Networking Information

Marketing Essentials: The 15 Second Elevator Speech

You're at a conference. Someone steps in the elevator, notices your name tag and asks, "So what do you guys do?" Quick -- what's your answer? You've got about 15 seconds before the doors open.

Work that Room, Baby!

Networking, schmoozing, making connections. Call it what you want, it?s something that is a necessity if you want to do business today. Many of us either love it or hate it. Personally, I wasn?t too fond of it in the past. Although I?m a outgoing person, I just hated starting conversations with people I had no idea what to say to. Oh yes, my friends reading this will laugh out loud. "Yeah right, Simone, shy? She can talk anyone under the table!" Ha ha, very funny, but that is beside the point. Many folks, even extroverts, avoid networking for the simple fact that they don?t want to talk to strangers. Some feel that they don?t have anything to offer, or don?t feel like going to a pick up joint disguised as a networking event. Yeah, you know the ones. I actually went to one last week and I was asking where the 'networking' was as I looked at the dance floor full of executives doing the electric slide (I kid you not! The electric slide!) I thought, "Darn! Foiled again!" Hey, we all love to have fun, but if it?s a party, just say it?s a party! Come on!

Who Are You and What The Heck Do You Do?

A few years ago, I was attending a family function when I ran into a cousin of mine. Having not seen her in more than three years, she told me that her son had graduated from law school and had passed the bar examination and was now a lawyer at a very prestigious law firm in New York City.

Networking in the Change Room: 5 Ways to Network Effectively While Getting Undressed

There's a time and place to network with people in order to generate leads, build rapport and form meaningful relationships. The change room at your gym, spa or country club isn't one of them. It's a lousy place to do any networking. Things dangle, imperfections are visible and being naked means that you're vulnerable.

A New LinkedIn Discussion Forum for High Power Dealmakers

For those of you interested in international business transactions or the business networking organization, LinkedIn, a new Yahoo groups discussion forum has been created. Several Yahoo discussion groups already exist on the uses and preferences concerning LinkedIn, such as the Yahoo Group forum called MyLinkedin Power Forum (MLPF), but the messages on that forum were biased. The moderator of MLPF censored opposing points of view. He is the type of person who would criticize a group member?s message, but not let that member respond to his criticism. In many respects, the MLPF and forums like it were just plain boring: a large cacophony of disjointed and disconnected messages on everything from trolling for people with the same last name to using LinkedIn to advertise products or services.

Sell For Yourself Or Sell For Your Boss?

First of all I would like to start this article by saying no matter what job you are in now, no matter what product you are selling, you will NEVER NEVER get the just reward that you are were entitled too when you made all those sales for your boss. Fact of Life. Your job is to make your boss wealthy, period.

Value-Added Network

A value-added network can be achieved through explicit actions to develop, expand, and promote trusted relationships. One successful example is Thomas Powers, the founder and chairman of ecademy, one of the largest UK-based business networks. His passion and commitment to networking compares to none; he is ranked among the top business networkers in the world. Ecademy?s philosophy is ?Winning by Sharing?, a theme of paramount importance. Donna Fisher and Sandy Vilas, of Power Networking, define networking as: ?Networking is making links from people we know to people they know, in an organized way, for a specific purpose, while remaining committed to doing our part, expecting nothing in return.?

Where Does That Word Come From?

?Instead of a handshake, I gave Toby a high-five to break the ice; and when we sat down on the front porch and started talking off the cuff, it was as if serendipity brought us together.?

Is The Company You Keep Hurting Your Business?

When you look at your friends, it's like looking into a mirror. Take the sum of characteristics of the five people you spend most of your time with and you will be the average of that sum.

Good Manners Mean Good Business

Good manners, good networking and good business all have the same thing in common. What they have in common is ?you!? You are the secret weapon that everyone is looking for to help promote themselves effortlessly, enhance their communication skills, and more effectively network.

The Festive Season: Your Networking Opportunity

The festive season is a great time to sharpen and hone your networking skills. There is not a better time to start building long-term business relationships. Christmas offers a chance to meet new people in a relaxed a social atmosphere whilst maintaining a professional relationship level.

Flying High, Flying Far

?What me? Sell myself? You have to be joking!?

Ten Simple Steps to More Customers with Better Networking

Networking is a great way to meet people in a "non-selling" setting. So, don't sell. Meet and greet. Ask people about their businesses. Be friendly and relaxed. Enjoy yourself. Get to know people. Above all, do not sell.


Put join a networking group on your to do list with a big underline, star and happy face. You?ll be glad you did for more reasons than you can count. And the advice is coming from this confirmed non-networker who, in 20 years of business, considered networking a colossal waste of time. The old dog is here with a new trick.

How Speakers, Exhibitors, Consultants, and Meeting Planners Partner-Generate More Money and Value

? ?Make Every Moment Count? is the title of a CD that a pharmaceutical company gave away at their exhibit booth at two major conferences.

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