Bringing Our Family to Work

Let's face it, most of us consider professional success and personal success the same.

In other words we become our careers. We also bring our personal and family behaviors to work causing many of the same conflicts we have at home.

The number one skill that will improve both our �professional and personal life is good communication. What we have to say is not important unless we are able to be heard.

Following are tips to help build good communication skills:

Listen with an open mind. Concentrate on what the person is saying and the body language used. Put all your energy into thinking this is the most important place to be at this moment and this is the most important person in the world. (The person you are speaking with will feel they are important. This effort will keep the communication positive)

Respond in honest, open, and sincere phrases. Paraphrasing helps the listener understand your thought process and gives you and opportunity to test your own listening skills.

Speak clearly. �Keep your voice level, sharp, and clear to make sure you are heard.

Be Proactive. �Listen, empathize, give objective feedback. Present a solution to the problem only if it is required of you. Remember communication is not about you it is about them. �

Pay Attention to Your body language. How you feel while having this conversation is reflected in your body language. Show your interest by leaning forward when you listen. Don't cross your legs or arms. Don't look detached or uninterested. Eye contact is very important.

Listen and Learn. When you listen you are learning how people feel, how they express themselves. Once you learn how that person thinks and feels, you are better able to communicate with them.

"There is more than a verbal tie between the words common, community, and communication.... Try the experiment of communicating, with fullness and accuracy, some experience to another, especially if it be somewhat complicated, and you will find your own attitude toward your experience changing." John Dewey

Sharon S. Stephens, MHSA, author "Daily Stepping Stones," "Late Bloomer," certified Retirement Success Planner, Telephone Coach, Sex Counselor, Small Business Administration Counselor, Teleleader, Continuing Education Trainer,Quality Management Certification. Life Coach--Side By Side Coach.

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