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The Swank Meter - What Does Hilary Swank Have to Do With Page Rank?
Recently the wife and I were watching Million Dollar Baby. After we were done watching the Movie my wife went on the Internet to see which Karate Kid Movie Hilary was in. It turns out that doing an MSN search on "hilary swank" came up with 190,231 Web Pages, Doing an MSN Search on "mike makler" brought up 2,737 results. So 190,231/2,737 is 69.5. My Hilary Swank Rating or Swank Meter is 69.5 After Looking up other Popular Internet Figures who Brand there Name and calculating there Swank Meter's it seems that any Swank Meter under 19 is fairly good. Name Branding is Important because it sets you up as an Expert in your Field, Lets Do a Word association if I say Golf, what is the first thing that Pops in your Mind. I Bet it is probably Tiger Woods. Likewise if I say Hotel Conrad Hilton or J. W. Marriott are 2 Names that have been branded to Hotels. For a long Time A. L. Williams was Branded with Life Insurance. Wouldn't you like to be Branded to your Niche Market Like Bill Gates and Computers. The Best way to become branded to a Niche Market is to raise your Swank Meter. The More places online your Name appears the better your branding efforts. The Question now of course is how does one raise their Hilary Swank aka Swank Meter rating? The Power of Viral Marketing is the best way to raise one's Swank Meter. Below are 5 Viral Marketing techniques you can use right now to Brand Yourself 1- Article Submission One Popular Author Claims by writing a few simple articles and submitting them to 20 or so popular Article Directories he Achieved a Swank Rating of about 10. For Over 50 places to submit articles go here. http://ewguru.com/article-submit For Tips on Article Writing go here http://ewguru.com/write 2- Give Testimonials Another Great way to go Viral is by giving Testimonials. Many of the places my name appears and often a link to my web page is in a testimonial. 3- E-Book Give Always Free E-Book Give Always are Another great Viral Marketing Tool. You can Turn your article Collection into E-Book(s) and give them away as an Incentive for someone to subscribe to your newsletter. Of Course to make it Viral allow others to give them away too. It is fairly easy to convert an Article or set of article to a PDF (E-Book) Using this Free Online Tool. http://ewguru.com/freepdf 4- Software Give Always Free Software is yet another Twist on Going Viral. If you can't create your own Software there are plenty of places on the Internet that offer Free Software for redistribution. http://www.ewguru.com/hbiz/freesw-top10page.html 5- Forums Forums are also a great way to Go Viral. Simply find a few Forums on Topics that interest you and respond to posts with useful feedback. Some Forums will even allow you to post a Link. As you have seen the Swank Meter is a Fun Tool to see how your branding efforts are doing. For more Ideas on Viral Marketing look in the Various Article Directories. Here are a few I found recently http://www.ewguru.com/hbiz/viral-toc.html Mike Makler has been Marketing Online Since 2001, When he built his first Sales organization of over 100,000 Members. Subscribe to Mike's Newsletter here: http://www.ewguru.com/hbiz/list-sign-up.html More Articles by Mike http://www.ewguru.com/hbiz/list-sign-up.html Copyright © 2005-2006 Mike Makler [You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long as the bylines are included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated.]
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The Need For A Website Emetrics Audit Before Major Design Changes So you have decided on a design makeover for the website. Or perhaps it's the boss who thinks it needs refreshing and a bit of a lift. DOUBLE HIGHWAY The Dual Importance Of Online Traffic Online traffic, or the number of users who view your site, has taken a heightened prominence in recent years. Whereas before, people scampered for ways to increase online traffic for the sole reason of promoting their products and effectuating more sales, the advent of Google AdSense has drastically changed the playing field of today. Top Ten Ways to Promote Your Website When the Traffic Dries Up Even the best websites with the best marketing plans can run into some problems with traffic every now and again. However, if this happens to your website don't worry because there are many different ways you can boost traffic with just a little effort. Consider the following 10 suggestions to re-gain your customers and boost your traffic. Increase Your Tourism Web Traffic & Sales ? Guaranteed Web sites are a major part of the tourism marketing success strategy used by international tourism promoters in the new millennium: tourism boards, Associations, lodging, tour operators, etc. If your tourism web site does not have these four primary elements clearly and quickly represented, you are missing opportunities and losing sales. The Link Factor There are many different approaches and techniques required when optimising a website for a high ranking in your chosen search engine. In most cases loads of informative, relevant content is required as well as plenty of outgoing links to separate you from the cat like competition. Free Targeted Internet Traffic Let others help with your marketing efforts. You can have strangers pass your site to others and span the globe with viral marketing. Create viral marketing with a free e-book or inviting email, it is powerful and free. To start a viral marketing campaign that grows exponentially and without effort send a witty or clever joke, picture, or poem to people in your address book. If enjoyed the recipient will pass it on to those in their list and so on. You may have received the Bill Gates free offer in your own box. This email has been circulated around the world for over three years and seen by countless. Be sure to include your url with a heading, either near the bottom or in a signature file. Do this once a month and watch your web traffic grow. Traffic Tips To Get People To Your Website Let's talk traffic and how to get it. Your website has at most, 10 seconds to grab the attention of your visitor, so you need to have something "interest grabbing" above the fold. That's a newspaper term for what people see when looking at the top part of a paper. With more than 50 