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6 Power Foods For Your Heart
Heart disease remains the number one cause of death in the United States for both men and women. Traditionally, a low fat diet has been the prescription for heart health which causes many people to shrink away. Not anymore! The good news is there are many things you can add to your diet that can greatly improve your risk factors of heart disease. Here are 6 power foods you can start adding to your diet to keep you heart healthy! Nuts- Although nuts aren't exactly low in calories or fat, they contain high levels of unsaturated fats that are known to lower "bad" LDL cholesterol levels in the blood and reduce the risk of heart disease. Studies have shown eating about one ounce of nuts every day will reduce the risk of heart disease in the long run by 30% according to Frank Hu, MD, PhD, associate professor of nutrition and epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health. Soy- Soy has also been shown to lower cholesterol levels. Using soy on a weekly basis is a great step towards protecting your heart. If you are not a tofu fan, try soy milk or yogurt, garden burgers, edamme (soy beans), or soy sausage patties. There are all kinds of ways to include soy in your diet! Hot Cocoa- Yes you read right! Cocoa contains high levels of flavonoids which are a class of phytochemicals known to help prevent heart disease. Researchers have found that hot cocoa has more disease-fighting antioxidants than tea or red wine and the heat may help propel them into the bloodstream. Hot cocoa is also much lower in saturated fats than other chocolate sources such as candy bars. Beans and Lentils- including kidney beans, peas, black beans, etc. ---are high in both soluble fiber and folic acid to help lower cholesterol and decrease homocysteine levels (high homocysteine levels are associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease). Broccoli- A powerful antioxidant found in broccoli and broccoli sprouts may help protect the heart from high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. A new study shows the compound, called glucoraphanin, helped improve heart health, fight inflammation, and boost natural defense systems against oxidative stress. Grape juice- The flavonoids in grape juice, like that in wine, have been shown to prevent the oxidation of so-called bad cholesterol (LDLs, or low-density lipoproteins) that leads to formation of plaque in artery walls. Grape juice can also lower the risk of developing the blood clots that lead to heart attacks. Start adding these foods today and begin your journey to better heart health. © Meri Raffetto, 2004 About the Author Owner of Real Living Nutrition Services, Meri Raffetto is a Registered Dietitian and a recognized professional in the area of nutrition and wellness. She has developed two online weight management programs, The Mini Diet Makeover and The Ultimate Diet Makeover, which focus on a healthy, non-diet approach to weight loss. For more information or to sign up for our free newsletter, visit http://www.reallivingnutrition.com.
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Dont Allow Your Food To Control You Food addiction isn't a problem. Pretending like you can't live without eating however, IS the problem. If you're stranded on a desert island without food, what would you do? Your body can survive well over 24 hours without food if you're drinking water. Whey Protein Importance Studies on whey demonstrate it's an even better protein supplement than previously thought. Although whey protein's health benefits have only recently been elucidated, the use of whey protein for medicinal purposes has been prescribed since the time of Hippocrates. In fact, there are two ancient proverbs from the Italian city of Florence that say, "If you want to live a healthy and active life, drink whey," and, "If everyone were raised on whey, doctors would be bankrupt." You Are What You Eat, Do You Dig Your Grave With Your Tongue? Boost Your Immune System I know that the headline is a oldie, but it really is a goodie and is so very true of most of us, in this age of fast takeaway foods giving us all the foods that we should not be eating if we wish to maintain good health. What you must do is have natural nutrition that will boost your immune system. The New Biology of Health ? the Way to Perpetual Youth? Just what is the "New Biology of Health?" And who's the snake oil salesperson promoting certain products as the cure-all for cancer, diabetes, and heart disease? Does it work ? The Dangers of Honey Before we get to honey we have a question from one of our readers. 