Public Relations Information
Pot Roast and Public Relations (or, How Your Web Site Can Be Your Best P.R. Tool)
Recently I had a craving for pot roast. I racked my brain to think of a restaurant that offered a great pot roast (as you can see, I'm not a whiz in the kitchen). Anyway, I did what I usually do when I need to find information ? I searched Google for "pot roast boca raton" to see what restaurants came up.Well, only one restaurant's menu that featured pot roast came up. I had never eaten there before, so I phoned them to make sure they still had pot roast on the menu (alas, they didn't).But here's the bottom line: I would have become a new customer at this restaurant -- because it offered what I wanted -- and I learned about it while searching the Web. This underscores an important point: every business needs a Web site. Very simply, you never know when potential clients will be searching on the Web for something they need ? and the name of your business or organization will come up.Here's an example. The other night, I got a phone call from a writer in California. She was doing a story on P.R. and my name came up on her Internet search. If it weren't for my Web site, she never would have found me -- and I would have missed the opportunity for publicity.Here's another example. One of my clients told me that a potential customer had decided to do business with his company because of the high quality of its Web site. If you don't think your business or organization needs a Web site, consider this: quite possibly, this very minute, somebody out there is searching the Web for something he or she needs that you can provide.
Copyright 2004 Margie Fisher All rights reserved.
How To Get Zero Cost Publicity For Your Business Part 1
Would you like to expand the volume of your business? You can let thousands know about your service, your store, or your new product without spending a penny. Whether you want to make more sales or get an offer on television, you can broaden the scope of your clients by free
How To Get Zero Cost Publicity For Your Business Part 2
This is the ending to my previous article, How to get no cost publicity for your business. Some other options include signature files, joint ventures, free for all links, informational articles, webrings, and giveaways.
How To Write More Powerfully For PR, Offline And Online
Years ago when my Dad owned a group of local newspapers I spent my school and college vacations working in the editorial office. We used to amuse ourselves over our sandwiches at lunchtime looking through and trashing the endless press releases that would arrive in the mail each day, all beautifully produced with glossy photographs (this was in pre-internet days).
Make Sure Your Media Room Rocks
If a reporter was writing a story about you and your company and she visited your website, could she find anything useful and interesting about you to use in her story? And could she find it quickly? Or would she immediately abandon your site and look for one of your competitors to write about?
Do You Have A Press Package?
How do you make a friend of the media? A press package can go a long way in helping you deal with the media. It allows you to have everything you need handy.
Ramp Up Your Newsletter to Build a Strong Business
To survive in business, you've got to focus your attention on the areas that will guarantee you success. Your clients are your greatest asset. Taking the time to educate them and connect with them will pay big dividends over the long haul. There are lots of ways to spend your marketing dollars. But I've found that the number one most effective marketing tool around is a newsletter. This is the perfect time of year to fine tune - or develop - yours.
How to Get $1000 worth of Advertising for $60
©2004 Jeffrey Dobkin
Online Business Press Release Writing Tips And Ideas
Press releases are one of the most cost-effective ways to get promotion for your online business. Many entrepreneurs ignore this type of promotion because they don't know how to write a press release. It's important to promote your online business with press releases because of the media all over the internet. The following is a list of some common press release writing tips:
7 Simple Steps To A PR Launch
A PR product or service launching is a perfect way to build
momentum slowly. It handles the first and most important
hurdle to overcome in building a brand -- credibility.
A Guide to Optimizing Public Relations Content
This guide to ?SEOing? your PR efforts can help you get high-ranking search results for your press releases, marketing white papers and ezine newsletter content. Whether you are managing PR efforts for several online companies or just one website, you?ve probably wondered how you can increase your sites (more importantly, your work) overall impact in the Web community. While the answer lies less and less on traditional forms of promotion such as press releases, learning the tricks of the trade to qualifying for top search engine placement could be the most important thing you ever do for your company.
Possibilities Of The Blogosphere For The PR Industry In Spanish-Speaking Countries
Only two media in Spanish speaking countries offer RSS: the Spanish newspaper El Mundo and the Argentine Clarín. Although the blogs are becoming more visible in the media and are becoming a research topic, still they are something of small ?evangelist groups?, who promote its use? but this can change in little time.
Seven Tips To Get Your Press Release Noticed
If you're seeking to promote yourself or your new business on a limited budget, you probably cannot afford the benefit of hiring a public relations agency to work on your behalf - at least not in the beginning.
What is GuerrillaPR Anyway?
