Investing Information

Brain Snappers and Other Wall Street Nonsense

The last time you spoke with your broker did he use any of the following words? Diversification, Price-to-earnings ratios, discretionary trading, lifting a leg (he?s talking to you not your dog), leverage, divergence, fee-based compensation, escalator clause, tactical asset allocation and other mesmerizing words to place you in stupefying shock.

A Gadfly On A Dinosaurs Butt, Or The Hood-winking Of The American Investor

Have you ever noticed how some words in the English language are so perfectly named for what they describe? And how some words seem to be, I guess you could say, backwards? For instance, the word sunflower! How wonderfully aptly named is the sunflower, that beautiful yellow flower that follows the sun from sunrise to sunset.

Which IRA Is Best For You?

An Ira is one of the greatest ways to save on taxes currently and accumulate money for the future.

College Savings Plans ? Are They The Best Choice For My Child?

College Savings Plans ? are they the best choice for my child?

Quit and Retire Three Years Earlier!

For most people, there is a direct correlation between how worried they are about retirement income, and how much they can actually do about it. This is because the more worried you are, the closer you probably are to retirement, and the less time you have to do anything ? like save up. Effective ?saving up? requires time. Time so your money can grow. Save an extra $200 a month, three years before retirement (at age 62), and you?ll amass a grand total of $7,887 (averaging 6% growth). Not likely to have a big impact on your retirement lifestyle.

Stocks: Reduce Risk Yet Maximize Profits

It is important to note that every smart investor wants to minimize risk while maximizing profit potential. Yet conventional investment theory tells us that in order to increase returns, you have to increase risk.

What Age Should I Start Saving For Retirement?

Ask this question to 100 people and you will receive 100 very different answers. The fact of the matter is there is no right age to start. But don?t fret (did I just say fret?) knowledge is power!

Angels, Are They Real?

They're real, but few survive. High risk investing is dangerous to your bank balance. The process toward extinction is that an angel risks money in one venture. It fails. Then, he joins a group of angels and risks money in another venture. It fails. At this point, the angel usually hands in his or her wings.

Why Do You Want to Become a Online Trader?

Motivational guru Tony Robbins teaches that the reason for doing something rates much higher than the methods you use to get the job done. In order to make your goal REAL, you need to attach severe, horrifying, intense and profound fear to failure.

The Dreaded Direct Question

(Please have a glass of water within reach before reading this article.)

Beta Factors: How They Can Be Used In The Current Situation

Ever since the turn of the century, world stock markets have been very volatile. In other words there have been significant movements (up or down) in share prices. This phenomenon has been evidenced by the collapse in recent years of the share prices of the dot com companies (e.g. Yahoo, Amazon etc.) and the sharp falls in the share prices of telecommunication stocks (e.g. British Telecom, Marconi etc.). Yet despite these events there is very little emphasis placed on measuring the volatility of stocks.

Love The Thrill of Risk? Invest in an Annuity!

With the stock market in steep decline, people are looking for safe places to invest their savings. Many banks and investment companies are pushing annuities. Annuities offer a higher interest rate than CD's, but are they safe?

POOF goes your RRIF !

Some time ago I attended a seminar where participants were told to burn some money; a reasonably-sized amount of money. You should have heard the gnawing and gnashing of teeth in that room! Step right up, folks, and light it on fire. Come on now. It?s only money.

Retirement is Never Urgent Until

If you?re like many people, your retirement savings have not been growing consistently over the years. We?re not referring to the wild fluctuations in the stock market, but rather the fluctuations in our short-term needs. Every once in a while, it just seems like a good idea to yank ALL those retirement savings out and pay for something.

Retirement or Financial Freedom?

In the past most people never retired. They died. The average life expectancy was much less than it is these days, and there were no financial planners around to help people save up enough to quit work. As recently as the 1960?s, if you did manage to save up enough money to retire, you?d be lucky to live another 5 or 6 years before you kicked the bucket. This made financial planning for retirement a little easier because you really only needed enough income for a few years.

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