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Who Else Is Tired of Life Punching Them in the Face?
Remember the bloodied face of Randall "Tex" Cobb? He was a boxer who fought in a championship bout against then heavyweight champ Larry Holmes in June of 1982. It wasn't pretty. He was beaten so badly his face was barely recognizable after the fight. As a matter of fact, it was so gruesome that Howard Cosell, the famous sports broadcaster who announced the fight, vowed never to do another boxing match after witnessing such an atrocity...and he didn't. But "Tex" never went down. Despite the pummeling which featured repeated direct blows to his face, he never hit the canvas. "Tex" Cobb refused to lay down and quit. "Tex" became something of a cult hero after that performance. He actually became a movie star of sorts. He's made dozens of TV appearances and you may have seen him in such classic films as "Raising Arizona," "Police Academy 4," "Naked Gun 33 1/3," "Ace Ventura: Pet Detective," and many more. So what's all this got to do with you? Plenty! Well, how many times has life "punched you in the face" repeatedly? - You've made plans and then at the last minute your boss needs you to stay late. - Your relationships may be strained because you work too much. - Then you don't get a raise for all those late nights because the economy is bad...you're told you should be happy to have a job (what a bunch of B.S.!). - And somebody else gets the promotion - not because they deserve it - but because they're a butt-kisser and you refuse to play that game. Do you know what I mean? Surely something like this has happened to you. It's happened to me more times than I care to remember. Everybody knows life's not fair. Bad things happen to everybody - short or tall, fat or skinny, married or single, male or female. Disappointment, failure, and loss have no favorite targets. Everyone has an equal opportunity to experience these things. And the good news is this: just like failure... SUCCESS PLAYS NO FAVORITES We all have an equal opportunity...no matter what your current situation. You see, it's not what happens to us that determines success or failure. It's how we respond to the things that happen to us (especially the hardships) that determines our success. We're surrounded by opportunities, we just have to open our eyes and embrace them. Who would've thought that "Tex" Cobb would be on the silver screen after being knocked senseless on national TV? That's happened to countless others (both literally and figuratively)over the years and they had the some opportunity as "Tex." They just didn't recognize it and more importantly - they didn't take action to make a positive change in their life. Well, now you've got another opportunity, another choice to make, another fork in the road. If your life is perfect in every way, this isn't for you... But if you're like most people, you know life has more to offer...so if you're tired of being "punched in the face" and you're ready to take control, I can show you several opportunities within your grasp and you can just pick the one you like best. Is that fair? =========================================================== (c) Robert Phillips - All Rights Reserved http://www.RenegadeWealthSecrets.com =========================================================== =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Are There Really 6 Simple Steps to Certain Success? Yes! Your FREE Report "Six Simple Steps to Certain Success" is waiting for you. Success is Six Simple Steps Away! Click Here Now ==> http://www.RenegadeWealthSecrets.com =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
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Q and A: Financial Independence Tips For Women From Coni Cecil As a woman Netpreneur, I sat down via e-mail with article-announce regular contributor, Internet marketer and women's financial consultant Coni Cecil of www.cecilfreedom.com. She shared her Internet marketing and financial wisdom for women on the Net. The quote on her site from Eleanor Roosevelt is inspiring: "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." The Wealthy Mindset What is the difference between wealthy people and poor (even average) people? It is not all the money that wealthy people have and the average don't, nor the luxury, nor the lifestyle. It is their mindset. Create Tax Savings And Transfer Wealth To Your Child With A Roth IRA Parents must give serious thought to protecting their family through estate tax planning. While life insurance and trusts should be a part of every plan, Roth IRAs can be a simple tool for passing money to your child on a tax-free basis. A New Economic Policy Anyone knows that material wealth is measured in goods: apples, cars, shoes, sheep, etc. When the number and the quality of these things increases, wealth increases. New Year Resolutions to a Better Financial Future There