Information for Kids and Teens

Starting a Teen Book Study Group

If youre looking for a way to connect with your teenage daughter this summer, consider starting a girls book study group with your daughter and her friends.

Role Models for Your Teen

By the time your children reach their teens, there is only a limited amount of time left to influence them and get them started in life in the right direction.

13 Ways to Spend Time with your Teenage Daughter

The older my daughter gets the more its sinking in that I dont have much time left to spend with her! Shes turning 16 in a couple of months, and I know I wont be seeing her much after she gets her drivers license.

Quality Time with your Teen

Its sometimes difficult to find ways to be involved with your teen without totally intruding in his/her life. You want to talk to them, they dont want to talk to you most of the time anyway. Ive found the best way to connect with my teenage daughter is to enter her world and do the things she likes to do. Theres a saying that if you want to understand your childs world you have to play with them, no matter how old they are.

Raising a Self-Sufficient Teen

Teens dont learn responsibility overnight. If you havent been working with your teen on gradually giving them a sense of independence and ownership of their lives, then youre going to have your work cut out for you. Dont wait until its too late.

A Child Can Make a Difference

Sometimes dreams really can come true! May 8th - 11th, 2000, my daughter and I traveled to Disney World in Orlando, Florida, because of a dream my daughter, Amanda, has to make a difference in this world. Amanda then a 6th grader entered McDonalds Millennium Dreamer contest and told them about her contributions to the humane society and her dream of making the world a better place for animals. Amandas dream is to help homeless pets find homes, and she makes this dream a reality by writing a newsletter and donating all her profits to the humane society. Her entry won her and a parent an all-expenses-paid trip to Disney World to meet with other Millennium Dreamers from all over the world. 2,000 kids were chosen in all--1,000 from the U.S., and 1,000 from 90 other countries. The kids accomplishments were recognized in an awards ceremony where Christopher Reeves and the CEO of McDonalds corporation were among the key note speakers. Each congratulated the kids on all they have done and encouraged them to continue their efforts, emphasizing the fact that their contributions are the key to our future. One of the most exciting parts of the trip was trading pins with the kids from other countries. Amanda came home with pins from Germany, South Africa, Israel, Korea, U.K., and Indonesia, just to name a few. The kids were given free passes to all the theme parks and treated to firework shows, parties, and lots of other entertainment. It was quite an event! Fun as well as inspirational.

Homework Help for the Attention Deficit Child

Does the homework battle so typical with your hyperactive or A.D.D. child have you at the end of your rope Relax. We have some tried-and-try ADHD information that should get your A.D.D. child on the right homework path.

The Giving Jar

Giving with a happy heart. If you teach a child to give with a happy heart you will raise a child who will never hesitate to lend a helping hand. Children enjoy helping others, especially if they see their parents doing the same. When a childs basic physical and emotional needs are met, they are willing to share almost anything they have with someone in need.

Teaching Kids the Value of Money

My husband and I have a 12-year-old daughter who wanted to go to a winter retreat with her church youth group last year. Price of trip – $45. I told her Id talk to her dad about it. "HOW much is it" he asked, "didnt she just go somewhere with the youth group" "Yes," I replied, "and also to two friends birthday parties. Another one is coming up this weekend." We both agreed that was a lot of money for us to spend for our daughter to have fun with her friends.

Back to School Feng Shui

How Rearranging Your Child’s Room Can Make Better Study Habits This Year

Your Job as a Role Model

A certain educator was once asked at what point should a parent begin to prepare for child raising.

Why Other Children are Rejecting Your Child


How to Create an Emotional Bond with Your Child

One of the most powerful tools that parents have for raising their children is the natural emotional bond that exists between them and their child. Children who feel close to their parents will have a strong desire to obey them. No child with this type of connection to his parents will want to risk hurting that connection by disobeying them. When such a relationship exists, the mere look of dissatisfaction on the face of a parent will usually be enough to curb inappropriate behavior. This bond is so strong and so potent that it lasts even through adolescence when most of the disciplinary tools at our disposal are ineffective. Often, it is the only tool we have in guiding our teenage children. Parents who do not have such a connection with their children have lost a vital resource necessary for successful parenting.

Jammin with Your Kids: The Wonderful World of Music

Does music need to be “dumbed-down” for kids The answer became quite clear to me and my husband as we observed how our own child responded to complex melodies and varied musical styles in the first months of her life.

Picking Up The Pieces

"My feelings have changed," my boyfriend of five years told me during one of our nightly seven oclock phone calls. "I dont think we should see each other anymore." His words hit me, probably worse than if he had just punched me in the stomach. The pain of being physically hit would eventually subside, but the emotional pain that his words had left would be a battle wound I would carry with me from relationship to relationship until it finally healed. I have had four steady boyfriends in my life. Two of which I dumped, and two of which I was dumped by. In my experience, it is much worse being dumped than doing the dumping. When you are dumped, you feel like you are being rejected, that you were somehow not good enough. Wen I was freelance writing, evitably I would be rejected either because the magazine didnt have enough room or because they did a similar article. But I read an article that said, "Every article has a home. And when you receive a rejection letter, it is just saying that your article lives at a different address." The same is true with relationship. God has a person in mind for each of us, so when we are dumped by one person, we can just cross that one of our list. The one God has for us is still out there. All we have to do is find him or her. Whats the old saying You have to kiss a lot of toads before you find a prince. After I was dumped, I felt numb. Then the anger set in. My anger was building, and I was afraid if it wasn’t released soon that I would explode like an active volcano, spewing destruction on everyone and everything in my path. Ephesians 4:26 warns us to “Be ye angry, and sin not...,” which indicates that anger in itself is not a sin. It is what we do with that anger, that is.

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