million websites out there, your viewers will demand topic specific information that will make them bookmark you, recommend you to their friends, and make them return over and over. Traffic Generation Tutorials - Article 1 of 10 Bi Weekly Articles This article will be continually updated with your feedback and updates will appear http://www.its-brilliant.com/0001.html. Please See Contact and Reprint details at end of Article An "In Depth" Look At How To Create an email discussion list If you find this information valuable, please send it on to a friend Finding Keywords to Build Your Web Site Traffic What are web site keywords and how do I go about finding keywords that will work for me? Marketing Tourism Online, Part Two: Attracting Visitors to your Website This is part two of an article series which will introduce some basic strategies, considerations, elements, and techniques for marketing tourism products online. We plan to update and refine these articles as situations change and when we have new knowledge to present. If you have comments or questions, or you are interested in Leave Home's travel marketing consulting services, please visit www.leave-home.com or contact the author directly. You can also request to be notified when a new article in the series is available. 131 (Legitimate) Link Building Strategies In search engine optimization, "off page" factors have become more and more important as they relate to rankings. In particular, solid link popularity can literally make or break a site with the search engines. How To Drive Traffic To Your Website How can you have effective results in major search engines? Banner, Link, and Traffic Exchanges really work well. How do you start? The big "trigger target" for Google appears to be links. Back in the earliest days, one link equaled one positive vote, a rather clean sorting concept that worked extremely well in a much cleaner Internet environment. As Google rose to become the dominant search engine, the search marketing industry started to focus on Google. What type of links to use? Incoming and outgoing banner or traffic link exchanges are good places to start like: Free Advertising Forum http://www.freeadvertisingforum.com/ When I visited the page yesterday, there are were 210 on that page at the same time, and in the last 24-Hours: 564. Check out other forums and groups. Like: http://www.adlandpro.com/ or, http://www.bravenet.com Bravenet is one of the largest in the world with over 7 million members. Most Linking Opportunities are no cost. By adding incoming links to your website, search engine popularity grows as well. Linking sites I use that have worked well for my site are: http://www.linkalizer.com/ and, http://www.best-web-directories.com/free-directories.htm Banners Go MLM is one of the most recommeded banner exchange programs on the Internet. http://bannersgomlm.com/ These resources provide over 50% of my website traffic for: http://www.mycashforever.com/ Major search engines provide the other 50%. That will increase as I continue to edit my KEYWORDS, and resubmit, and as more links are posted to my site. My most recent report, after the last monthly submission report indicates: Engine Link Popularity Altavista 75 Google 4 MSN 175 Yahoo! 76 Total Link Popularity: 330 Considering my website did not exist five months ago, I am told by some experts that this is great progress. Use this site to optimize your website no cost for 90 days. http://www.submitnet.net/ You can review this service at my website: www.mycashforever.com Submitnet is used by many SEO companys to improve site optimization, and includes many resources for optimizing your website. Happy marketing, your online friend, Opportunities Now Internet Marketing Services For more information about us, use KEYWORD: "opportunities now internet marketing services" in any major Search Engine. James A. "Jim" Holish 5250 E. Cortland Blvd. #19 Flagstaff, Arizona 85004 webmaster@mycashforever.com www.mycashforever.com Top 10 Traffic Building Mistakes To Avoid When people look to submit their sites to the major search engines, there are some key mistakes that should be avoided for successful promotion. Optimizing Your Dead Links! I have been reading, with great interest, all the online advice about how to optimize a website. We have a financial planning business in Victoria, BC. Like most towns, there are lots of financial planners, investment advisors, insurance agents, brokers, dealers, and Starbuck's locations here. Somehow we needed to find a way to stand out, perhaps by getting our meta-tags in order. 7 Simple Ways Of Driving Traffic To Your Site Using One E-Published Tips Booklet I am not a web designer or search engine optimizer, nor do I play one on TV. However, I do know that the driving force in bringing qualified traffic to your web site is dynamic high value content. That means compelling, interesting, approachable, and immediately useful information, especially when you also directly sell products or services at your site. Increasing and maintaining traffic also demands both offline and online mechanisms to attract those visitors. Get More Visitors to your Website using Free Traffic Exchanges Trying to get traffic to your new website or to your gateway pages for an affiliate program can be difficult if you are just starting out and have little or no advertising budget. Planning For Your Websites Future- Get Search Engine Traffic Five tips to effectively schedule your content. 4 Ways To Use Quality Content To Increase Traffic To Your Website There are multiple ways to drive traffic to your website. You can use pay per click, search engine optimization, email marketing, ezine advertising and many more. The Swank Meter - What Does Hilary Swank Have to Do With Page Rank? Recently the wife and I were watching Million Dollar Baby. After we were done watching the Movie my wife went on the Internet to see which Karate Kid Movie Hilary was in. It turns out that doing an MSN search on "hilary swank" came up with 190,231 Web Pages, Doing an MSN Search on "mike makler" brought up 2,737 results. So 190,231/2,737 is 69.5. My Hilary Swank Rating or Swank Meter is 69.5 The Best Traffic Secret I Ever Learned If you could get high quality traffic that would grow on a daily basis free of charge starting tomorrow would you do it? ![]() |
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