Sales Information

Dont Let Rattlesnakes Scare You

Recently I was out trail running along the South Fork of the Yuba River. The Yuba River is in a beautiful canyon running east-west through the middle of Sierra Nevada Mountains of California. The terrain here is rocky, hilly and rugged, and is covered with a mixture of pine, oak, and manzanita trees.

Now Is A Great Time To Sell!

Its official. The news just came out. Yes, we are now in a recession!

Why Executives Wont Take Your Call

Do you hang up on telemarketers? 9 times out of 10 I do.

Peddlers, Hucksters, & Empty Suits

Ever feel like you were "just a salesperson"?

Cold Calling Reluctance

Most salespeople I know consider cold calling a dreadful, but essential activity in our profession. Even those who are good at it rarely like it. Nevertheless, those who are successful in sales do it regularly because without prospects, one does not sell anything.

Build & Protect Your Confidence

I can remember the first time that I had to get new customers from a cold start. I was a sales rep at IBM. I had only been selling for a short while since graduating from college, and I didn't really know what to do.

Cold Calling Pressure Reduction

Who likes cold calling?

The Risk of Being A Yes-Man

Sales is all about negotiating. You are negotiating from the first word out of your lips on a cold call, to the moment that you touch the contract with your customer's wet signature on it.

Improve Your Sales Closing Ratio

Occasionally EGOPOWER readers send me questions or topic suggestions that I feel would be of interest to you. In this issue I give some tips to improve your sales closing ratio in response to a question Rob Smith wrote me from the UK:

Lock, Stock, and Barrel!

The other night I was watching a classic western from 1969, Sergio Leone's "Once Upon A Time In The West".

Why I Hate (Most) Benefit Statements

Benefits are what motivate people to purchase from you, right?

Dr. Seuss?s 3-Step Selling Process

Hello Everyone:  Here?s a unique look at learning how tosell:

How To Get Rich Giving Away Something Free

The best of all worlds is to have a product you can give away free and still make money. That world exists. The product need not be expensive or elaborate. It can be something simple - a sticker with a happy face, a pen with a logo, or some other intriguing item.

In Sales Service Means Business

Some businesses flourish while others slowly fade away. There?s usually a good reason.  Here are two examples.

The Best Day In The Week

The best day of the week is TODAY, of course.  Yesterday?s are lost forever, and we know only too well that tomorrow isn?t promised to anyone.

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