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Lets Blow The Lid Off Public Relations And show it for what it is - a humdinger of a strategy machine using cutting-edge communications tactics that lead directly to program success. And all because perceptions were altered, behaviors modified and the employer/client satisfied with the end result. Marketing-Minded Financial Planners: Put Extra Content in an E-Zine As you start getting more media-savvy, you'll find yourself coming up with more and more information and ideas to help the public. Not all of these ideas will strike the fancy of your media contacts, but don't let them go to waste-become a media person yourself by publishing an e-zine. Media Savvy - How To Lead, Persuade, And Influence Media management has become one of the strategic tools for managers and leaders to drive marketing opportunities, communicate key messages, achieve social change or influence Government. Media and Communications Consultant, Thomas Murrell* shares 10 success tips for getting the best from the media. Dont Be Incredible Public relations is all about credibility and trustworthiness. If you don't practice PR, then you are likely to be incredible. The Right Hook Have you fantasized about spreading word of your business on a top-rated TV show like The Today Show or Oprah? Company Dress Codes for Small Business; Shorts and Pants Most small businesses have logo'ed shirts, usually polo shirts with logos, this is typical in American Business. But many small businesses either do not have a dress code for pants and shorts or they have one, but rarely enforce it. Others take the approach that unless something is way out of line, the small business owner just doesn't say anything. What is you dress code in your small business? Is it an unspoken dress code? If so you are not alone. Marketing-Minded Financial Planners: Get Free Publicity by Choosing the Right Outlets Sure, any publicity is good. But don't invest time and effort to be in "Lucky: The Magazine for Shopping" if your major topic is planning for college. Go where your market is! Yes, There is a PR Sweet Spot And here it is: public relations alters individual perception leading to changed behaviors among the key outside audiences of a business, non-profit or association manager. It happens when the manager applies positive actions affecting the behaviors of those important external audiences that most affect his or her operation. Same Old, Same Old PR Still Tops Like human nature over time, the power of good public relations remains the same. Oprah! How to Appear on The Oprah Winfrey Show Do you dream of being on Oprah Winfrey's television show? Lots of people do. An appearance on Oprah is considered by many to be the pinnacle of success. Authors dream of having bestselling books as a result of an Oprah appearance. Even David Letterman staged a long-running bit on his show where he openly campaigned to be invited on Oprah's show. How to Use Community Relations to Grow Your Business Community relations is one of those marketing strategies that isn't talked about much, even though I venture to say practically everyone ends up doing it at one time or another. Basically, community relations is when you and your business become involved in your community. For instance: Pot Roast and Public Relations (or, How Your Web Site Can Be Your Best P.R. Tool) Recently I had a craving for pot roast. I racked my brain to think of a restaurant that offered a great pot roast (as you can see, I'm not a whiz in the kitchen). Anyway, I did what I usually do when I need to find information ? I searched Google for "pot roast boca raton" to see what restaurants came up.Well, only one restaurant's menu that featured pot roast came up. I had never eaten there before, so I phoned them to make sure they still had pot roast on the menu (alas, they didn't).But here's the bottom line: I would have become a new customer at this restaurant -- because it offered what I wanted -- and I learned about it while searching the Web. This underscores an important point: every business needs a Web site. Very simply, you never know when potential clients will be searching on the Web for something they need ? and the name of your business or organization will come up.Here's an example. The other night, I got a phone call from a writer in California. She was doing a story on P.R. and my name came up on her Internet search. If it weren't for my Web site, she never would have found me -- and I would have missed the opportunity for publicity.Here's another example. One of my clients told me that a potential customer had decided to do business with his company because of the high quality of its Web site. If you don't think your business or organization needs a Web site, consider this: quite possibly, this very minute, somebody out there is searching the Web for something he or she needs that you can provide. Copyright 2004 Margie Fisher All rights reserved. A Simple Formula for Success Leaders in the business world need public relations big time, and they show it every day. 35 Quick Tips for Writing A Press Release Layout1. 1-2 pages in length.2. Double-space.3. 1.5 to 2 inch margins.4. Use company stationary with logo and slogan.5. Avoid bright or dark-colored paper.6. Center "News Release" at top.7. Place a "release date" under "News Release".8. On second page, type "page 2".9. Use company stationary with logo and slogan on page 2.10. Leave out "release after" date on second page, all else should be the same.11. At end of press release, type "-30-" or "# # #".12. Include both black & white, color, and a variety of font sizes (but no more than four). P.R. Strategies for Professional Service Providers Promotion for Professional Services Providers requires a different approach than for other types of business people. Here's why: A Natural Phenomenon? Really? Sure. What else do you call a human discipline whose very nature is firmly rooted in the principle that people act on their own perception of the facts. Then goes on to create, change or reinforce that opinion by reaching, persuading and moving-to-desired-action the very people whose behaviors affect the organization? A Company That Doesnt Need Public Relations? Really? You mean there are NO perceptions and behaviors peculiar to that company's outside audiences that would help or hinder it in the pursuit of its objectives? Marketing-Minded Financial Planners, Focus on Main Points During an Interview You never want to inundate a reporter with information, but you don't want to be branded a one-trick pony either. That's why I recommend coming up with three key points for every interview you do. Publicity - Tips on Dealing With the Media You thought of it, you researched it, you wrote it. So you own your story. At least you do until you send it to the media. Publicity Tips from the Pros If you want to know the best way to approach the media, get advice directly from the source: the editors, producers and journalists who choose the stories that get publicity. Here are some of the best tips I've gotten from media representatives about getting your story in the news. ![]() |
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