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The End Of MarketingBrent Filson Working with top companies worldwide in all major sectors for 20 years, Ive discovered that few of them come even close to achieving their potential results. A key reason is that their leaders "dont know that they dont know". They dont know that marketing as we know it has come to an end. A more successful growth-dynamic must replace it. That dynamic is tied to human emotions and the results-producing actions those emotions trigger. No question: Emotion is a critical driver in business success. Clearly, people in business have to be skilled and knowledgeable about products, processes, and customers. But simply having rational knowledge is not enough to get big increases in results. We must have emotional knowledge too. A fundamental truth of human motivation is that we define ourselves in terms of our emotions. Descartes didnt quite have it right: its not, "I think therefore I am; its really, "I feel therefore I am". Yet most marketing strategies and programs focus on the rational — market share, target identification and validation, and customer needs analysis — and ignore the emotional. In doing so, such strategies ignore great opportunities. To achieve quantum leaps in results that most businesses are capable of, "the end of marketing" must be recognized. Conventional marketing served companies in relatively stable economies when businesses were like large ships, with captains giving orders to the mates, the mates to crews. But today businesses are in white-water canoeing races. In rapidly changing markets, exclusively rational marketing cant compete well. What will replace marketing To answer that, lets understand what marketing is all about. Its about one thing, organizational growth. Such growth happens through strategy and action. Todays marketing activities are superficially linked to strategy and have little to do with action. The result: businesses rattle along not hitting on all cylinders. Strategy: We grow in business or ultimately die. So it behooves each business to have a strategy for growth. We might develop a growth strategy. It might seem convincing on paper. It might interest security analysts. It might brighten an annual report. But unless employees and customers alike believe it passionately, wake up in the morning motivated by it, spend each day exciting others about it, see it as a key stimulant of their life, and zealously realize it in their work activities, then it is merely a recitation of dry postulates. It can only realize partial results. When strategies resonate with peoples heartfelt needs, great things happen. History is replete with such strategies: Themistocles naval strategy for defeating the Persians; the Pilgrims strategy of attaining religious freedom by building a "city on the hill" in the New World; Jeffersons strategy for realizing an America bounded by the Atlantic and Pacific; Americas strategy for putting a man on the moon before the end of the 1960s, etc. And the history of business has its examples too: Ford Motor Company of the first decades of this century; IBM of the 1950s, Apple of the early 1980s, Wall-Mart of the 1990s, Dell of the past few years. There are three ways to get a motivational growth-strategy. First, link it to what people feel strongly about. Many leaders wrongly believe that just because they have taken the trouble to develop a marketing strategy, that strategy automatically excites others. If you dont root your strategy in the fervent convictions of employees and customers, you dont have a motivational growth-strategy. Steve Jobs strategy for providing bringing a powerful, versatile computer into the hands of average people around the world, fired the imaginations and the ardent actions of his colleagues and, ultimately, customers. Second, raise the stakes. Follow Emersons dictum: "Hitch your wagon to a star." Distinguish between vision and motivational growth-strategy. A vision is the star. The strategy is how you will hitch your wagon to it. When peoples vision and strategy provide a higher purpose in their lives, their motivation is of a higher order. Jobs convinced John Scully to leave a high-level, fast-track position at PepsiCo and commit himself to the uncertainties of working at Apple by asking: "Do you want to sell sugar water for the rest of your life or do you want to change the world" Third, make the strategy simple and short. Growth can be complicated, but peoples needs are simple. Bill Gates wrote a strategy in longhand on a single sheet of paper when he founded Microsoft. He still has possession of that paper and is still following that strategy. The processes of putting that strategy into action may take comprehensive descriptions. Still, those descriptions should flow from simple, brief motivational elements. Action: Motivational growth-strategies arent plans, theyre action. Without people taking action, results cant happen. Rational marketing stumbles because leaders often view such marketing as some kind of magic dust that, sprinkled out, changes behavior. But only motivated people change their behavior. In trying to realize marketing plans, top leaders often get jammed up in middle-manager meatgrinders. Those leaders can usually persuade their direct reports to participate in the changes. However, the far more important task is to persuade middle-managers to lead change. Because traditional marketing ignores the emotional needs of middle-managers, needs that frequently illuminate ways to increase results, those managers can and will make mincemeat of even the best-intended, rationally consistent, and brilliantly-conceived marketing strategy. Hey, this isnt black hole physics! Getting results is simply about strategy and action: making a simple, powerful motivational growth-strategy happen in the many, little actions taken daily by skilled, motivated people. Because motivational growth-strategies flow out of the hearts of people, rather than rain down from above, those strategies get those people championing actions that get big results. The end of marketing is the beginning of success that can only now be dimly imagined. 2004 © The Filson Leadership Group, Inc. All rights reserved. PERMISSION TO REPUBLISH: This article may be republished in newsletters and on web sites provided attribution is provided to the author, and it appears with the included copyright, resource box and live web site link. Email notice of intent to publish is appreciated but not required: mail to: brent@actionleadership.com
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