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Start A Cashflow Club
The cashflow board games, Cashflow 101, Cashflow 202, and Cashflow For Kids, were designed by Robert Kiyosaki, best-selling author of the Rich Dad, Poor Dad book series. Robert is a fourth-generation Japanese-American who grew up in Hawaii in the 1950s. His father, the poor dad of the title, was head of the Education Department of Hawaii during Robert's childhood. His rich dad, the father of his best friend Mike, was a wealthy businessman who began teaching Robert and Mike about creating wealth when the boys were nine years old. The Cashflow game teaches accounting, finance and investing, and encapsulates the wealth-creating principles Robert learned from his rich dad. Its purpose is to teach players how to recognize opportunities for wealth in everyday life. It's also a lot of fun. Many players have replicated the strategies of the game in their lives and achieved financial freedom. The best way to play the Cashflow game is to find a group of like-minded players who are committed to pursing their own wealth creation dreams. Playing Cashflow with friends and family can be less satisfying if they don't share your financial ambitions. If there isn't a Cashflow 101 club in your area, it's a fairly simple process to start one. 1. Place an ad in your local paper. Community announcements are usually free. 2. You can offer your house as a first-time venue, or book a meeting room at your local library. You can also meet at a local coffee shop, providing they have a less trafficked area where you can play the game without disturbing other patrons. 3. You need 3-6 players per game, so you can start with a very small group. If no one in the group owns a game, you can agree to purchase your first Cashflow 101 game jointly. Or you may choose to buy your own game. 4. As the club grows, you may need to find a larger venue. Your local council should have a list of meeting rooms on your area. Find out where local community groups meet. These venues will vary in cost and you should pay no more than $30 for room hire. Players can contribute a small sum to cover the costs of the venue, photocopying and refreshments. 5. Continue placing your free monthly ads in the paper. You can also collect players' e-mail addresses and send out a monthly reminder regarding the date and venue of the next game. 6. Usually several members will have their own Cashflow games so there'll be enough per meeting to accommodate the attending players. 7. You can choose to keep the club informal or set up a more formal structure with a committee and paid membership. 8. Once you've mastered Cashflow 101, you may wish to move on to the challenge of Cashflow 202. Less experienced members and beginners can continue playing the 101 game. 9. When your club is up and running you can add it to the list of worldwide clubs on the Rich Dad web site. You'll be amazed at how many local people will find you through this list. Playing Cashflow is a great way to network with people who have similar goals and a range of expertise that will often dovetail with your own projects. Marguerite Bonneville is a Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) whose passion is publishing information online. Her web site, Hidden Keys To Wealth, offers a range of resources for people committed to achieving financial freedom. Visit http://www.hidden-wealth-keys.com for NLP and wealth mindset tools, tips on choosing a wealth creation vehicle and a step-by-step guide to starting a small business.
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