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Turn your Dreaming into Doing
The first of January and September, as well as our birthdays seem to be the times in a year when we focus on the gulf between where we are and where we would like to be. By now, many of you have already given up your New Years Resolutions and settled back into the comfortable routine of last year. Before you get too snug, dust off your dreams and look at them again. Let's make this year a year to be proud of. Let's make this the year of personal reinvention, to do the things that we have always wanted to do, and to become the women we have always wanted to be; doers, not just dreamers. The dreams may be made about the books we would like to read, the projects we would like to complete, the weight we would like to loose, the trips we would like to take, the degrees we would like to have after our name, the business we would like to start, the houses we would live. The dreams that women have are as diverse as they are, they range from personal to spiritual, from familial to professional. None seem too big, and on the flip side, none are too trivial. Here are some steps that may help you turn your dreams for the upcoming year into attainable goals. 1. Write your dreams- Moving your dreams onto paper is the first step from bringing them from the invisible realm of the mind or heart to a tangible form. You need to see your dreams on paper. 2. List your goals as affirmation statement- refrain from using the term "I would like to" or "I want to" and use strong affirmations. "I will" or "I am going to." Somehow with just that shift in words the dream becomes just that much stronger, a promise to yourself. This year I will ___________________________. In the next three months I will have _____________________. 3. Set limits to your goals - Put values and limits on your goals and be specific. The more general your goal statement is the less likely you are going to reach it. An example of an abstract goal is, "I want to lose some weight this year." A specific goal would be, "I will loose 25 lbs in the next six months." 4. Think from the end- Project yourself into the future. Picture yourself with all of those goals accomplished. What are the steps that had to be taken to get you there? Some things are easy to figure out, for example: - To lose 25 lbs in the next six months you must consistently loose a bit more than one pound per week. This goal is doable. - To read the Bible in a year, you must read only 3 chapters a day. To start a business or organize your home, get out of debt, or write a book, the steps are more numerous, and perhaps more complicated, but when they are broken into small bite-sized manageable tasks, to be accomplished weekly or daily chunks they don't look so daunting. 5. Hold yourself accountable- This is the thing that separates the doers and the dreamers. Do something every day and each week towards reaching your goals. If we really want it we must be willing to work for it, to invest time to it. Some may find that they work best with an accountability partner, others, realize they owe it to themselves, and themselves alone, to succeed. I challenge you. Put your dreams into writing, then work to make them reality. ************************************************************************ Time is an equal opportunity employer. Each human being has exactly the same number of hours and minutes every day. Rich people can't buy more hours. Scientists can't invent new minutes. And you can't save time to spend it on another day. Even so, time is amazingly fair and forgiving. No matter how much time you've wasted in the past, you still have an entire tomorrow. -Denis Waitley Pamela is a freelance writer, teacher, and workshop facilitator addressing the needs of women who juggle homes, families and careers. Pam has been teaching and facilitating workshops for women for almost twenty years through business organizations, women's groups and churches both in Canada and the United States.
