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Change 101: How to Handle the Changes that Come Your Way
One of the few things that are constant in this world is change. At the same time, many people just don't like change. As a matter of fact, the only person I know that always likes change is a wet baby! Having said that, I believe that most people do not like change because they either don't know how to respond to it, or respond poorly. One way to think about this is that change is like waves on the beach. Just like change, waves are relentless, can be very powerful, and there's really only three things you can do with a wave: let it knock you down, survive it, or ride it. Let's take a closer look at each of these three ways to handle change. Letting it knock you down We let the waves of change knock us down when we take what I call the "dead roach approach" to change. That is, flat on our back, feet in the air, and just let it take control. You can tell you are taking this approach when you say things like: "I'm so stressed out!" Surviving it Doesn't surviving change sound like a good thing to want to do? While in a few cases it's really the only thing you can do, it really isn't the optimal approach to take. I don't know about you, but merely surviving doesn't sound like a very compelling way to live to me. If you're thinking and saying these things, you've probably settled on merely surviving: How can I get through this? The probably with taking a survival approach is that you just merely get by. When you're ready to do more than just get by, it's time to begin......... Riding it Riding the waves of change means moving from a state of survival to a state I call "thrival." Thrival is simply the process of making change work for you. Here are some questions to ask to begin to learn how to thrive on change: How can I make this work for me? Change is inevitable. How we handle it is optional. Make the choice to ride the waves and you're likely to create a compelling life for yourself. Visit SecretsofGreatRelationships.com for tips and tools for creating and growing a great relationship. You can also subscribe to our f*r*e*e 10 day e-program on how to enrich your relationship today, from relationship coach and expert Jeff Herring.
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What Motivates You - Desire or Fear? The energy of desire is a powerful motivator and creative force. Yet we must state our desires clearly with the rewards of success in mind. A Quick Observation of the Low Class We can all learn a valuable lesson about the types of behavior and attitudes to avoid like the plague, simply by observing the characteristics of people we all know are low class. Being low class is not a function of the lack of money or social status. I've seen rich people and those high on the social ladder who were very low class. I've also observed folks who were living below the poverty level and low on the social scale who were very high class people. It also has nothing to do with race or ethnic background. Instead, being low class is strictly a matter of behavior and attitudes. Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow Recently a person attended one of my goal setting seminars with a different kind of focus; I will call him Richie. I had the feeling, as I was leading the group in a goal setting exercise, that Richie had recently traveled this road. After hearing his story I discovered that in fact he did have a new outlook on life; and goals attached. STOP! Reading the Headlines and Live Your Own Life First Imagine! 40 is old. The California State Supreme Court has said that when are you are 40, employers can discriminate against employees using this age as the excuse. Motivation: The Power of Vision Here's an interesting story from the world of race car driving. One of the most important things that beginning race car drivers learn is what to do when they lose control of the car and go into a spin. The natural reaction is to focus on the wall or other object they want to avoid. Because their focus is on the wall, that's usually where they end up. Instead of focusing on the wall, the drivers learn to focus on where they want to go. This allows them to avoid the walls, stay on course and go where they want to go. Keeping Perspective: When Bad Things Happen That Are Not Life Threatening The very first thing to question is how important is this in the overall scheme of life? Compared to all of the things that have happened, are happening, and could happen in my life - how bad is this? Is it something that will impact the rest of my life? Is it temporary? Although the pain may not feel like it's temporary, it usually is. It's important to get a perspective. If your car has been stolen, that's a major nuisance that will cost you time and money to replace, but how does that compare to a diagnosis of cancer? If your marriage is ending, it can be extremely painful, but your life will continue no matter how bleak circumstances may seem. So wouldn't it be easier to find a way to transcend the pain and move on, let go, and take away the power from the negativity? Wouldn't it be more pleasant to look at the 'bright side'? and yes! There always is a flip side! It may not be one you believe in at the moment, it may not be where you want to focus, but there IS another perspective. One Last Month to Make it Count! Can you believe it, summer is almost over. Did you get to accomplish everything you planned? Did life sneak up on you, such as unexpected bills, a