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Positive Attitude Tips & Information |
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Attitude Is Everything! Make it Great!
Change your attitude, change your life In my experiences, I've found that opportunities are awarded most often to the person who had the best ATTITUDE for the job, not the most APTITUDE for the job. By changing your attitude to be more positive, people will want to talk to you, and you'll get more opportunities. More opportunities means more chances of success, more chances of success means more success, and more success means a better, changed, life. Only you can make your life better. So I ask you, will you settle for average, or will you do what it takes to Make it Great? Quote of the week A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds. -- Sir Francis Bacon It really is amazing to think about how much control you have over the luck you have. This quote sums up exactly how I feel every day, and why I am able to stay so positive. Knowing that the opportunities I encounter are a direct result of the efforts I put into things really helps me keep things in perspective. You might be wondering, "I'm too busy to make opportunities. I need someone to knock on my door and put an opportunity in my hand." Or you might believe that opportunity knocks on your door, albeit only once. Both can be true, but again, I find that more often than not, opportunities come to those who are doing the knocking, not to those listening for it. Site of the Week One of my favorite sites is from a good friend of mine, Kirk Weisler. Kirk offers a T4D (Thought for the Day) that I read every day shortly after I wake up. You can feel the love in every one of Kirk's newsletters. I encourage you to subscribe to Kirk's newsletter, and read a few of the books he recommends. I promise you, Kirk's newsletter will change your life. I know it has changed mine! Read more about Kirk at his self-titled website http://www.KirkWeisler.com Until next time...Make it a GREAT day! Phil Gerbyshak 414.640.7445
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Change in the Workplace: Don?t Fear It; Use It! Every day something changes at work: your products, your customers, your delivery schedules, your company's policies. Do these changes negatively affect your company and your sales? Why do you let them? These constant changes can cause you to lose focus and lose sales, or they can propel you into greater success. It's YOUR CHOICE! Managing Your OCD, Panic Attacks, and Obsessive Thoughts There are times that we encounter fearful thoughts that can be difficult to manage. For some people, the more they try to get rid of the thoughts, the stronger the thoughts become and the more difficult they become to manage. As a result, here is a brief list of techniques that a person can use to help manage their fearful and obsessive thoughts and anxieties. Power of Positive Beliefs I am an educator as well as a coach and am interested in what it is that brings out the best in the people with whom I work. Over the last few years I have read a great deal of research on the power of beliefs. I am convinced that it is essential that I hold, and communicate to my students or clients that I believe in their ability to learn, to heal, and to grow. How to Plan a Vacations of the Mind Part 1 Envisioning Your Ideal Self In my work as a professional coach, I've had the opportunity to interact with hundreds of individuals. I've found that people who are successful and fulfilled share common characteristics. Using Power Affirmations on ePosters I believe that one of the best ways to stay positive is to create a multi-media "advertising" campaign to condition the thoughts and beliefs into your mind that you choose. The Power of Positive Thinking: Unlimited Possibilities Does negative thinking pay? Is it desirable for me to encourage thoughts in my mind that break down, hinder, and incapacitate me for good work? Do I want negative thoughts that inevitably bring discontent, unhappiness, and ultimate failure in their train? Questions and Affirmations - The Art (and Science) Of Talking To Yourself I Hear Voices? How to Begin to Overcome Shyness The one thing that is absolutely vital to overcoming shyness is DESIRE. You must want to, badly. How Our Beliefs Narrow The Limits Of Our Possibilities The universe is vast, it's dimensions inconceivable, it's potentialities unimaginable, and we know too that our own consciousness has depths to it that are virtually infinite, and yet despite this enormity within and without, we choose to confine ourselves to beliefs in scarce resources. The Map Is Not the Territory Just in an average day we can experience many things that we take as good or bad. In this article I want to take a look at what takes a place in the human mind as it relates to our daily affairs. Get the Confidence to Be Your Best A confidence crisis is looming with a recent study showing that 3 out of 4 of us would love to be more confident but don't know how to go about it. Is The Glass Half-full Or Half-empty? Keep focusing on the fullness of your life: Keep remembering your dreams, your strengths, your unique talents and skills. Be absolutely, uniquely, fully yourself and you have everything you need to create the life of your dreams. -Marc Allen Creative Visualization For Successful Goal Achievement No one becomes successful by accident. Motivational speaker Les Brown advises, "You must see your goals clearly and specifically before you can set out for them. Hold them in your mind until they become second nature." Certainly, visualization is an essential element of achieving success. Management of the Almighty Anger Apart form the Emotions and the attitude, Anger is a quite unsolved thing. we become angry when things are not according to us or not as we want, or not up to our expectation. We just simply becomes angry to satisfy & gratify our ego, super ego and false ego. Strength Within For the twelve hundred hostages, most especially Timur Kasumova. Life, The Greatest Ride of All Life is the greatest roller coaster ride we will ever take. The ups and downs, the unexpected changes, the twists and turns, are all a part of living. The roller coaster ride of life can be miserable and uncomfortable or exciting and rewarding. Our states of mind and body are key factors in how we handle these changes. The problems of life do not go away magically. We have to consciously work on making our lives more positive and joyful. Positive Thinking - Anxiety & Panic If you suffer with or have in the past suffered with anxiety and panic disorder, then you certainly know what its like to be swallowed up by your negative thoughts and feelings. Take a Gratitude Break An old Joni Mitchell song reminds us, "don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone." Stop what you're doing right now, look around and take a quick 30-second gratitude break. Take this moment to appreciate all the things you'd really miss if they were gone. Welcoming the Unexpected As I walked my dogs recently on what "should" have been a beautiful and balmy spring morning here in Las Vegas, I was bundled up, head ducked into the wind wishing spring would hurry up and get here. It was a day that reminded me more of mid-December than early May. It also reminded me of how programmed we are to expect things to be predictable (meaning: to be as we want them to be), whether that is in matters of weather or anything else. Life is, by its very nature, unpredictable. And there is no end to the misery we generate expecting it to be otherwise. ![]() |
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