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Are You Facing Challenges? Then Make A Different Decision Many people don't really understand the gift they have been given in their ability to be decisive. According to the dictionary, decisiveness means 'having the power or quality of settling a dispute, question, doubt, contest, event, etc.' How individuals use this power of decisiveness will strongly influence the quality of life that they experience. Two Ways to Feel Fear In a memorable Depression-era radio speech on the radio, President Franklin Roosevelt declared, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." He was dead right. And for the next few minutes we're going to look at why he was right, and what FEAR really is, and how it can be turned into something strong and productive for you with just a few simple tactics you can learn in less than 10 minutes. Its Never Too Late To Start Many people never start anything because they think the bus has left them standing at the station. 17 More Things Ive Noticed Along the Way So Far Three areas of life in which we get very little training, yet we all seem to have a strong opinion on: marriage, parenting and money. 12 Reflections on Personal Responsibility Responsibility means being accountable for what we think, say, and do. Personal responsibility involves working on our own character and skill development rather than blaming others for situations and circumstances. It means choosing to design a life that honors our values and purpose. Contemplating Change And Moving Into Action Do you ever have the sense that there has to be more to life than what you are presently experiencing? Those are the moments in time where you become consciously aware of your problems, and awaken to the possibility that change could occur. Perhaps you've noticed yourself seriously considering making some changes surrounding your food habits or your weight. Possibly you've taken the time to make a mental checklist and noted all the ways that food and/or your weight affects the quality of your life. Your awareness may include some of these insights: Sow the Seed - See the Harvest The story is told of two boys who were walking through a field and found some corn seeds scattered across the ground. They each took one of the seeds home and planted it. The Top 10 Ways to Overcome Procrastination When a person is bored or uninterested, certain tasks and projects can seem like torture! This feeling usually leads to procrastination, and procrastination often leads to guilt. Here are some practical ways to avoid these situations and overcome procrastination: Keep On Keepin On In those times when everything seems to be going just perfectly, it is easy to keep moving toward the fulfillment of your dreams and ambitions. You are in the flow. The whole world seems to be conspiring to create your success. Why Do Flowers Inspire Me So Much? I grew up in a very cold climate where winter seemed go on for 6 months and ice, snow and barren trees is what you saw on a daily basis. Plus the bone chilling cold and cloudy skies all made for a long dreary winter. 10 Ways to Reclaim Your Self-Esteem The way you feel about yourself impacts how and why you do everything in life. If you feel good about who you are, then what you do will be an outside reflection of your innermost thoughts and feelings. Contrary to popular belief, self-esteem is not something anyone or any accomplishment can give you. Just because people like you or you receive an award, does not mean that you will love and take care of yourself. Positive self-esteem comes from within and does not change because the scenery or circumstances change. To have esteem for something or someone is to regard highly or favorably. High self-esteem is relatively stable even when the forecast looks foreboding. A Few Simple Things You Must Do If You Want To Be Wealthy Making money is easy when you move to cause rather than living out effects. Entrepreneurs: Take Action Over Inspiration Every Time! "Accept the challenges so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory!" General George S. Patton A Resolution for Excellence "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit." - Aristotle Motivation and Change: Creating Your Daily Success Program I get some of my best ideas for my column from my clients. Fear of Failure The fear of failure is more deadly than failure itself. The fear of failure paints so many imaginary scenarios which petrifies you and renders you immobile. Most folks have buried their dreams because of the fear of failure, which graduates into the fear of stepping out. 5 Motivation Killers and How To Avoid Them Motivation is an oft-discussed subject, particularly with regards to whether or not it is something that can be "taught." Some people believe that motivation is something that can be "caught" like a virus, whilst others (myself included) believe that motivation is something that has to have start from within, and for personal reasons. If I Had 24 Hours To Live A few years back, the ex-recording artist, turned Pastor, turned recording artist again, Mase, had a record out called "If I Had 24 hours to live?" The Undeniable Power of a Mastermind Group A Mastermind is a group of individuals who are joined in purpose. All bringing their collective talents and experiences to the achievement of a common goal. Making the Invisible Visible: The WOW Behind the HOW! "We must be the change we wish to see in the world." -Gandhi ![]() |
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