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Social Bookmarking Traffic Results
The results of the social bookmarking experiment I have been carrying out are materialising. There have been some surprising results and some results that have restored my faith in the browsing public. I have been pondering whether or not to release the results as I do not want the spammers to tarnish something that is still relatively pure. But as you can see I finally decided to go ahead and publish. I have mentioned before that I have been looking at social bookmarking as a way to drive traffic to websites. The idea behind social bookmarking is that you share your favourite bookmarks with others, the idea being that if you found these links useful then others might too. Some social bookmarking sites also allow visitors to rate the usefulness of your bookmarks, this allows the truly useful bookmarks to become the most popular. So in theory spam should be removed by natural selection. To carry out my experiment I created three articles. Two of these articles were good well researched pieces, whilst the third was self promotional spam, but not too obvious. I posted these articles to twelve social bookmarking sites and then waited for the results. The results were to be measurable traffic to one of my sites. It was a week ago I started posting the articles so I am still measuring the results but I am able to give you the results as they all point to one conclusion. That conclusion is that social bookmarking to generate traffic does work as long as you are providing genuine, useful, good quality material. If you post self promotional spam no one will read it and it will disappear into the ether where all spam belongs. Of the twelve sites I posted to the best performing in terms of traffic was Digg. Over a period of several days my site received hundreds of visitors from the good articles and less than a handful for the spam article I posted. Of the other social bookmarking sites the traffic was minimal, even the famous del.icio.us only managed to send a dozen visitors which I was quite surprised at. The results seem to conclude that Digg is the out and out performer followed a long way behind by del.icio.us and squik. As yet I have had no traffic from the others, that's not to say that they are not worthwhile as some of the sites were very new. I am going to continue to experiment and will bring you more results as they come in. Finally I would like to say a big thank you to the guys at Digg for producing such a great site. Not only for the traffic that it produces but for also providing lots of really useful bookmarks. My only criticism is the lack of categories which means that some suggestions are not always well matched although there is a search facility. Allan is the webmaster at http://www.blogtonomy.com/ where I will show you how to gain traffic to your site.
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Free Targeted Internet Traffic Let others help with your marketing efforts. You can have strangers pass your site to others and span the globe with viral marketing. Create viral marketing with a free e-book or inviting email, it is powerful and free. To start a viral marketing campaign that grows exponentially and without effort send a witty or clever joke, picture, or poem to people in your address book. If enjoyed the recipient will pass it on to those in their list and so on. You may have received the Bill Gates free offer in your own box. This email has been circulated around the world for over three years and seen by countless. Be sure to include your url with a heading, either near the bottom or in a signature file. Do this once a month and watch your web traffic grow. How to Drive More Targeted Traffic And Sales Than Mini-Sites And Gateway-Pages Combined ? Anytime Many top gurus promoted mini-sites as the cheapest and easiest way to make a profit from an affiliate program. Where Do You Get Quality Content? There are three main sources for you to get the content you need. Website Traffics: 10 Sizzling Hot Secret Phrases To Ignite Your Website Traffics For many months after I put up my new website, my traffic was low and sales almost zero. My Kind Of Targeted Traffic, Cheap There are two types of tools I sometime use to bring multitudes of people to my Web site--with little or no risk to my pocketbook: pay-per-click (PPC) search engines and affiliate programs. Part 2 - Do Not Ever Link to a Site Without Doing This First! Writing Links Free Traffic Course - Day 6 We will start with one Internet Marketing myth - the pop-ups do not work today. They give no effect to the web site, they do not bring any traffic, just distract the attention. This myth is partially true: old-fashioned pop-ups do not work. Modern pop-ups have advanced much further: today they give fresh look to the web site. Finding and Managing Quality Reciprocal Links: A Tutorial for The Newbie All of us want to increase traffic to our web sites. It helps our search engine rankings, and is a very cost-effective way to provide us with potential new customers. One of the best, and certainly least expensive, ways to do that is by exchanging links with sites similar to our own, or that contain content our own visitors are likely to find interesting and useful. It is important to restrict our exchanges to such sites because if we indiscriminately exchange with everybody and anybody we become what is known as a "link farm" and wind up being banned by the search engines. 