loss of a job or did your situation change? Well, the busiest 2 months of summer are over, with literally weeks until school starts up again. There's a lot of juggling finances as you finish off your summer trips, buy school clothes and rush to the store to buy up all the school supplies you can get your hands on. For the kids the hustle and bustle has just begun, but for the single parent this is just a normal month. How often do we have a busy month like this and we don't think twice about it. It's a regular routine for us, we work, we buy, and we're broke. There's no "ifs", "ands" or "buts" about it. We work hard, play less and fall into an eternal cycle of Single Parenting. Half the time we don't know which end is up, just as long as those kids are fed, the bills are paid and we can get to work on time. Get Out of Your Comfort Zone - Before Its Too Late Think about what you're doing each day and ask yourself - "Is what I'm doing now getting me to where I want to get to?" If the answer is "No" then do something different. Get out of your comfort zone and change your habits. Creativity Management ? Productivity As A Job Creativity can be defined as problem identification and idea generation whilst innovation can be defined as idea selection, development and commercialisation. The Greatest Secret To Producing Real SOLID Excellence! One fact stubbornly stays true: while everyone desires to succeed, only those who truly COMMIT to their dreams would be able to attain success. For most people, having MORE money, MORE freedom and MORE success is nothing but a feeble desire. The reality is that they can live without it even though it is great to have it. As a result, they never (and never need to) take enough massive action to achieve their dreams when something else more 'important', 'urgent', 'realistic' or 'down-to-earth' comes to fill up their time. The Rate of Change There have been many discussions and grumblings in the Western world about the ever increasing pace of change and the ability of the brain to accept it. The Internet (something uninteresting that the American Military was developing) suddenly became a required household feature. Digital Mobile Phones suddenly give new meaning to taking photographs and all those gimmicks from James Bond Movies have long since been incorporated, accepted and forgotten about in daily life. Personal Motivation: Without Struggle There Is No Progress As each day ends and another begins, the words of Frederick Douglas ask us as individuals to recognize the relationships between life's daily struggles. At A Dead End? Look Deeply Into My Eyes! The president of a large North Eastern company, doing business internationally, was visiting his California division. While he was there, he saw a very large photograph of, of all people, himself, hanging on the wall. Testy Horses and the Art of Speed Waiting "What are you waiting for?" said Nelson, looking at me impatiently. "Well? Go on. Get saddled up!" Procrastinator No More! Procrastination is when ever we postpone a task or duty intentionally without a valuable explanation. It is a natural tendency in people. Let's face it, sometimes we are tired or a specific task is unpleasant to perform and we respond by putting it off until later. If it happens only once or on something of not much importance it is okay. But, what happens when a student keeps putting off the school work. At the last minute he may want to make up for the lost time but fails the class. So, can you see how procrastination can get in the way of your success and objectives? Therefore, it is crucial for people to learn how to avoid this negative tendency and manage it effectively. Below I have added some tips that can convert anyone in to a procrastinator no more! Dont Let Failure Go To Your Head I watched as an 8-year-old All-Star slid dramatically into second base. Yet the umpire gave the dreaded signal, "Out!" The crowd yelled, "That's OK. Way to hustle! Great try!" Self Determination - Making the Most Out of You Breaking the mold of being a child is difficult. The mere addition of years does not make that happen. The dependency many adults choose, in fact, keeps them in a child-like mentality. If the doctor makes our health decisions, an accountant our financial ones, a minister our moral ones and a politician is left to decide our rights, how is that different from a child being told what to do by teachers and parents? Perseverance As A Virtue "Through perseverance many people win success out of what seemed destined to be certain failure." - Benjamin Disraeli (1804 - 1881) - British Statesman, Prime Minister Correct Your Mindset and Expel The Fear The main problem with many of us is we loose our direction in life. We have great aspirations upon leaving school or college but then just loose direction or do not know how to achieve our dreams. We are all taught the academic basics needed to function in today's world. We may then study further to achieve a qualification in a particular field. But we are never taught how to achieve real success. You need far more then just qualifications to make a success of your life. It's a fact that many people have left school with very few or no qualifications, but have still been very successful. Step Out Living your successful life requires you to step out. I remember as a teenager, right out of high school, learning this valuable lesson. Now - 15 years later - my life is the result of habitually stepping out. ![]() |
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