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Do We Have Free Will? It is being suggested here that we have only one real choice in life: One Last Month to Make it Count! Can you believe it, summer is almost over. Did you get to accomplish everything you planned? Did life sneak up on you, such as unexpected bills, a loss of a job or did your situation change? Well, the busiest 2 months of summer are over, with literally weeks until school starts up again. There's a lot of juggling finances as you finish off your summer trips, buy school clothes and rush to the store to buy up all the school supplies you can get your hands on. For the kids the hustle and bustle has just begun, but for the single parent this is just a normal month. How often do we have a busy month like this and we don't think twice about it. It's a regular routine for us, we work, we buy, and we're broke. There's no "ifs", "ands" or "buts" about it. We work hard, play less and fall into an eternal cycle of Single Parenting. Half the time we don't know which end is up, just as long as those kids are fed, the bills are paid and we can get to work on time. Life?s an Illusion I'll get right to the point. Life is not necessarily what we think it is. And no, I'm not going to extrapolate this to the extreme to try to convince you that we really exist on some obscure planet in a distant spiral galaxy and that all of this we're experiencing as "Life" is only a dream. Of course, it is kind of cool to think that we could waking up any time now, wandering out to the kptfrun to put on the cuggy and then stepping out on the prafo to watch the bos rise and enjoy the sounds of the bilbs as they greet the morning. We naturally, would be all the more enlightened because of the dream experience of the previous night and could therefore anticipate an even more productive, enjoyable day at the Snark assembly plant. (Does excessive caffeine intake cause everyone to think weird stuff like that? Probably just me, huh?) Ignite Your Life! Where have you come from this past year? What have you accomplished? Don't like the answers? Wish you had better ones, more fulfilling ones? You can - just one year from now! 7 Tips to Keep up Your New Year Resolutions There are many people who enthusiastically make their New Year Resolutions with a fond hope that they will stick to them and thus make changes in their life for the better. How to Tune In Your Brain and Feel Motivated in Minutes Want to know how to run your brain and be more motivated? At A Dead End? Look Deeply Into My Eyes! The president of a large North Eastern company, doing business internationally, was visiting his California division. While he was there, he saw a very large photograph of, of all people, himself, hanging on the wall. Three Simple Ways to Motivate Yourself Today! Are you having a hard time getting things done? Are you making no steps toward achieving your goals and dreams? Could you use a little "motivation"? Dont Get Hysterical About The Historical The tension was palpable in the room as I began the first marital counseling session ever for the couple who had passed their 50th anniversary several years before. After a few pleasantries designed to put them more at ease, I invited, "Tell me about what brought you here." Five Ways to Expand Your Comfort Zone Expanding your comfort zone isn't quite the same as building self-confidence. However, the two do fit together rather nicely. The one begets the other. So many people feel stuck in a rut... bored from a routine that is safe and comfortable but not very exciting. Fear of falling flat on your face or of looking foolish stops you from reaching out beyond that cozy little life you've created for yourself. If your goal is to expand your comfort zone, then you must think positive while doing these. Remember that nothing really bad can happen to you if you are smart in how you go about trying new things. It's all just new adventures. Become like a curious child and have some fun. Motivation: 5 Powerful Emotions You Can Use Experiencing strong emotions is not uncommon. What is uncommon is applying these emotions to motivate you to change and grow. Whats Stopping You? We're all familiar with the cycle: Motivtion: The Power of Responsibility One of the things I've noticed about successful people is that they have a clear understanding of the relationship between cause and effect in their lives. Successful people understand that if they want something, they have to do all the necessary things to get it. Self-Limiting Beliefs: The Inner Enemies of Progress What are they? How To Create A Dream All of us have a vision of our own possibility. Yet few achieve the success that our heart's desire. Mind Power King Solomon said "As a man thinketh in his heart so is he as he continues to think so he remains. Aristotle said "What we expect that we find. Demosthenes said "What we wish that we believe. The modern theory " He can who thinks he can. You have the power to control your destiny. Every thing that is happening to you emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually is what is happening in your mind. You can choose any thought you like. Every moment, every second there is a choice. You cannot live a choiceless life. You can choose the kind of life you want to lead, the kind of companion with whom you want to associate. How to Make it Big In Spite of Your Challenges Imagine for a moment it's five years from now and you are still making the same income (or just a little more), living in the same home or apartment. You are in debt. You are barely supporting yourself and your family. And you are frustrated with the way things are. How to Exude More Confidence Confidence: The word conjures up images of self-assurance and belief in ones' self. Self-confidence is inward security. It basically means that your source of security comes from within yourself, you're confident in your integrity to your own value system. It is not congruent with doubt or fear. How to Overcome Procrastination in 4 Simple Steps If procrastination is holding you back in life, these 4 simple steps are a sure way to help you overcome your endless struggle with procrastination. You'll soon be able to achieve those daunting tasks and in some cases, even look forward to doing them! We Are Trying To How many times have you heard this in your life? Perhaps you have said it yourself. We are trying to accomplish something here. We are trying to complete this programme. We are trying to change the attitudes of our employees. We are trying to finish so we can go on holiday. We are trying to get fit. We are trying to diet. We are trying to give up smoking/drinking/eating donuts or whatever. ![]() |
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