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Procrastination Emancipation
It's early January as I sit down to research and write this newsletter. I launch my web browser, surf over to MSN.com, surprised to find the feature article displaying a picture of Santa Claus with the caption "It's not too late to have your presents arrive on time." Somebody's been procrastinating - either Bill Gates or me (maybe I didn't refresh my browser). Or maybe my computer is trying to give me the hint to stop procrastinating and set about the task of writing this newsletter. Nah... Bill Gates must be the guilty one! When it comes to procrastination, most of us are quick to acknowledge the problem and are s...l...o...w... to do something about it. I surf over to dictionary.com and look up the definition of procrastination, hoping it means something other than I'm lazy. pro·cras·ti·nate: v. tr. Hmmm... this is getting serious. I better stop shillyshallying and get some help. Didn't realize I was delaying needlessly. Off I go in search of solutions to my problems. It doesn't matter that it's now lunch time - no point in delaying. Ignoring my grumbling stomach, I search relentlessly for the magic pill to make me stop procrastinating. You see, this isn't the first time I've procrastinated but I'm hoping it will be the last. Three hours later, I'm a procrastination expert. My eyes are blurry, my head is spinning but I'm committed to a ten step program to stop procrastinating. I have been freed from oppression - I have broken the bonds and liberated myself from the control of procrastination. I stand proudly at my desk and declare my Emancipation from Procrastination, freeing myself from the bonds of laziness. I have a dream, that one day my habitual procrastination, as noted by my mother - whose voice comes back to haunt me with labels such as disorganized, scattered and lazy - will be transformed into an empowering situation where the endless to do lists and procrastination temptations will be forever banished to the annals of accomplishment. I have a dream today where I recognize that I walk not alone on this path to procrastination but am in fact in excellent company (see Bill Gates above). This will be the day when I sing "My list, 'tis of thee, endless list that plagues me, of thee I sing. List of tasks I don't like to do, list of thorns in my side, from every desktop, let the work begin." And if I'm to change the pattern of procrastination. this must become true. After hours of research, I've finally understood that one of the big reasons I've been procrastinating is that I'm focusing only on finishing. So I'll begin to concentrate on starting. All I need to do is keep starting, and the finishing will take care of itself. Which brings me to another thing my mother used to say... but I think I'll leave that thought unfinished. Energized and ready to tackle the daunting task of writing this month's newsletter, I'm excited to have broken free from the shackles of procrastination that bound me. Free at last! free at last!... now if only I could find my pen. Maybe I'll do this tomorrow.... (c) 2005 Deborah Carraro, Deborah Carraro is the Founder and Owner of Vascorp VA Services. Vascorp VA Services is the virtual support specialty company for solo professionals and entrepreneurs. We work late so you don't have to! Vascorp brings you the very best in virtual assistant services: shopping cart integration, affiliate program management, web design,ebook design, desktop publishing, business consulting services and more! She publishes a monthly newsletter Vascorp VA Advantage. To subscribe or find out more, please visit http://www.vascorp.com/va.
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Take a Turn at Tenacious! "Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan 'press on' has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race." Calvin Coolidge 10 Common Money And Success Myths ? Part 2 Here are a few commonly held beliefs, or "myths," that hold many of us back from achieving success... Activity Versus Accomplishment Each and every day, all of us continually search for the extra edge to win at the sport of sales and marketing. One of the most important things that you need to know is that there is a thin line that exists between activity versus accomplishment. Many people feel if they are "active" then they are productive. This is not true! Too often people run around shuffling papers, go back and forth to meetings and are continually on and off their cell phones, but they never accomplish a single task. Consequently, they never obtain their ultimate goal. Excuses, Excuses, Excuses Lately, I've become super sensitive to the amount of excuses people make for not living up to their fullest potential. Lights, Camera, Take Action Have you ever had a great business idea? Getting Out of a Rut Are you feeling bored or restless? Do you need to make a change of some type? People who make creative breakthroughs are the ones who usually are looking for different ways of doing things. I am going to suggest some possible ways to get out of your rut. This could actually be fun. Now, please keep an open mind. Walking a New Road (excerpted from the Take Charge of Your Life 6 CD series) What Is The Value In Wanting To Accomplish Something? When I listen to people tell me about some of the things they want to do, I pause for two reasons. One is the fact that I'm listening and watching them to see if they are serious within themselves. Secondly, if it's something they really believe that they can accomplish. Procrastination: Make It Work FOR You! Man, I love to procrastinate! And I'm pretty darn good at it, too. Would you believe I started writing this article almost six months ago? Yep. But then I found lots of ways to, well, procrastinate. But I guess you've already figured that out... Mortgage Marketing - How to Maximize Your Motivation Do you have the motivation to succeed in the mortgage industry? Without the drive to succeed you will surely fail. Turn your Dreaming into Doing The first of January and September, as well as our birthdays seem to be the times in a year when we focus on the gulf between where we are and where we would like to be. By now, many of you have already given up your New Years Resolutions and settled back into the comfortable routine of last year. Before you get too snug, dust off your dreams and look at them again. Let's make this year a year to be proud of. Let's make this the year of personal reinvention, to do the things that we have always wanted to do, and to become the women we have always wanted to be; doers, not just dreamers. Are You Stuck? You know the feeling. Full Steam Ahead, Just Dont Go Off Half Cocked! Do you do things that you don't want to do? Do you not do things that you do want to do? Do you find every reason in the book to delay what needs to be done? Would you like to know the secret of getting things done? Then hang on tight, cause this buds for you. The Best Day Of My Life Today, when I awoke, I suddenly realized that this is the best day of my life, ever! Comment on Extra Ordinary Men of Our Time Remember during the missions of Apollo. And others we knew every astronaut by name, we made them heroes. We celebrated their bravery. And they were brave too. If you ever get to Alamogordo Space Museum, Lyndon B Johnson Space Center in Houston or Kennedy Space Center and Museum in FL and look at the little tuna cans these guys went up in space in you then know just how brave they were. If you get a chance go to the Pima Air and Space Museum in Tucson AZ and look at the old brave technology you will simply want to relive a little of American technology, guts, glory and challenge. Overcoming Limiting Beliefs It is not just new age hype, studies in the area of quantum physics are leading to a growing acceptance of the theory that we can control the outcome of events by concentrating on changing our thought patterns and focusing on our preferred result. Lights are Off and No One is Home The other day I was on my way home, and for some reason all the traffic lights were out. It was 5pm, so needless to say it was rush hour, and pure chaos. Resistance Is Natural - but Not Helpful - in Times of Change Here are five feelings we all experience in changing times. Check these out for yourself by thinking about times when you were experiencing significant life change, either personal or professional. Why Do Flowers Inspire Me So Much? I grew up in a very cold climate where winter seemed go on for 6 months and ice, snow and barren trees is what you saw on a daily basis. Plus the bone chilling cold and cloudy skies all made for a long dreary winter. Awaken The Sleeping Attitude Within You! I have made the statement numerous times that; "You are the most important living person." Take some time and think about yourself. Look at yourself in the mirror and see how long you can stare without walking away. If less than five minutes, then you need an attitude adjustment. ![]() |
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