be done. I was just starting out online and had no money so I was looking for a free way to drive traffic to my site. That is when I first found traffic exchanges. I found the concept to be great and signed up for everyone I found and started clicking and clicking and clicking. After countless hours, a blistered clicking finger and a lot of frustration I found the secret to the game. Professional Traffic Building Tips Let's face it; the Internet is cluttered with all sorts of guides about increasing traffic to your web site. Unfortunately, most of these guides are outdated or incomplete. In fact, many of the techniques being touted in them will get you in serious trouble. Wouldn't you like to build up quality traffic that will stand the test of time? The key phrase is "test of time". You don't want to be a flash in the pan. Link Building That Makes Sense: Who To Link To When you are building links to increase your link popularity, who do you link to? The question of where to link to increase ranking can be confusing. Logical thinking is needed to achieve link popularity in a natural way. Jump-start Your Link Building (without Getting Sandboxed) Link popularity has been written about ad nauseum, but most articles address the subject from a perspective circa 2001. The available information usually focuses on topics such as reciprocal linking or the current price of a PR6 link. But following outdated link building advice is more likely to get your Web site penalized than it is to help you gain top rankings. Website Traffic: 10 Blazing Secrets To Increase Your Sales The more traffics you get at your website, the more your chances of making a sale increases. Linking Your Website To Others Around The World Finding quality traffic though effective website promotions is the number one area all website owners deal with on a daily basis. There are many advantages to linking your website to others around the world. There are marketing companies that have various ideas on how to increase your exposure. One of these ideas is to increase exposure to your site by having over 750,000 incoming links from websites around the world. The sign up process can be accomplished in as little as five minutes. I have found most website owners are extremely knowledgeable about their product but lack the knowledge to properly market. The Swank Meter - What Does Hilary Swank Have to Do With Page Rank? Recently the wife and I were watching Million Dollar Baby. After we were done watching the Movie my wife went on the Internet to see which Karate Kid Movie Hilary was in. It turns out that doing an MSN search on "hilary swank" came up with 190,231 Web Pages, Doing an MSN Search on "mike makler" brought up 2,737 results. So 190,231/2,737 is 69.5. My Hilary Swank Rating or Swank Meter is 69.5 You Dont Have TIME to Sit and Wonder When The Traffic Will Come! There is so incredibly MUCH you can do to successfully promote your website starting in just a few minutes. In fact, the steps I will give you below can be repeated DAILY for 30 days, an hour a day, for 30 hours of hard-core, tested, proven, traffic-nabbing, sales-producing, profit-driving, marketers' bliss. Inter-Linking Articles Strategy ? What You Need to Know Webmasters have so much information available to them on the Internet about how to increase traffic to their web sites, but how do you keep visitors on the site when they get there? If you happen to use the articles format in order to provide interesting content for your readers, have you considered what they do when they finish reading one of your articles? Link Swapping - There IS A Better Way Do you ever wonder what the point is in spending all this time, energy and money trying to spread your website link around? ![]() |
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