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Success Through The Power Of Daily Action
Daily actions to achieve your goals means daily progress and daily excitement as you start to feel your dreams are actually coming true. As you take action daily, you cannot fail to realize that you are moving steadily towards your goal and this can only fill you with growing enthusiasm and the belief that, at long last, you will achieve your goal whatever it is. If you don't take daily action, you leave a vacuum for doubts to creep in. They will puncture the tyres of your band wagon before you have realised it. You also leave an empty space in your life which will soon be filled by other priorities. Five years ago, I nearly finished a book on how to make Religious Education fun. I made the mistake of not working on it daily and before I realized it, other activities like attempts at network marketing had taken over and I lost the excitement of completing a great project based on years of teaching Religious Education in London comprehensive schools. I had wasted a life time's effort and knowledge. However, recently I restarted this project on a daily basis and am completing what I had begun five years ago. I am working daily on the book which has now turned into a series of books. The first one, called "Hit The Target", has already been completed. The second one is nearly completed. The excitement and enthusiasm are back. I also know now that if I again start leaving gaps in my daily activity on the book, I will lose momentum and could even end up not finishing the project again. Once you feel the momentum of progress, don't stop and relax. Keep going and strike, in the time honoured phrase, while the iron is hot. Momentum is precious. Daily activity will maintain it. Leaving gaps in your daily activity will not. To make sure that I keep up daily activity, I make writing the book or series of books a major priority which I begin as early as possible in the day. Daily activity keeps your project, whatever it is, clearly in your mind. Your brain is buzzing with ideas. If you start leaving gaps, the ideas and the images can soon become vague little clouds on the far horizon. The same thing happens with physical activity or learning any skill involving physical movement. Daily practice or exercise will allow you to see and feel the progress you are making. Start leaving gaps and you will start forgetting to practise or exercise. I teach a great modern martial art called Choikwangdo to my students twice a week. I praise them for turning up twice a week in all kinds of weather but I also urge them to practise daily at home as well. For one thing they have to learn many forms or patterns of movement. If they don't practise daily they will start forgetting these forms and fail to perform them with power and conviction. They will relive the nightmare of the actor who has failed to practise his lines on a daily basis. Those who practise daily stand out from the rest like an eagle among chickens. They also enjoy what they are doing far more and they start to feel the excitement of turning into a powerful and awesome blackbelt. I have achieved a little skill with the nunchaku after practising daily for one or two demonstrations but once I dropped the daily practice, my skill and enthusiasm diminished rapidly. Obviously, you can't do everything every day. But try to make the activities that are important to you daily ones. Failing that, perform them every other day or even weekly or, as a last resort, monthly. If you do something on a consistent basis even if it is not daily, you can still make visible progress. But if you want to take the route of powerful, accelerated and exciting progress, practise daily! You may have the occasional lapse of focus and leave gaps at times. If you do, read this article again and get back on track! Good luck! About the author John Watson is an award winning teacher and fifth degree black belt martial arts instructor. He has recently written several books about achieving your goals and dreams. They can be found on his website http://www.motivationtoday.com along with a weekly motivational message and books by other authors. Ezine editors / Site owners
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When procrastination takes over... 5 Motivation Killers and How To Avoid Them Motivation is an oft-discussed subject, particularly with regards to whether or not it is something that can be "taught." Some people believe that motivation is something that can be "caught" like a virus, whilst others (myself included) believe that motivation is something that has to have start from within, and for personal reasons. Keeping Perspective: When Bad Things Happen That Are Not Life Threatening The very first thing to question is how important is this in the overall scheme of life? Compared to all of the things that have happened, are happening, and could happen in my life - how bad is this? Is it something that will impact the rest of my life? Is it temporary? Although the pain may not feel like it's temporary, it usually is. It's important to get a perspective. 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The average prisoner has several weeks notice before he is released. During this time he daydreams of spending time with his children, eating "real food" surrounded by family and friends. Some even fantasize about a parade waiting for them upon their release. No more counts, lockdowns or being told what to do. In a few weeks he will show the world how wrong it was for sending him here in the first place. The average prisoner holds onto the dream of starting his own business, helping at-risk youth, and traveling the world first class. For the next several weeks all of their thoughts are positive and productive. Never a mention of being strung out on drugs, being in any kind of trouble. Nor a thought of anything other then complete success. There are far too many horrid memories of this place to ever want to come back. As the day approaches the family encourages him constantly that all his dreams are plausible. Having been less then nothing the last ten years of his life there is nothing he wouldn't do to maintain his freedom. Taking a walk around the big yard, he looks at the walls that cast a shadow over his life during his time here. Blocking out all the death here because it no longer belongs to him. Trying to recall the young boy who first walked in here ten years ago yet unable reclaim his innocence. That's alright though, I don't need that boy because it's over now. I beat the system; I lived to walk out of here. Being Determined - What Good Will That Do? 'Consider the postage stamp: its usefulness consists in the ability to stick to one thing till it gets there.' -- Josh Billings Listening Skills Listen to win Sales Three Simple Ways to Motivate Yourself Today! Are you having a hard time getting things done? Are you making no steps toward achieving your goals and dreams? Could you use a little "motivation"? 9 Ways to Motivate Yourself When You Just Dont Feel Like It Achieving the really big goals and dreams always involves breaking it down into do-able little steps. Assuming that you've picked a goal or dream that you really love working at, then most of the steps are a delight to take. No matter how much you love your dream and no matter how much you love your work, there are going to be tasks along the way that you really don't want to do. Those pieces of work that we hate doing can be the very ones that sabotage our success. How do you stay motivated during those parts of the journey? ![]() |
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