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What to Do when Your Family Feels He is Not Good Enough for You
Parents and loved ones always seem to put a damper on our love life. When you feel that you have finally found the love of your life, the problem now becomes getting your family to accept your guy and see how charming he really is. Sometimes, it can be tough to get them to see what you see in your guy. Sometimes, in their well-meaning attempt to make sure that you get the best, they encroach into your private life ? where you ought to be the sole decision maker. I am sure you have had the experience of introducing your date to members of your family and afterward, had your parents, brothers and sisters gather around you to give you their opinion on the guy. Sometimes these opinions may be just what you want to hear, but sometimes you are saddened and disappointed, when they tell you that they don't like your new guy. If your guy is truly a lover, someone that is making you happy, there are ways you can get your family to know him better and see him for who he is. Start by inviting him home for dinner with your family. Be sure he wears something that you are certain will impress your folks. He doesn't have to wear formal attire. He can be casual. You know the kinds of clothing that will impress your folks. If they are not into tattoos, it may not be a good idea for your guy to rub his tattoo-covered arm in their face. A long sleeve shirt may be a good idea, at least until they get to know who he really is on the inside. It is quite easy to have a negative opinion of someone based on his outward appearance. If your folks are not into tattoos, they may put him in the "Bad-biker" category, when in reality he is just a cuddly teddy. Moments like this need to be handled with the utmost care. It is hard enough that he will be meeting your family, who will undoubtedly assess him from head to toe to ascertain his suitability for their lovely little angel. Parents sometimes have a hard time understanding that you are old enough to take care of yourself, or that you have already been doing that for quite a long time now. No matter how old you are, they still think you are their little princess, and they feel obligated to protect from the bad boys of the world. Before you invite your new beau over for dinner, tell your folks ahead of time to relax and make your guy feel at home. Let them know that you are watching their every move to make sure they do not ruin the moment for you, or embarrass you by asking your guy questions you have not even discussed with him. You know - questions like, "So when are you getting engaged to my daughter?" or, "You have to have a good job, if you want to marry my daughter." This line of questioning will certainly make both you and your guy feel very uncomfortable. When the day finally arrives, everyone has been properly introduced, and you have gathered at the dinner table to eat, start your conversation by sharing those things that endear your guy to you. If he has a special skill or talent you think will impress your folks, share it with them. If he is an excellent artist, a great athlete, a brilliant student or professor, let your family members know his great qualities. Be sure to keep things light and funny. Always strive to make comments that put him in a good light. The picture you paint of him will largely determine whether or not your family members will change their opinion of him. You hold the key to your parents accepting your guy. You simply have to know how and when to use this key intelligently. Once dinner is done, and your guy goes home, he should call your folks to thank them for a wonderful dinner, and also to let them know that he thoroughly enjoyed meeting them. If you need additional information on how to make your man fall madly in love, please visit: http://www.smartwomansguide.com Steve Ubah is the author of Passion Keys ? A Woman's Ultimate Guide To Unlocking The Love In A Man's Heart. To find out how you can make your man fall madly in love with you, please visit http://www.smartwomansguide.com A note to all publishers: Feel free to reprint this article in its entirety in your ezine, newsletter or website as long as the article's content is not modified and all links as well as the author's resource box are included.
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