could not be a better time to mull over the changes needed in our life style than at the beginning of a New Year. This is also a good time to set yearly goals and make resolutions. Each year, according to statistics, almost a third of us make some kinds of New Year Resolutions. Interestingly, although financial future is our main cause of anxiety, our personal finance, according to surveys, gets only to the fifth place in the list of most common New Year resolutions. Rich or Poor - Get the Knowledge Most people work hard all their lives only to "retire" poor then try to live off meagre savings or a small (rapidly disappearing) Government pension. They are forced to live out their twilight years struggling with constant money problems. Many of them have to buy only the cheapest food and are unable to enjoy the little pleasures of life like going to an occasional movie, eating out or taking short trips. They have to watch every cent they spend. Generate Savings with Smart Use of Electricity! No matter what income level you are currently at, generating savings is always a smart move to make. So what is one area you can generate a satisfying level of savings? Change your habits and how you use electricity. Yes, do these simple steps and satisfyingly watch your electrical bills dwindle. Finding Financial Freedom Do you ever get this in your email box: Find Financial Freedom! Make $150,000 from home in the next 90 days! How about 10 times a day? Simple Tips on Saving Simple tips on saving can very often make quite a big difference to your finances. Saving means giving up something now, so you will have more in the future. A consistent, long-term saving program can help you achieve your goals. It also can help you build a financial safety net. Experts recommend that you save from three to six months worth of living expenses for emergencies. Getting An Offshore Bank Account Via The Internet There is no need to use the many middleman websites you will find via a search engine. Most of these are *bogus*, even the slick-looking ones. More and more banks are offering offshore bank accounts direct. Just get a list of banks in the country you're interested in, and go to their web sites. Trustees: Who Can You Trust? Early in my legal career I represented two young women in their early 20s. Are You Ready For Undesired Events? Planning for the undesired, accidents and possible unknowns in life. Recently, a remote friend of mine died during an accident. I don't feel particularly sad, but I was shocked to know because the scenario was quite dramatic. You?re Eating Your Retirement Money Ever think about how eating all those fast food meals for lunch are effecting your pocketbook. Let's do the math. You eat out 5 days a week at an average cost of $5 to $7 a day. The Old Monied Dupont Nemours and Roosevelt Families Buy a Tax Haven This 4,000 acre sale (now a marina and resort town - with an airport for jumbo jets (the $50,000,000 airport was donated by the UK government) went down in the 1970's - not the 1870's!?!? Build Wealth From Home As you sit in traffic, inching along between irate drivers, you think to yourself, "there must be a better way." You get to work, you endure another tirade from an incompetent boss, and you think, "there must be a better way." You work hard, you're underappreciated, underpaid, and fed up. After all this, you can barely pay the bills, and haven't taken a real vacation in years. The 11 Best Money Saving Ideas of All Time - Part 2 At any time in history, no matter what the current state of the economy, no matter what the current trends, no matter what the unemployment rate is or where interest rates lurk, some money-saving ideas stay true. Anthony Robbins 12 Reasons Why People Dont Get Wealthy According to Wallace Wattles, in his popular wealth treatise called the Science of Getting Rich, said that, "There is a science of getting rich, and it is an exact science, like algebra or arithmetic. There are certain laws which govern the process of acquiring riches, and once these laws are learned and obeyed by anyone, that person will get rich with mathematical certainty." Uncle Sams Snake Oild Uncle Sam and his band of merry-men, better known as Congress, have been pushing snake oil on the unsuspecting public in the form of retirement plans. But wait, isn't a pension plan one of the perks we look to when shopping for an employer? Well, not all pension planning is created equal and in most cases, quite disastrous. Investing is About Discipline If you don't have discipline then walk away from the idea of being rich. You see, getting rich without discipline is relying on the lottery or your favorite pony ambling past the finish line in front. And how likely is that...? Still Using Federal Reserve Notes?(How to Beat Inflation) "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." ![]() |
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