Sales Information

Define Your Best Customer

To be more effective at developing relationships, one should always take time to describe their best customer. This is the customer that gives you the biggest bang for your buck. This customer is the one that pays bills on time, uses you exclusively for all their business needs in your area of expertise. It is also a customer that you have an excellent working relationship. This customer knows they can rely on you for the services you specialize in and you will go out of your way to make sure that they are happy at all times. And if they are not happy, they know they can rely on you to solve the problem, fix it, and come to a win-win solution for them. This customer is the one that knows you are the best solution to their business pain.

Creating Your Perfect Pitch!

Why should you describe your business to others in 5 to 10 seconds?

The History of Sales: Dale Carnegie is Still with Us

I've recently been hearing sales companies talk about how they are 'helping their buyers buy' with a system that is the 'next thing' after Consultative Selling. After becoming familiar with their concepts and methods, I've come to believe they are correct: they are definitely on to the next iteration. But of what?

Stop Talking - Start Selling

Selling is not talking. It?s listening. You may have heard the saying ?the first person who talks, loses?. And, it?s true most of the time. There are dozens of reasons to stop talking so you can start selling. Here are a few worth listening to:

Save Your Breath: How To Sell In Trade Shows Without Pitching

You stand there, in front of your great presentation material, wearing just the right suit or logo shirt, handing out some gimmick with your company name on it, wearing just the right smile or look of professionalism. You might even have a fishbowl at the table - or some type of contest material - to collect business cards of passers by for later use in your sales process. But the worst part of doing a trade show is losing your voice.


When I ask salespeople to define what a gatekeeper is, I generally hear: ?Someone who keeps out people who will waste the boss's time.?

Selling the Difficult: How to Sell What People Dont Understand How to Buy

I'll play a seller, using conventional selling methods, selling something difficult to understand; you be the prospective buyer. As we go through the process together, note your reactions, how your beliefs are being challenged, what 'objections' and emotions come up for you as I try to 'sell' you. Once we're done with that component, I'll review how it would be different using Buying Facilitation; hopefully you'll be able to take that to the bank.

The Trusted Advisor Relationship: What Is It, and What Should It Be?

For the past months, maybe a year, I've been hearing sales groups talk about the need to become Trusted Advisors (I'll call them TAs). I suspect that the problems cropping up in the sales arena these days ? the increased length of the sales cycle, the increased levels of competition - are leading sales management to base their initiatives on being of true service to prospects, as a way to seem different from the competition.

Going Global: Communication Across Mental Boundaries

A completed communication consists of a sender and a receiver. If there is just a sender - like in a pitch, or a lecture, or a commercial, or advertisement, or even a newsletter - it's not a communication, but an assertion, or a monologue, or an opinion.

What is a Pitch?

I've been training in countries outside the U.S. recently, and have finally accepted a universal truth about sales people: you love to pitch.

The Struggle to Decide: The Paths Customers Take to Solve Problems

Usually my essays discuss the issues that the ?sales' method initiates, methods such as over-long buying cycles, product and brand differentiation problems, price competition, and objections. This article focuses on the buyer: what, precisely, is the real problem they face; and how you lose differentiation/competitive edge/time through your faulty assumption that a sale can be achieved through a clear-cut equation:

Is Sales Profession an Oxymoron?

If you are in Sales, you have probably heard these before:

Sales Letters - How to Write Them

You could just send out your brochure to potential customers but it's much better to personalise your mailing with a well written sales letter.

The Relationship Between Colour & Sales

Make no mistake that emotions are the driving force behind sales, and customers making buying decisions can be influenced through visual elements towards a particular behaviour or emotion that will encourage more sales.

An Ideal Selling Situation

The largest sale that I ever closed was negotiated over hot dogs and a soft drink at a refreshment stand, just off the exhibit floor, at a Superintendent of School Convention in Atlantic City, New Jersey. I met an educator who was interested in the summer study abroad programs that I was selling at the show. He saw my nametag for the Foreign Study League and wanted to learn more about my products. His school district filled two and a half jet airplanes with over 400 students (at more than $1,000 each) who enrolled in my firm?s summer study programs in Europe. Exhibiting and selling at tradeshows, if handled properly, is the most cost-effective selling tool in which a business or professional organization can invest.

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