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Part 2 - Do Not Ever Link to a Site Without Doing This First!
Writing Links In the first part of this article we learned some techniques to build a solid potential link partner list for your website. Those sites aren't any good to you if you don't use a strategy for writing the textual content of those links. Yes. I mean those few little words that are underlined in blue. In the right order they give the key to your website door to the world. In the wrong order, they don't budge the cylinders in the lock. Number of links takes second place to quality of links. The words you choose, varying them for each targeted link site, and incorporating some tried and true direct mail standard tactics will make your links more popular in the search engines, which is our ultimate goal. So lets get started! As we said earlier, links are a crucial part of attaining high search rankings. The key to writing good "link content" uses the same tactics for writing all good web content. Namely, don't write for the search engines. Write for your readers and target audience. After you do that, then go back and tweak the little details to optimize for the engines. Why? The search companies attempt to give results for human readers, and because a number one search engine position is worthless if the description of your site is the most boring thing anyone has ever read. You have humans that are examining your site to see if they want to link to you. Even if you pay for links someone has to make the decision that you're worthy of being on their site. And further, you'll never sell your product or service or attain any readership. Let's take a simple step-by-step approach and make sure your links are lively, catchy, searchable and gushing to be clicked. Pretend you're the owner of a pumpkin company website. You sell all things made from pumpkins. Step 1- Review Your Keyword List Those are the words and phrases that you want to rank highly with in the search engines. They are the starting point for your link text. Note: "link text" is the clickable part of the link, the underlined blue type. Let's take some keywords and apply a few tactics to them to develop a good link. A few keywords might be: Step 2- Create variations on those keywords. Think of phrases that someone might enter into a search engine. Using that thought as the core, build outward by elaborating and specifying. Ask yourself "what type of ____?" to help you expand. For example, take the few keywords above and make them a bit more specific to: Note: When coming up with additional keyword phrases (for use within your page elements and link) try this tool. www.inventory.overture.com/d/searchinventory/ suggestion/ is part of Overture sponsored listings (now Yahoo) that will tell you how many times a phrase was searched in their engines on the web. Target the phrases with the most hits. Step 3 Word Varieties Your link should contain enough words so that when read out of context it still makes sense. Not so many words that it becomes blurred when a reader scans through a page. Take the list you just made vary your keyword links using all of those keywords. Search engines raise an eyebrow at seeing "pumpkin recipe" on 50 sites with the exact same phrase all pointing back to you. It doesn't see natural. Mixing up your link text with "pumpkin pie recipie","pumpkin bread recipe", and "cooking pumpkin seeds" and the rest of your list keeps you well diversified without danger of spamming. And your keywords are more focused and targeted which gives you a better chance of being ranked higher. Step 4 Incorporating Direct Mail Tactics Now we have the words that will make up our link text. We're almost finished. We need to give people some motivation to click. The simplest of direct mail programs or incentive marketing campaigns all have a solid "call to action." We need one here too. Why should a reader go to your site? What's in it for them? They've got better things to do. So many websites use the phrases "Click here," "Learn more," or "More info". There's a definite boundary between keeping things simple and clean on a web page and just copping out. When I see those phrases on a link I think the writer didn't have time to get me excited about their product so I don't have time to go look. It doesn't take much to write a simple call to action. For example: Instead of "pumpkin pie recipe," say "Grandma's pumpkin pie recipe and all things pumpkin at The Orange Pumpkin." Now your reader knows the name of your business (which will also be indexed), and thinks if it's made by Grandma it's probably good? I think I'll have a look. Step 5 Put it all together Take your keyword phrase and surrounding text and create your link. The coded form looks like this. Grandma's pumpkin pie recipe and all things pumpkin at The Orange Pumpkin. Every single link doesn't have to be different, but you should have quite a variety if you follow these steps for all your keywords. Don't forget to use those keywords within your page too!! Step 6 Final Thoughts Stay away from link farms and free for all link sites. List in as many Directories as you can, especially ones that are of the same nature as your site. Try to get one-way links. You might be able to buy some from someone fairly cheaply. If you have to get a reciprocal link, stick to sites that are similar in theme to yours. They don't have to be identical, but in the case of The Orange Pumpkin Company, a link from a car dealer is a waste of time?unless that car dealer happens to have a collection of the world's greatest pumpkin recipes on their site. If that's the case, then try to get a link on the page with the recipes. Even though you're goal is to rank high in the searches, write for the end user. Then go back and fine-tune things for an optimized search engine friendly page. Good luck and happy linking! John Krycek is the owner and creative director of theMouseworks.ca. Read more articles on the insights and secrets of website design and development and internet marketing in easy, non-technical, up front English!
