The Recipe for Getting Published

Mridu Khullar

Got talent but no clips Heres the recipe for getting published...

* Procrastinating

When youve finally decided you have to put into writing the fabulous idea that just struck, you enter the first phase of the writing process. "Ill start tomorrow," "Im not inspired yet" and "I just dont have the time" are some of the phrases that will form a part of your vocabulary. When youve incorporated them into your daily lifestyle, youre ready to enter the second phase.

* The Blank Screen

You sit in front of your computer, usually without a clue to what youre supposed to be doing. You stare at the blank screen constantly without blinking. You may take short coffee breaks or a walk, but you still make it back to where you started. Type a few lines of crap, then erase. Repeat this process a number of times, and proceed.

* Feeling Guilty

Now you begin to wonder what kind of a writer you actually are. Your love for writing suddenly disappears and you make futile efforts to convince yourself that this was what you were meant to do. You know youre in this phase when you start considering other job options. When youve finally decided to quit writing, the next phase begins.

* Getting Over it

You inform your family and friends that won’t be writing any more and they do everything in their power to convince you otherwise. Sooner or later, you give in to the pressure and decide to write again. The time taken in this step can vary according to the intensity of your denial and the inability to land another job.

* Writing

In this stage, you finally manage to prepare your first draft. This may take several days, and in some cases, several years. But after this stage, youll be back on track and the fears and anxieties of the earlier steps will slowly die out. Pat yourself on the back if you can or get somebody else to do it for you.

* Editing and rewriting

Read and reread your work so many times that youre totally sick of it, as you correct mistakes, improve the style and add important things. Now your writing is almost in its completion stages. But before you start flying again, you might want to come back on earth to complete the remaining steps.

* Showing off

You show your manuscript or article to your friends, family and neighbors asking for opinions on it. Try not to think about the check youll be getting while they voice their thoughts. Some of you may want to hire professional help. In that case, opinions from friends and family dont count.

* Submission

Convinced that you have a winner, you approach the editors or publishers youre planning to submit to. Arm yourself with a good query and convince them to ask you to send in your work.

Caution: Editors have an uncanny habit of throwing things out the window. So, read the submission guidelines before making any moves!

* Desperately Waiting

A long process, but can vary depending on the cruelty of the editor. This phase could last from as little as a week, to more than a few months. Try to stay patient, and dont lose your cool. DO NOT send inquiries about your submitted work at least for the first few weeks.

* Rejection

If youre new to writing, this stage will almost always have to be dealt with. If youre lucky enough to get accepted right away, you may skip the next step. This stage could lead to excessive drinking and spells of depression.

* Repeat

Repeat the submission and waiting steps as per requirement.

* Acceptance

You should be flinging your arms in the air and screaming at the top of your voice. Try not to scare the neighbors though. This stage is marked by a temporary spell of insanity.

* Getting published

When your work is published and youre carrying your work all over the place to tell people about it, you can be sure youve reached the final stage. This marks the final line. Now just sit back and enjoy!

About The Author

Mridu Khullar is the editor-in-chief of, a free online magazine for writers. Sign up for the free weekly newsletter to get a complimentary e-book with 400+ paying markets. Also check out her e-book, "Knock Their Socks Off! A Freelance Writers Guide to Query Letters That Sell," available at

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