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Why You Must Stop Setting Goals
My goal in life is to have no goals. They get in the way of true progress. Plenty of successful people swear by goal setting. They're praising the wrong behavior. Brain research tells us that the goals don't matter--it's the intention that gets us where we want to go. Intentions and goals are not the same. Goals tend to be arbitrary and number-oriented, such as the number of pounds lost, amount of money earned, number of hours spent in the gym, number of new clients introduced or new products developed. Intentions are big-picture statements about what fulfills you. It's a little harder to measure an intention, but the results are more meaningful. Let's say you want to lose 20 pounds. How will you feel when you do that? What will your life be like if you are 20 pounds lighter? Establishing an intention requires recognizing what will satisfy you. You want to lose weight so that you will feel healthy, strong, fit, confident, attractive, and sexy. The number on the scale isn't what matters most--it's how you feel each day. Here's a weight loss goal: I will lose 20 pounds in five months. Here's an intention: I feel strong, healthy, fit, confident, attractive and sexy. The problem with typical goals is that we tend to get bogged down by our "even though" statements. We tell ourselves that we are going to lose 20 pounds EVEN THOUGH we failed last time, EVEN THOUGH we question our ability to do so, EVEN THOUGH we don't think we'll be able to maintain it. Our minds go directly to the negative images and we sabotage our efforts before we even begin! Here's a thought: Why not create an intention that will get your brain to work for you instead of against you? Intentions allow us to picture ourselves--and how we'll feel--when we are successful. There's no room for failure in the picture. We focus on the positive and powerful feelings we'll have. Intentions are always stated in present tense, as though you are already where you want to be. Instead of saying, "I will be strong, fit, healthy, etc.", you say, "I feel strong, fit, healthy, etc." What seems like a small semantic difference is a huge shift in our brains. The latest brain studies suggest that the most effective way to change our beliefs is to create a mental story of success. We need to picture ourselves as we want to be, and we need to talk about it. Here's the basic formula: See it, say it, hear it. Our unconscious brain sees everything in pictures. It does not filter images based on what our conscious mind considers true, likely or possible. It literally does not distinguish between reality and fantasy. Think of the nonsensical dreams you've had! Language is most fully processed in the brain when there is a visualized image to go along with it. These images and words become linked to create our "truth"-- at least, according to our brains. And that's where it matters most. Say it out loud, and you're engaging your aural learning skills as well. By intentionally creating new images through visualization, we literally create our own version of reality, and as you've probably learned by now, we tend to live in whatever reality we construct. Our potential is limited only by the mental images we choose to develop and store. It's that simple--and that profound. Stop setting goals, and start creating intentions. The secret is to include ALL of these steps:
What's your intention? Focus on feelings, not numbers. Picture it, and write it down. Repeat it to yourself until it becomes familiar and beloved--complete with favorite parts, great pictures, and a happy ending. Stop pushing toward goals and start being pulled by your intentions. Let your brain go to work for you. See it, say it, hear it. You'll never need another goal! About The Author Maya Talisman Frost is a mind masseuse. Her work has inspired thinkers in over 80 countries. She serves up a satisfying blend of clarity, comfort and comic relief in her free weekly ezine, the Friday Mind Massage. To subscribe, visit http://www.massageyourmind.com.
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You can't get anywhere if you're not heading in that direction. Intention is essential. Combining the Mind and Effective Goal-Setting Goals are of vital importance in our lives. Many of us spend our lives without any definite purpose, simply drifting from place to place. Setting goals help us to focus our lives and to advance confidently in a definite direction. Without them, I don't think our lives can truly be complete. Making The Goal-Setting Process a Partnership MAKING GOALS: Effective and motivational goals engage employees in work they can realistically perform and complete, and which has been shown to be relevant both to the organization and to the employees' interests. Plant! -- And Accept The Consequences! Welcome to Weekly Wisdoms. Last week I found a new way to communicate over the internet with audio. After you listen, if you'd like to try it for yourself, click here for a chance to make your own free audio postcard... Too cool! Have fun! What a busy week! The lumber package for the barn is on the way. Malcolm is here to saw up the rest of the logs for the siding. We are building a new riding arena. Three new potential clients. And we planted 3 acres of grass! Actually we put down twelve thousand pounds of lime, fertilizer, grass seed and clover seed. I feel like a farmer! I woke up this morning thinking about all that seed and what it might look like next year. ![]() |
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