Public Speaking Information


I believe that asking for and acting on objective feedback is the best way to improve your speaking skills. In our Excellence in Speaking Institute (ESI), we call this 20/20 feedback.

15 Ways for Speakers to Earn More Profits

There is huge potential to create additional profits from your speeches by partnering with a professional transcriptionist to convert your audio recordings into text transcripts.

How to Become a More Persuasive Speaker: A Systems Approach

There is no surer way to get ahead in business than to be a persuasive speaker. However, because public speaking is normally found at the top of lists of fears in the United States, many business people, especially engineers and other technical specialists, fail to make the effort to become better speakers, and thus fail to reach their potential.

A Perfect Meeting: AKA When You Dont Want to Strangle the Speaker

Have you ever worked for weeks or even months, often far beyond normal office hours on a special meeting event only to have it turn into THE PERFECT STORM. Well, maybe your entire crew didn't perish at sea, but there were those clearly identifiable moments when it looked as if the ship was about to capsize. Although many meeting goblins can contribute to such disasters, sometimes the speaker can be one of the contributing causes. How can such terrors be avoided?

What is Public Speaking?

When we talk about public speaking, we usually think about some person in front of a large group giving an extended presentation on a difficult or technical subject. That is not usually how it is. When do we most often speak in public? Isn?t it in a conversation? One on one? Eye to eye, sharing ideas, talking about the weather, or the ball game. It?s not that hard. We aren?t usually intimidated by that kind of conversation. When does public speaking cross the line from casual conversation to scared out of our wits?!?!?


I am terrified of heights. The thought of skydiving, for example makes my stomach do somersaults. I am also very nervous about closed spaces, claustrophobia. People and what they are afraid of is a fascinating subject. Fear itself is a funny thing. For example, in a survey respondents indicated that even more than death, they were afraid of public speaking!

If You Arent a Little Nervous, You Arent Paying Attention

The fear of public speaking is one of the most common forms of phobia. That would be fine if this fear did not hold you back in your social and career advancement.

Get Speaking

On a recent Sunday evening, I watched a friend ?graduate? from a beginner?s class for stand-up comedians.

Shortcuts to Eloquence

You have probably had the experience of listening to a speaker who, even if you did not agree with that person's message, caused you to think, "this is an outstanding speaker." That speaker was probably using certain rhetorical devices that touched an internal chord, that made him or her sound eloquent.

Presentation Skills Without PowerPoint

Can you identify what each of these actions or activities have in common: 1. Motivate people to accept change; 2. Launch a new program; 3. Give a briefing at work; 4. Solicit donations for a charity; 5. Train people to use your product or service; 6. Unveil a new policy; 7. Give a sales presentation; 8. Introduce a speaker; 9. Calm angry employees; 10. Instill confidence in customers; 11. Honor a community leader; 12. Deliver new employee orientations; 13. Articulate your vision as a leader; 14. Review an employee?s performance; 15. Speak on behalf of your organization; 16. Call your dog by name.

Public Speaking Tips: The More You Know, The More It Will Flow - Tips For Knowing Your Audience

The more you know about your audience, the better your presentation will go.

How to Get Started In Public Speaking

Public speaking is among the five most feared activities human beings encounter.

The Top 5 Public Speaking Questions Answered

There are a number of questions that we consistently get asked in relation to public speaking and presentations. Here are a few of the most common questions, along with our answers:

How To Handle Audience Questions Effectively

For some reason, the prospect of having to answer audience questions fills many presenters with dread and fear. Looking at it in a positive way however, it?s an ideal opportunity for you to satisfy the audience further, and you can continue to drive your main points home adding emphasis to your talk.

Etiquette - An Essential Ingredient to Your Success As a Public Speaker

Sadly, the public speaking circle has its fair share of individuals who think they have a right to be treated better than anyone else. Conventions of public speakers are quite a sight. It?s like battle of the egos, and to be perfectly honest the really big names tend to stay away from such gatherings. I know of a number of speakers who at one time threw a tantrum or acted in a very demanding way while being paid to speak, word subsequently spread like wildfire, and they found themselves waiting a very long time before receiving any more bookings.

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