Public Relations Information

Not Getting the PR Results You Want?

The reason might be this simple: as a business, non-profit or association manager, you?re too focused on communi- cations tactics and not on a workable blueprint for dealing with those important outside audiences whose behaviors most affect your department, division or subsidiary.

Managers: Are You PR-Fit?

Can you honestly say that your business, non-profit or association?s key outside audiences behave in ways that help lead to your success on-the-job?

Making Press Releases Work - Creating News Where None Existed

Aren't you tired of hearing how extremely easy it is to get free publicity? Have you tried the suggestions that most public relations "gurus" give you? The hard, cold truth of the matter is that you cannot write a press release about any old aspect of your business and have it end up on the home page of the Fortune Small Business Web site. It just doesn't work that way. So how does it work, and what do you do if you need publicity but have nothing "newsworthy" to share?

Dont Expect to Bump Oprah From A Magazine Cover

?I want a pony, a tree house and the fastest bike in the world.?

Managers and PR Genius

The real public relations geniuses might be managers. You know, managers who pursue their objectives by reaching, persuading and moving those outside audiences whose behavior most affect their organizations, to actions those managers desire.

Something New For Managers?

A new public relations blueprint could be a good idea if you?re a business, non-profit or association manager who?s not getting the important external audience behaviors you need to achieve your department, division or subsidiary objectives.

If Your PR Cant Do This, Bag It!

As a business, non-profit or association manager, why continue a public relations effort that doesn?t deliver the key external audience behaviors you need to achieve your department, division or subsidiary objectives?

Hey, Mr/Ms Manager!

Does it really make sense to bet your PR budget on results like newspaper mentions and zippy brochures while your all-important outside audience behaviors are probably receiving much less attention than they need?

Get Outsiders on Your Side

Especially good advice for business, non-profit and association managers whose job success depends in large part on the behaviors of their key external audiences.

4th Quarter 2003 Publicity = 1st Quarter 2004 Prosperity

As the year starts to wind down, many businesses and entrepreneurs are making plans and budgets for the year 2004. Those plans could include anything from setting up goals for new products to preparing marketing, sales and PR/publicity campaigns. When it comes to your publicity plan, WHEN you launch your campaign can be just as important to what and how you launch.

Managers Who Leave PR to Others

You?re a business, non-profit or association manager who needs to achieve your organizational objectives on schedule. Since public relations should be helping you do just that, why leave it wholly in the hands of others?

Make Your PR Budget Work Harder

Do it by restructuring your business, non-profit or association public relations program so that it delivers the stakeholder behavior changes you want. Changes that lead directly to achieving your objectives.

PR: Lets Talk Fundamentals

How much more fundamental can you get than this? As a business, non-profit or association manager, if you don?t get your most important outside audiences on your side, you will fail.

Are You a PR Chowderhead?

You are if you stand by while your public relations people futz around with communications tactics instead of nailing down those outside audience behaviors that help you reach your objectives.


Is that what we are? Fanatic, over-the-top disciples of some wretched obsession?

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