Public relations is the art, as one of my colleagues put it, of "offering people
reasons to persuade themselves." In other words, we are not Madison Avenue;
we don't tell people what we want them to think. Rather, we give them
evidence, facts, and opinions that help them reach a conclusion. If we're good
at what we do, they will reach the conclusion we've been hired to promote.
Media Kit: 25 Component Possibilities
Media kits include a combination of information whether created for electronic delivery or print. The number of components depends on the kit?s focus and intention. For instance, an author?s kit would include a different combination of information than a service business, or a multifaceted company or speaker.
More Articles from Public Relations Information:
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Speaking to the Press
If you get the hang of speaking to the press and you can establish a few good relationships, their contacts and outreach can be extremely beneficial to the marketing of your organization.
A Blueprint for Managing your PR
OK, as a manager, your goal is to show a profit for your
business unit, or meet certain expectations of your
association membership, or achieve your non-profit's
operating objective. In each case, you'll need public
relations activity that creates behavior change among
your key outside audiences. Behavior change that leads
directly to achieving your managerial objectives.
How Video Production can be used in PR
At the core of any successful public relations campaign is effective communication.
Its Just Common Sense!
When a group of outsiders behaves in a way that hurts your business, you usually do something about it. Yet, many business people are amazingly casual about their own external audiences. To me at least, they seem to ignore the reality that those behaviors really do impact their organizations.
How to Make A Great Press Kit ? A Musicians Guide
As an owner of an independent record label, I often get asked how to put together a great press kit. I have found that young musicians understand their music, but are often intimidated by the marketing end of the business. In this article I will help you figure out how to position yourself, whether you are a Latin female vocalist building her base, or an upstart garage band just looking for a break.
A Company That Doesnt Need Public Relations?
Really? You mean there are NO perceptions and behaviors
peculiar to that company's outside audiences that would help
or hinder it in the pursuit of its objectives?
Public Relations Strategies: Focus PR Campaigns with Media Coverage Analysis
Prior to launching a new public relations campaign, evaluate the media coverage you've gained and dig deep into the coverage your competition has received.
Internet Etiquette for Business Success
You're trying to recruit a downline into your program, you've tried every trick in the book, and no one is signing up. Is there a sign on your back that says you've got the plague? Maybe you're lacking in internet etiquette.
Are You Newsworthy?
Non-news professionals often have a hard time understanding why their ENORMOUS news announcement, creates barely a ripple in the media.
Managers: A Key to Your Survival
Most business, non-profit and association managers live to tell about it only IF they achieve their operating objectives. Very little wriggle room there.
Publicity: Marketing-Minded Financial Planners, Never Say These Words to a Reporter
Everyone has something that drives them up a wall. You may be surprised at what aggravates reporters.
How To Get Zero Cost Publicity For Your Business Part 1
Would you like to expand the volume of your business? You can let thousands know about your service, your store, or your new product without spending a penny. Whether you want to make more sales or get an offer on television, you can broaden the scope of your clients by free
The Feeding Tube for Your Business
There are a lot of things that make a business full of clients and running smoothly.
10 Secrets to Free Publicity
Public relations is popular because it is very cost-effective and it works. If you send out one press release, for example, and it gets into print, it could generate more interest in your product or service.
Best Approach For Free Advertisement
Product/service publicity is the superhighway to business success everyone dreams. Then imagine having your product/service written on newspapers, trade publications, aired on radio and viewed on television absolutely for free!!! That's going to skyrocket your profit target only if you know how to use the best method of getting free publicity.
Media Training: Exposing Reporter Tricks -- Three Tactics Designed to Get You
A reporter's job is to get the most accurate and interesting story he or she can. Whether journalists make you look good or bad in the process is inconsequential to them ? their loyalty is to their story, and their goal is to elicit the most dramatic quotes possible from you.
Do You Have A Press Package?
How do you make a friend of the media? A press package can go a long way in helping you deal with the media. It allows you to have everything you need handy.
Financial Planners Publicity and Marketing - Live By The Calendar
The media live by the calendar. Your story pitch might miss the mark with them the first time out, solely because it's out of whack with the seasonal cycle (obvious examples: just try pitching another tax story on April 16, or offering the media your 10 tips on backyard barbecue safety the morning after Labor Day).
Not Getting the PR Results You Want?
The reason might be this simple: as a business, non-profit or association manager, you're too focused on communi- cations tactics and not on a workable blueprint for dealing with those important outside audiences whose behaviors most affect your department, division or subsidiary.
A New Idea For Venture Capitalists
Obviously, it hurts when a promising business project you
backed financially goes down the tube.