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Public Relations Information
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How to Stay Composed During Contentious TV Interviews NOTE: Brad Phillips was a Producer for CNN's The Capital Gang from 2000-2001. How PR Helps Fiercely Competitive Managers Fiercely combative business, non-profit and association managers use every PR weapon they can lay their hands on. Which means they employ strategic, rapid-fire print and broadcast tactics every day of their business lives. Writing a Press Release: The Design Basics Big corporations like General Motors and Coca-Cola spend thousands of dollars on press kits with specially-designed folders, full-color stationery, digital photos and lots of other goodies. Does this make a reporter more likely to do their story? In my experience, the answer is no. The Role Of Public Relations In Branding Because PR can be difficult to control, it is often discredited. According to Dick Lyles, president and chief operating officer of The Ken Blanchard Companies, a full-service consulting and performance improvement company, "People tend to migrate to things they can control. Even now, when an executive looks at an advertising message that's exactly what they want to create, with exactly the right positioning and so forth, they say, 'That's the message I want to send.' That's great, even though people may not read it, or people may give it less value and discount it, because it's advertising.... [On the other hand], if you get a well-placed article in a trade journal or you get some ink, people give it more credibility. The impact is greater, but because it may not come out exactly the way it was intended to come out, [businesspeople frequently] discount it." Effective Media Relations ? You Won?t be Talking to the Media Without It! The media's role is to package and spread news, current affairs and public interest information to the public. They have great power to shape and influence public opinion, to target and exploit audience reactions, emotions and opinions. PR: Lets Cut to the Chase If your key ? that's KEY ? outside audiences don't exhibit the kind of behaviors that lead to results like these, you need to take a closer look at your public relations effort. A Well-Oiled Strategy Machine Yes, that's what public relations really is when it tracks important external audience perceptions and follow on behaviors. And again when it does something about those perceptions and behaviors by reaching, persuading and moving to actions you desire, those people whose behaviors affect your organization the most. How to Write Press Releases That Work And Get Free Publicity One study found that as many as 90% of the stories you read every day in the newspaper came about because someone sent a press release. Why aren't some of those stories about you? A Blueprint for Managing your PR OK, as a manager, your goal is to show a profit for your business unit, or meet certain expectations of your association membership, or achieve your non-profit's operating objective. In each case, you'll need public relations activity that creates behavior change among your key outside audiences. Behavior change that leads directly to achieving your managerial objectives. Publicity: Financial Planners That Get It Follow One Rule Advice about business and life often gets around to one of those "80-20" rules. As in, "80% of your business will come from 20% of your customers or activities." Here's my twist on this for publicity and marketing: Are You Dissing Public Relations If you leave a star player sitting on the bench, you could be the loser. Oprah! How to Appear on The Oprah Winfrey Show Do you dream of being on Oprah Winfrey's television show? Lots of people do. An appearance on Oprah is considered by many to be the pinnacle of success. Authors dream of having bestselling books as a result of an Oprah appearance. Even David Letterman staged a long-running bit on his show where he openly campaigned to be invited on Oprah's show. Public Relations ? Defining Your Organization from the Inside Out What do your customers say about your company? Getting Traffic Through Publicity If your reading this, you must be online and most likely have a website. You must also be interested in making money from this website, but there is only one way you can do that- traffic and lots of it. Yes, There is a PR Sweet Spot And here it is: public relations alters individual perception leading to changed behaviors among the key outside audiences of a business, non-profit or association manager. It happens when the manager applies positive actions affecting the behaviors of those important external audiences that most affect his or her operation. Ready For A Business Recovery? Who wants to face the challenges of a business recovery without a ton of firepower? Especially when getting your piece of the action almost certainly depends upon how well you modify the behaviors of your target audiences. Whats Your Op-Ed? Everyone has an opinion on something, and you can leverage the opinion of top executives to heighten the visibility of your organization. How? By getting them to write so-called op/ed pieces for newspapers. Press Release, An Alternative For Paid Advertisement. Step 1 What's a press release? This is generally a one page story about your business, your product/service or an event happening related to your business that is about to, or recently occurred. These publicity stories are generally "shot gunned" to newspapers, radio, television and the trade publications. Perception Persuasion Behavior: PR at Work Managers ? the business, non-profit and association sort ? really need to get this down pat if they are to meet their managerial objectives. Permanent Press: Using Press Releases to Keep Your Company in the News When is your best advertisement not an advertisement? When it's a press release. ![]() |
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