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Public Speaking Information
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Speaking One-to-One Speaking to an individual is different from the group experience. Whether you are training someone, selling, coaching, or asking for a raise, here are some tips for speaking one-to-one. Performance Feedback: Why Were Scared and How Not to Be Effective communication is not a one-way street. It involves an interaction between the sender and the receiver. The responsibility for this interaction is assumed by both parties. The speaker can solicit feedback and adjust the message accordingly. The listener can summarize what was said for the speaker and continually practice the empathetic process. Five Tired, Worn Out Speaking Cliches The subject of public speaking is riddled with tired, worn out cliches we ought to throw out. Here are a few to let go of: Speak to Be Heard and Understood Use your voice to your advantage. One of your main tools as a trainer is your voice, and you should be aware of several of its characteristics. Choosing a Hot Keyword: Advice for Aspiring Public Speakers When choosing keywords, you'll want to stay away from using general terms like "speaker," for example. This will only leave you competing with stereo speakers for a top ten spot in a search engine like Google. Don't discard the word from your list altogether, but don't make it number one either. The Porch Light* Method to Speaking Confidence You know the feeling. Looking out at a sea of faces, you notice a few scowls, frowns, even droopy eyelids on some of your audience members. What are they thinking? Do they disagree with your points? Are they in a bad mood? Do they just not like YOU? You bend over backwards to win them over. You smile, establish eye contact. But the longer you speak the more hopeless you feel as you see your desperate attempts to please fall flat. At the end, feeling discouraged and anxious, you limp away. Speaking On Your Feet Your ability to communicate effectively will account for most of your success in life. As we move farther into the communication age, we are becoming more and more dependant on being able to communicate and interact effectively with others. Your ability to interact with other people effectively will determine your success far more than your level of skills in any field. Fear! I am terrified of heights. The thought of skydiving, for example makes my stomach do somersaults. I am also very nervous about closed spaces, claustrophobia. People and what they are afraid of is a fascinating subject. Fear itself is a funny thing. For example, in a survey respondents indicated that even more than death, they were afraid of public speaking! No More Stagefright - Have Fun Speaking! 7 Tips that calm and center you before your presentation: 20 Tips to Becoming a Professional Speaker: How to be a Rising Star Entering the speaking industry can be both daunting and exciting. It is an excellent environment where you can make a real difference in the lives of your audience. It is a rewarding and challenging industry to be part of. If you are keen to become a professional speaker, try these tips: Find a buddy ? make a friend with another speaker who is at a similar stage to you in their speaking career to be able to share ideas, questions, frustrations and wins with them. For Speaking Ease, Forgive Your Younger Self I love the Disney movie The Kid with Bruce Willis. In it he plays a stressed-out, high-power image consultant. He wears expensive suits, lives in a chic, elegantly furnished home and has all the money he can spend. His biggest challenge comes when a young boy--his younger self--comes to stay with him. He doesn't recognize himself at first, but then comes to see that he can heal himself by comforting the boy he was and accepting the man he is. (Don't worry, there's still a lot of other fun, surprising stuff that happens so I haven't TOTALLY given the plot away.) Speakers Learn How to Define Your Niche This is one of the hardest things speakers have to do - defining their niche, and in most cases, it can stop them dead in their tracks. Inexperienced speakers have a tendency to generalize themselves and that won't lead to those successful paid speaking engagements. You must be creative and innovative; find your own niche and become the most well known speaker in that niche. How To Get Paid Every Time You Speak - REALLY! For many, speaking or training is a full time business. Yet for other business owners, we use speaking/training as a way to market a business and bring in extra income. No matter which it is? all or part of your business gets paid! Moving Key Audiences to Take Action? You know, those really important outside groups of people whose behaviors can help or hinder any business, non-profit or association manager in achieving his or her objectives? Are you persuading those key stakeholders ? especially those whose behaviors affect your unit the MOST ? to your way of thinking, then moving them to take actions that help your department, division or subsidiary succeed? Lessons in Love for the Shy at Heart One of the biggest regrets of my life is that I was cursed with the shyness gene. Shyness is an often misunderstood condition that can leave the afflicted alone and miserable. As a victim of shyness, I completely understand the pitfalls. I also understand that there are levels of the condition that start at "painfully shy" or (as I think it is referred to nowadays) "social anxiety" to simply being "uncomfortable" at parties. More outgoing people tend to brush off shyness as something that is easy to get over. However those of us who suffer with it day after day realize that it would be comparable to asking an alcoholic to stop drinking. Doable, yes ? but easy? Hardly! But whatever your comfort level, shyness does not have to be a life sentence of aloneness - there is still someone out there for you. If You Arent a Little Nervous, You Arent Paying Attention The fear of public speaking is one of the most common forms of phobia. That would be fine if this fear did not hold you back in your social and career advancement. 10 Tips for Better -- and Less Scary! -- Public Speaking The fear of speaking in public is well-documented, often discussed, and probably overrated. The great news is that speaking in front of a group can be an entertaining and energizing experience for even the most fearsome among us. Speech Training - Building Your Voice, Tips from a Professional Having a clear and confident voice is an essential business skill to be an effective leader, manager and communicator. Ten Fatal Flaws Frequently Found from the Podium 1. No clear purpose for the presentation. What is the point and focus of the speech? Public Speaking Tips 1. No speech is ever perfect. Perfectionism creates more fear. Do your best and leave it at that. ![]() |
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