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How to Easily Turn Free Content into Traffic or Cash Fast I bet you already knew this. Email Can Be Extremely Irritating There are some extremely irritating things that have become an accepted part of life for virtually all webmasters and as the website administrator of the Wandle industrial museum, I promise you these things evan happen to the small local website’s. Using Traffic Exchange Programs Part 1 I have an ingenious concept in store for you! 5 Unique Ways To Get More Free Traffic Ok so the first way to get traffic is not particularly unique. But the fact is that you will get lots of traffic by writing articles. The traffic won't come immediately but it will come. Articles will also bring link popularity. I wouldn't be doing my job if I wrote about free traffic and neglected to mention articles. 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How to Increase Web Site Visitors For Relevant Terms Using Your Less Relevant Listings Completely by accident and through no effort of my own, besides the effort to get my site spidered by Yahoo's Slurp Search Engine Spider and Google's Googlebot Search Engine spider, I've seen an accidental increase in the visitors to my web site. The Swank Meter - What Does Hilary Swank Have to Do With Page Rank? Recently the wife and I were watching Million Dollar Baby. After we were done watching the Movie my wife went on the Internet to see which Karate Kid Movie Hilary was in. It turns out that doing an MSN search on "hilary swank" came up with 190,231 Web Pages, Doing an MSN Search on "mike makler" brought up 2,737 results. So 190,231/2,737 is 69.5. My Hilary Swank Rating or Swank Meter is 69.5 Build Links, Build Business Increasing your online business hinges on your ability to optimize your web page for the search engines. While different search engines look for different things, some of the larger and more popular search engines such as Google and Yahoo, look for keywords and links. Keywords are important because the Internet is made up of words; however links are just as important because they allow the search engines to weigh your web page in terms of popularity, so to speak. 3 Fastest Ways To Get Traffic To Any Website After all the debate over website design, shopping carts and credit card processors, every website owner eventually comes to the startling realization that they need one more thing to survive - website traffic! Got Traffic? Here's what your website must have to get lots of traffic - links pointing to your site. The more you have, the more traffic you get. Search Engine Submissions That Boost Link Popularity! "Submit to 10,000 Search Engines" or "Submit to over 200,000 Search Engines". This kind of ads should attract customers. It looks great to submit to so many search engines. Submission software is offered that helps to submit hundreds of websites to hundreds of search engines during several hours. What is a realistic, possible result of all these nice tools? The achieved link popularity is near Zero, but the mail box is filled by the autoresponders from the mass of FFA (Free for all) search engines. Which Search Engines count? Only a few of the many search engines really count! 99,9 % of all those who go on-line to find something use one of the 18 top search engines. Scrub The Web provides this information in it's member area. Yahoo, MSN Search and Google are the top three search engines according to Alexa Ranking. Alta Vista and AllTheWeb ? also famous search engines - belong to Yahoo and are supplied by Yahoo. If Link Popularity of a website is measured by the services that provide this information, only the Link Popularity of a website at Google, MSN, Yahoo, AllTheWeb, Alta Vista or Hot Bot is displayed. This shows that only a few search engines really count for Link Popularity. It is not necessary to submit to thousands of search engines, but to the few important search engines in the right way. Manual work instead of automated submissions Yahoo search demands that a submitter of websites has to be logged in a Yahoo email address before the submission can start. Submitting to MSN is only possible after typing of a code that is presented in a window. Google says that it is not necessary to submit a site to their search engines. Their spiders crawl the web and can find the websites. Google offers anyway an Add URL page and does not penalize repeated submissions. It seems that Google Sitemaps is a recommendable tool for webmasters to improve the chance that websites get indexed. Submissions to directories Submissions to directories result in good quality links to the website. The Open Directory Project is the most important of all directories. It is very difficult to get a site listed in this Number 1 directory. Repeated submissions are necessary. Google favours websites that are listed in The Open Directory Project. The Yahoo Directory comes next but it is expensive. The websites of vilesilencer and trendmetrix list hundreds of good directories. A lot of them are free and of high quality. They are spidered by the major search engines. This high quality links are not only good for boosting the Link Popularity, but of the Google PageRank. Quality counts The conclusion is that only the quality of the links counts that can be gained from search engines and directories to the website. Submissions to thousands of search engines are a loss of time and resources. Most of the work has to be done manually. Good results can be achieved, but it is a question of time, rather in months than in a days. 3 Instant Traffic Techniques for Mini-Sites When building websites there are two main options: large content site or small mini-sites. Large content sites are normally more "information" focused. Mini-sites, however, normally have one purpose only, to sell. Thinking of Buying Hits To Your Website? Think Again! Online marketing is an area where you can find a LOT of hype. Make a quick search at Google for 'buy hits', 'ad blaster' or 'email blaster' and you'll have an idea how wide those big void promises of getting 'automatic' traffic to your website. But it's not a real traffic... Site Link Popularity (Site Poularity) Just imagine ... your website having high PageRank and a TON of high quality links in. Impossible? How to Get Targeted Search Engine Traffic Quickly Here's the "How-To-Do-It Guide" for driving search engine traffic right to your website. ![]() |
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