Investing Information

Powerful Hidden Techniques Mystery Formula - The Covered Call Option Trading Buy-Write Strategy

For better or worse, most option trading investors purchase stocks with the intent of holding their shares for an extended period of time.

Seven Investment Terms Everyone Should Know

For those who have never given their financial future a second thought, the term "Financial Planning" could be a scary one. Investments can be a smart way to invest money for your future, but it can be confusing for those who have no experience in the financial business. Before you consult a financial planner it is wise to become familiar with some of the terminology that you are likely to hear from him or her.

Preparing to Invest: How to get started

Investments can be a source of great potential earnings. The two most common reasons that a person does not invest are either they do not have the money or they do not know how to get started. These are some ways to prepare for investing and some things to consider before investing.

Critical Options Investing Tip When Trading Naked Calls and Puts

An option is a derivative trading product that is best used by investors as a hedging tool providing investing profit protection and profit enhancement. Although it is a powerful risk management tool, it can also be used effectively as a stand-alone trading vehicle.

Hedge Fund 101 - Make Money with Hedge Funds

Investors are always looking for the best investments that will yield the most profit. Any investor who can afford the extra cost should consider investing in Hedge Funds. Hedge Funds were started in 1949 by Alfred Winslow Jones, who pioneered non-traditional investment strategies. Jones innovated this new investment strategy by selling short stocks, while buying other stocks (long stocks). Hedge Funds are very similar to Mutual Funds, except that there are fewer regulations on Hedge Funds. As a result, Hedge Funds usually require a much larger investment.

Invest or be Pink Slipped

Firing an employee seems to be easier and easier for corporations. Up until now you allowed them to set your clocks. Now its time to fight back! Beat them at their own game. They had your future pegged. Now your certainty is in your own hands.

The Arrow-Debreu Contingent Claims Model of Investment

Throughout the discussion of speculation and stability, we emphasized that uncertainty theorists now have a generally accepted framework for modeling choice under uncertainty. Economic theorists have chosen to model uncertainty as the revelation of a state of the world. Individuals in these models face investment and consumption decisions based on payoffs that vary across different states of the world.

Will a Falling Dollar Derail Your Plans for Retirement?

How much are you willing to pay for a tank of gas? We?ve all watched as gas prices hit record highs, but what would you do if you filled your tank and paid by credit card only to discover on your monthly statement that you paid $80 to fill an economy car. No, this is not some future doomsday projection of oil prices. This scenario recently happened to a colleague on business in Europe.

Planning for Retirement

Almost without exception, people don?t start planning for their retirement early enough in their lives. Young people leaving High School or College and going into their first paid position find it difficult to look or see ahead to age sixty or sixty-five. Still, time marches on and retirement does arrive.

Creating Momentum with Options - Pro and Cons of At-the-money, In-the-money, and Out-of-the-money

To create momentum in your options trading you need to understand the advantages and disadvantages of at-the-money options, in-the-money options and out-of-the-money options.

Investing and Asset Allocation

Sometimes you spend sleepless nights worrying about which stocks to buy and which to sell, which funds to own and which to dump and whether to get into bonds.

Online Trading Options Strategies - Rolling

Rolling is defined in options online trading as moving a position from one strike to another either vertically in the same month, horizontally to another month or some combination thereof.

Basic Options Terms

Options are good investing and speculative instruments. But options terminology may confuse even experienced investors. In this article we will take up some basic options terms.

Retire Dollar Smart

Jim Miller is a registered investment advisor. This means that he is not beholden to a particular brokerage or financial institution. As such, he does not charge monthly fees for ?money-managing?; instead, through a consultation fee he is free to give whatever advice will best benefit his clients; he doesn?t have to serve them whatever ?flavor of the month? the brokerage or financial institution happens to like at that point in time. His investment advice in his book, ?Retire Dollar Smart,? is clear and filled with common sense.

Guru Focused: Robert Olstein?s Short Sells

While it is rather rare that value gurus sell stocks short, Robert Olstein has been selling short in his Financial Alert Fund. The accountant-turned fund manager spots values by looking behind the numbers. In the second quarter of 2004, Robert Olstein sold short American Italian Pasta Co. (PLB) at $31. After about 6 months he covered at $20, easily made more than $1 million for his fund. Currently he is shorting two stocks: Computer Sciences Corp (CSC) and Fleetwood Enterprises Inc (FLE), although things do not always go that smoothly.

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