Sales Information

At-ti-tude, n

At-ti-tude, n.

Program Your Biocomputer For Sales Success

Selling isn't something you do to people, it's something you do for them. If you feel as though you're being pushy or twisting arms when you are interacting with prospective customers or clients, you might be doing just that. To be successful in sales, you do need to be in control of the sales process and you do need to ask important questions, but you don't have to be obnoxious, overbearing or demanding.

Lead Companies, Eight Features To Consider

So now the time has come to invest in Lead companies, but how do you know which one is the right one for you?

Your Profit is in Your Follow-up: A System for Increased Sales Conversion

No matter what you sell--products, services, or causes--one of the key ingredients to your success will be the attention you give your sales lead follow-up system.

How Sellers Can Take Control

For centuries ? at least since the serpent convinced Eve to eat the apple ? sellers have assumed that getting the right information about a product into the right hands would offer a good chance of a sale.

Referrals: Getting Good Business By Doing Good Business

Whether you're a conventional sales person, a professional ? such as a dentist or lawyer or doctor ? or a business owner, you've got to have clients to stay in business. There are several ways to do this: either continue to find new customers, keep all of the customers you've ever had, get old clients to return, or get customers to send in referrals.

Breaking Through The Comfort Zone Barrier

After completing a workshop on personal productivity or time management, we usually find participants react to the instruction on goal-setting in one of three ways:

Why Are Customers So Indecisive?

Do you know why your customer won?t buy? You?ve given her the best price, possibly even the best options. Yet she fidgets. Maybe, maybe not, she ponders.

How Leaky is Your Sales Pipeline?

Does your Sales Pipeline leak? If you answered no, you don?t even understand the question. Every business? Sales Pipeline leaks to some extent. The question is: Have you done everything you can to ensure that it does not leak excessively? Do you even know what your Sales Pipeline looks like?

Are You Scaring Your Customers Away?

"Hello, is (pause) puh-TREE-shuh home?"

Your Proposal Was Rejected... But Why?

When a request for proposal (RFP) comes in, you get excited! It?s a chance to earn income, develop more business contacts, and expand your client base. You work your little heart out in order to be thorough, compelling, and professional. Everything is in place. Your RFP is geared to show why your product or service will meet or exceed the client?s goals. With fingers crossed, you submit.

It Isnt A Sale Until Youre Paid

Back in the days when I sold for CTV and CBC Television I had a manager that once said " It isn't a sale until you're paid." Most salespeople absolutely HATE calling their customers to ask for payment as they feel like the GOOD GUY and BAD GUY rolled into one!

A Simple Truth - Authentic Sales Tip

A Simple Truth

Writing Effective Sales Messages

A sales letter is a document designed to generate sales. It is a distinctive type of persuasive letter. It persuades the reader to place an order, to request additional information, or to lend support to the product or service or cause being offered. For most sectors other than retail, a sales letter is the first and most important way of reaching new customers. The purpose in writing a sales message is to sell a product. It influences the reader to take a specific action by making an offer-not an announcement-to him. Sales letter attempts to persuade readers to spend their time and money on the value being offered. To sell, the sales letter must be specific, go to the right audience, appeal to the readers needs, and it must be informative.

Sorry, But Im Not Buying From You!

Former General Electric CEO and legendary manager, Jack Welch, nailed the problem recently when he said there?s just too much beating around the bush and indirectness in corporate communications. People are more interested in not hurting each others? feelings than in improving productivity, and we simply need more frankness, says Welch.

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