Sales Information

Another Warm Lead

Saturday morning, I sat in my pajamas, sipping strong, black coffee and petting Ms. Kitty Cat. The telephone rang. Usually on a Saturday morning, I screen my calls, but this morning, expecting a friend, I picked up.

Why Are We All So Afraid?

What can strike terror into the heart of even the most successful sales professional or entrepreneur?

Create A Killer Product by Writing Your Sales Letter First!

You may not realize this, but when if you are in the early planning stages of developing a product, the best thing you can do is STOP and write the sales letter first!

How To Set Goals and Achieve Them

We use only 5% of God's given potential, 95% of them is not used. Why not tap the 95% of our Creative Intelligence and achieve our desired goals. Our goals are limitless because of our creative imagination. You have to commit to your goals. If you don't have a goal , your life will be a failure. You are a goal seeking Organism. You can create your opportunity and you can do it anytime. You have to help yourself to achieve your goals.The only way to reach the top is to have a goal. In order for goals to be effective they need to be big, because big goals create excitement once you accomplish. There is no excitement in mediocrity. The excitement comes when you are at your best. You need to see your life as something big and exciting . The only way to do that is through setting goals. Make a commitment and put it in writing. You have to crystalize your thinking so that you will be able to establish an exact direction for your own life. Goals must be realistic and achieveable. Goals must also include personality changes. Once you set goals and start to achieve them you will become successful.Don't have a goal that is so vague that you can't tell, whether you have accomplished it or not. Have a clear statement of your goals. Write them down. Put deadlines on your goals. Have Short term, Intermediate and Long term goals.When you put them on paper they become tangible and you feel more inclined to do them. As you accomplish your goals, add more ambitious goals to your list.Your goals should be clear and definite.Napolean Hill in his book 'Think and Grow Rich' says that your thinking should be crystal clear. You should know your goals. The purpose of those goals. Make a plan how you are going to achieve them. Be persistent and determined. Finally a burning passion and desire to achieve them.You should give a definite period of time within which to accomplish those goals . Successful people are successful because they see themselves as successful.

Planning to Realize Your Goals

Recently, I wrote about about creating specific, compelling goals that pull you towards what you want in your business, career and life.

How to Blow Rapport Really Fast

Do you have 5, 10, or 20 years of sales experience?

Handshake Intimidation

In some situations, attempting to intimidate the other person will actually increase the amount of rapport you gain with them. CEO introductions, meeting other salespeople (and competitors), and sales job interviews come to mind.

My Competitor Has a Better Product

The topic of this issue's article is a response to a question submitted by one of my newsletter readers.

How to Leverage Your Influence

Why do we get into sales? Typically it is two reasons for most people. One is to make money, and the other is often that we like working with other people.

Open Your Introduction With A Firecracker Moment

The number one requirement, whether you are a business owner or an employee, is to be able to say what you do, and say it with influencing results. Through testing, I have seen, experienced, and received feedback that an elevator speech no longer works. My test results show that elevator speeches are too slow and too boring. People know what?s coming and have mindfully tuned out it out before the first sentence. Elevator speeches don't stop the listener in their moment, which is exactly what you need to do. An introduction that starts with a firecracker impact does stop them in their moment.

Selling Strategy - 5 Ways To Success

Web sites exist for essentially two purposes. The first is to provide information. The second is to sell. If your purpose for being online is to sell products or services, but you don't have tons of sales experience to fall back on, this article is for you!

Use Bundling To Increase Your Profits And Sales

Use Bundling To Increase Your Profits And Sales

Six Steps to Creating Online Presentations for Telephone Selling

How much extra money could you make by closing just one or two additional sales a day? You can double, or even triple, the effectiveness of your telephone selling by showing prospects why they should buy from you, instead of just telling them.

Persuading Learners to Buy: 7 Groups

There are seven major reasons why adults continue their pursuit to learn. Each of the reasons play into the way you want to present your sales information. Studies completed by the United States Department of Education (USDOE), Commission on Nontraditional Study and surveys conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) show little change in why learners keep wanting to learn since 1964.

Ten FAST Ways to Sell Your Products

Always give a reason for the sale for credibility.

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