3 Important Differences Between White Bread and Whole Wheat For any kid who grew up eating doughy, thick Wonder Bread for lunch, the encouragement by dietitians and nutritionists to switch to whole wheat bread can be a tough transition. Essential Fatty Acids - Americas Major Dietary Deficiency America's major dietary deficiency - EFA a panacea for good health Studies Prove Magnesium Boosts Memory & Learning Ability According to the National Institute of Health, Magnesium is needed for more than 300 biochemical reactions, including maintenance of normal muscle and nerve function, strong bones and steady heart rhythm. It is also involved in energy metabolism and protein synthesis.Now, according to an important new a research study at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, researchers found that rats supplemented with Magnesium, their levels of communication between brain cells was activated. Lab rats were fed the equivalent of a human dose of 400 milligrams of Magnesium a day. How Can Fat Be Essential? How Can Fat Be Essential? By Garry Gamber Did you know that some fats are essential to the body? Yes, there are some fats that our body cannot produce which means that we must get them from our food. Perhaps you've heard of omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids. These are both considered essential and must be supplied by the foods we eat. What do they do? Well, the omega-3 fatty acid, for example is used for the production of healthy cell membranes and for the production of a class of hormones called prostaglandins. You know how aspirin and acetominophen are anti-inflammatories? So are the prostaglandins that our bodies produce from omega-3 fatty acids. Now, we need the omega-3's and the omega-6's to be in the proper combination to be most effective to us. Empirical evidence shows that the proper ratio is about 4:1 between omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. What do you suppose our average diet gives us? About a 20:1 and up to a 40:1 ratio; not even close to the optimal ratio. Why is the balance so out of whack? Well, our normal diets are rich in omega-6 fatty acids. We get them from meats, dairy products, and processed foods. We eat a lot of those foods on average. We get omega-3 fatty acids from certain vegetable oils such as flaxseed, canola, and soybean. And we get omega-3 fatty acids from cold-water fish such as mackerel, sardines, salmon, and tuna. Eat more fish! You've heard that said before, and now you know why. Especially the salmon. It is especially rich in the beneficial omega-3 fatty acids. Salmon , or any of the other omega-3 rich fish (but what tastes better than good salmon?) should be consumed at least once a week. In order to get the omega-6 vs. omega-3 ratio in order, decrease your consumption of the saturated fat from meats and dairy products and increase your consumption of fish such as salmon. Do you know how else you will benefit from increased consumption of omega-3 fatty acids? Your cholesterol level will improve. You see, the essential omega-3 fatty acids have the ability to help decrease your total cholesterol and your LDL cholesterol level. The LDL cholesterol is the so-called bad cholesterol. So you will improve your cholesterol levels by adding a better balance of omega-3 fatty acids to your diet. Not surprisingly, the omega-3 fatty acids can be heart healthy. Several diseases show improvement when patients increase their intake of these essential fats. Check out Dr. Ray Strand's important book for citings of clinical studies of omega-3. The book is titled, "What Your Doctor Doesn't Know About Nutritional Medicine May Be Killing You." It's a wonderful book and should be a standard reference volume in your nutrition library. Eat well, take appropriate supplements, and stay healthy. Sports Nutrition Made Simple Following these simple nutrition guidelines will allow you to lose weight, and an abundance of energy throughout the day. Turning an Addictive Snack into a Complete Meal The proliferation of fast food restaurants, convenience stores, and vending machines in virtually every corner of residential America has created a serious nutritional problem. 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Although the body requires a comparatively tiny amount of copper per day, even that little bit of copper is proven to be essential to having very good health. Do You Need Omega 3 Fatty Acids? Do you need omega 3 fatty acid in your diet? This question on the importance of omega 3 fatty acid can be clarified by examining the medical evidence regarding the omega 3 benefit. Using Calcium and Magnesium for Constipation Calcium helps reduce constipation 3 Things You Want to Know About Cholesterol You wouldn't judge a book by its cover, would you? The Sneak Attack of Trans- Fats If you are like most people, you are probably confused about trans fats. What are they? Which foods have them? What is the health risk? Five Steps to a Healthier Heart Step 1: Eat five to ten servings per day of fresh fruits and vegetables. Fasting & Enemas...For A Clean Body Detox A hundred years ago, life was very different here on earth. The air was cleaner and the earth was rich in nutrients. 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