10 Mistakes to Avoid When Setting Up a Link Directory When adding a link directory to a web site there are important mistakes to avoid, or else you'll be storing up big problems for later on. I know, because I made some of these mistakes and didn't have anyone to offer any advice or tell me what I'm about to tell you. Inter-Linking Articles Strategy ? What You Need to Know Webmasters have so much information available to them on the Internet about how to increase traffic to their web sites, but how do you keep visitors on the site when they get there? If you happen to use the articles format in order to provide interesting content for your readers, have you considered what they do when they finish reading one of your articles? Free Traffic Course - Day 8 If you have any experience of work with your web site, then you know how many changes must be done on the web site to meet with new demands of Internet market. Sometimes these changes may be tiny, like adding some keywords to your text, but if you are not a programmer, you cannot do it. Greetings! From the Island Outlaw: I just had to get into the fray! I'm new to this cyberworld you see and I was surfing the web this morning in search of ways to drum up some traffic for my website. I came across a site called freeviral.com which said it was free! And would work to drive lots of traffic to your site. So I followed the instructions on the page and Lo and Behold I discovered it was just a front for a site called marketit.com owned by one of the so called maketing gurus. TARGET PRACTICE - Generating The Website Traffic That Matters But a mere increase in the volume of website traffic is not the end all and be all of a successful marketing campaign online. There are countless instances of sites garnering thousands of visitors a day, with not a single sale to speak of. Surely, there would be something wrong if a marketing strategy is purely focused to increase website traffic. How to Exchange Links With Other Sites As a result of search engine changes, linking with other sites is becoming an increasingly iportant way to generate traffic to your website. Links done properly will repay the effort and not be subject to the whims of the search engines. No more need to be concerned unduly about algorithmn changes and the "Google dance". What is One Thing a Home Business Entrepreneur Should be Constantly Working Towards? We will begin this topic with one assumption, that our home business comprises selling through a website. Meaning we are website owners. In which case, we may want to manage our website ourselves or hire someone to manage it for us. In either option, it is in our interest to know what goes into making our home business a success or what we are paying for to achieve success at it. Linking Your Website To Others Around The World Finding quality traffic though effective website promotions is the number one area all website owners deal with on a daily basis. There are many advantages to linking your website to others around the world. There are marketing companies that have various ideas on how to increase your exposure. One of these ideas is to increase exposure to your site by having over 750,000 incoming links from websites around the world. The sign up process can be accomplished in as little as five minutes. I have found most website owners are extremely knowledgeable about their product but lack the knowledge to properly market. How To Explode Your Web Sites Traffic With Articles Permanently! There is one golden rule, which is inherent in this free and extremely effective internet marketing strategy. First GIVE, and then TAKE. It's as simple as that. Especially if it's done properly the results could be tremendous. You provide valuable information regarding to your special field of knowledge but before that you must start a specific process. Keyword Articles: Use Magical Keywords in Your Articles and Get Lots of Traffic You get a flash of inspiration and an interesting topic for an article comes into your head. Here we go then! Why Resources Added to a Web site Increase Revenue! There are literally billions of Web sites online now offering all types of products and services. Some succeed brilliantly, while others fail miserably. Targeted Traffic for Your Website - 3 Guaranteed Ways to Create Lift-Off Targeting traffic for your website is as easy as knowing how to simply direct traffic to your website rather than another one. The information web surfers are looking for is usually available on hundreds if not thousands of websites, so you have to make sure you are extremely diligent about keeping your website high in the search engine rankings. There are several ways you can do this which include links, keywords, and pay per click advertising. ![]() |
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