Motivation Information

The Time to Act

Engaging in genuine discipline requires that you develop the ability to take action. You don't need to be hasty if it isn't required, but you don't want to lose much time either. Here's the time to act: when the idea is hot and the emotion is strong.

It Is Up To You

One of the first things successful people realize is the old adage, "if it is to be, it is up to me." That is, for you, the fact that your success and your course is up to you. This doesn't mean that you do it all alone. It simply means that you take responsibility for your life and your career.

A Dollar and Some Ambition

(Excerpted from "Building Your Network Marketing Business" CD)

Are You Lacking Self-Discipline? - Part 1

A man does not live until he begins to discipline himself; he merely exists. Like an animal he gratifies his desires and pursues his inclinations just where they may lead him. He is happy as a beast is happy, because he is not conscious of what he is depriving himself; he suffers as the beast suffers, because he does not know the way out of suffering. He does not intelligently reflect upon life, and lives in a series of sensations, longings, and confused memories which are unrelated to any central idea or principle. A man whose inner life is so ungoverned and chaotic must necessarily manifest this confusion in the visible conditions of his outer life in the world; and though for a time, running with the stream of his desires, he may draw to himself a more or less large share of the outer necessities and comforts of life, he never achieves any real success nor accomplishes any real good, and sooner or later wordly failure and disaster are inevitable, as the direct result of the inward failure to properly adjust and regulate those mental forces which make the outer life.

Are You a Right-Fighter?

Are You a "Right-Fighter"?

Top 4 Reasons Women Ride The ?Emotional Roller-Coaster?

1. Women have learned and are in the habit of being driven by the approval of others. Most women allow the expectations of others to define them and therefore making the approval of others is responsible for their happiness. This pattern gives others? the power to make and take your happiness at any time. Approval seeking steals your happiness and doesn?t allow you to ever get to know yourself, your wants, your desires, or your needs. A total disconnect. Thus an up and down roller-coaster of emotions. Not a pleasant way to live.

Wherever you Go - There you Are

Wherever you go, there you are. This is the title of a fantastic book by Jon Kabat Zinn. Often when going through a difficult time, some think about making a major change, a change of a job or residence. Will this really help? Of course if you are being abused or harassed, such action may be in order. But for the most part, if we change nothing about ourselves, we merely take what is inside of us wherever we wander.

Christian Gladiators? Athletics as a Metaphor for the Christian Lifestyle

When Paul first arrived in Corinth in the middle of his second missionary journey, Acts 18:2-3 reports that he joined Aquila and Priscilla in the occupation of making tents. This fits in well with what Paul himself wrote at about that same time. For example, in 1 Thess. 1:9, he says: "Surely you remember, brothers, our toil and hardship; we worked night and day in order not to be a burden to anyone while we preached the gospel of God to you." Similarly, in 2 Thess. 3:7-8, Paul states: "We were not idle when we were with you, nor did we eat any one's food without paying for it. On the contrary, we worked night and day, laboring and toiling so that we would not be a burden to any of you.?

How to Change Your Negative Reality

It is often taken for granted that the reality tomorrow will be the same as today.

Why Holding A Vision Magnetizes Great Achievement

The only reason some people enjoy success while others fail is because those who succeed persist in holding the vision of what they want.

7 Key Steps to Unshakable Confidence

Do you remember that day? Perhaps it was your first job interview. Perhaps you were speaking to a group for the first time. Maybe you were starting a challenging new career or meeting a special person for the first time. Your throat became dry and your knees wanted to shake.

Extreme Makeover ? Compliments of Me

There is a fascination these days with reality shows that completely make over people, rooms, homes, businesses and now towns, in a short amount of time. I have to admit, I love them too. I love the neat story with a happy ending. They make it look easy, in spite of the pain and hard work many of them have to endure. People have always had this fascination. It?s no different than the old shows (and I?m dating myself here) like Bewitched, where Samantha, who was a witch, would just twitch her nose and, Voila! ? her house was clean as a whistle. To go even further back, there was a very popular show called The Millionaire, where a mysterious benefactor would come anonymously with a check for a million dollars and transform someone?s life.

Happy New Year

H appiness depends upon your outlook on life.

What Would You Change?

When talking with people about their life, or their job, or their current situation I always ask: "What one thing would you change about your life?"

Everything Going Against You

"When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it." Henry Ford

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