Investing Information
The Key Ingredient To Increase Preconstruction Profits By Over $20,000
One of the greatest preconstruction investing issues that I hear from individual investors is that they can?t get access to what they believe are good projects. Regardless if the preconstruction project is a beach condo, a townhouse, a single family home, or even land investment, individuals are finding that many restrictions are being placed on them by developers. In addition, prices are continuing to runaway. So given all this, how is an individual investor supposed to excel in this environment? Read on and find out!
Get Wealthy With the Rule of 72
When it comes time to retire how many people would like to
have a nest egg that is 2 or 3 or even 4 times larger than
what they have? With an answer so obvious allow me to
explain how you can make it happen for yourself.
Investing in New Zealand - Learn how to Find Unique Investment Opportunities
Investing in New Zealand might be much easier than investing in other western countries, thank to the excellent infrastructure, the low taxes and the assistance of the supportive NZ government.
The Basics of Tax-Free UK Financial Spread Betting
Financial Spread Betting (or Trading) offers a tax free method of speculating on financial markets.
Making Every Penny Count
More and more workers are leaving their jobs and taking their 401 k retirement plan funds with them. While some are rolling their funds over into IRAs or other qualified plans; many are taking their distributions in cash. Once an employee has left the job, any payments of earned vacation, sick or other leave made after leaving the job were not considered for inclusion in deferrals to Solo 401k, 401(k), or 403(b) plans. These plans? definition of compensation excluded any post employment earnings as the IRS excluded it from the definition. As far as these plans? were concerned, it?s as if the money was never earned.
The Economy Is Not The Stock Market
Several days ago, the Commerce Department reported that May's factory orders had increased by a 2.9 percent. This was well covered by 'the press', as it was to be a positive influence on 'the market' (yes, the quotes are intentional.....you'll see why). The enthusiasm was understandable - the $394 billion in orders of manufactured goods is the highest level seen since the current calculation method was adopted. Although being skeptical can be wise, the figure was (and is) a clue that the economy is on a solid footing. However, too many times there's a disconnect between what 'should' be the result of a piece of economic data, and what actually occurs. The economy isn't the market. Investors can't buy shares in factory orders......they can only buy (or sell) stocks. Regardless of how strong or weak the economy is, one only makes money by buying low and selling high. So with that, we put together a study of some of the economic indicators that are treated as if they affect stocks, but really may not.
Gold and Silver Maple Leafs Get New Packaging
Gold Maple Leafs and Silver Maple Leafs are receiving packaging makeovers, changes clearly mandated by investor disfavor with packaging that the Royal Canadian Mint has used since the coins were introduced. Gold Maple Leafs debuted in 1979, Silver Maple Leafs in 1988. The changes appear to be good moves, which should increase sales of Silver Maple Leafs and help keep Gold Maple Leafs the preferred pure (.9999 fine) gold bullion coins.
Bad News - Why The Financial News Media Can Cost You Money!
The communication innovations we have around us today like the internet, financial newspapers, and special interest television channels focused on investing like CNBC are a high speed pipeline of nonsensical chatter. All these sources of information mean that there is no shortage of media people trying to answer our questions about the stock market and specific stocks. You have to remember that the news media are constantly competing to survive against other stuff you can watch. If they don?t always sound like they know exactly what is going on then you won?t watch their presentations. If you don?t tune into their show then their ratings go down. If their ratings go down they get fired and their show gets cancelled.
Reading Between The Lines In Annual Proxy Statements
Upper Saddle River, N.J. - May 11, 2005 - Now that a large number of the proxy statements for public companies with fiscal years ending December 31, 2004 have been issued, those of us that scrutinize them for a living, as well as those that have invested in those companies, have an opportunity to analyze their executive pay packages in detail. With all of the attention on Corporate Governance and how to improve the level of transparency and insure that a strong relationship exists between pay and performance, these statements provide for interesting reading.
Shareholders Meeting Changing With Times
A significant number of corporations that settled accounts in the past year are ready to hold their annual shareholders meetings.
Making Your Investment Dollars Work for You
Investments are scary for some people, especially those who have never invested before. We grow up hearing horror stories about how this person or that person lost everything they had on some bad investment some odd years ago and it builds in us a fear of investing so profound that it is sometimes easier to get a confirmed agoraphobic to march in the Macy?s Day Parade than it is to get someone to put a few dollars into stocks or mutual funds.
How Eating Bitumen Made Me a Better Stock Trader
Stock market trading is a fascinating activity.
The Truth About Real Estate Investing - Is It Right For You?
You have probably been hearing, seeing and reading that real estate investing is the best thing since sliced bread. There are many late night cable television infomercials spewing out sales pitches for courses that teach you how to buy residential real estate no money down or for next to nothing. Furthermore, polished pitch men on the advertisement emphasize that it is so easy that anybody can do it. They smugly show you that it is simple as they pencil out on the back of a napkin how you will supposedly make a fortune in real estate. Then these real estate investment course promoters show ?actual? interviews of people who have reportedly made gobs of money with the course system.
It Is Never Too Early To Start A Roth IRA!
The Roth is kind of weird until you get used to it in terms of how much you can put in (contribute) each year depending on how much you earn (compensation). Because of this you really have two limits, one dealing with your compensation and the other dealing with your contribution. Let me explain.
The Perfect Economy?
The U.S. economic data reported this week showed strong output growth with tame inflation. Industrial Production expanded at about 1% in June, three times greater than expected, while both the June Consumer and Producer Price Indices were unchanged. Also, the June Capacity Utilization rate rose to 80.0%, and the June Unemployment Rate fell to 5.0%. The June data generally show there is neither strain nor slack in the U.S. economy. Therefore, the U.S. economy is expanding at an optimal rate.
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Selecting Rules for Investing and Trading
There are three important differences between investing and trading. Overlooking them can lead to confusion. A beginning trader, for example, may use the terms interchangeably and misapply their rules with mixed and unrepeatable results. Investing and trading become more effective when their differences are clearly recognized. An investor's goal is to take long term ownership of an instrument with a high level of confidence that it will continually increase in value. A trader buys and sells to capitalize on short term relative changes in value with a somewhat lower level of confidence. Goals, time frame and levels of confidence can be used to outline two completely different sets of rules. This will not be an exhaustive discussion of those rules but is intended to highlight some important practical implications of their differences. Long term investing is discussed first followed by short term trading.
Investing: The Art Of Making Your Money Work For You
There is a lot to know about investing. It all depends on
what type of investing you are interested in as well. There
are many different types of investment options out there. So
what is investing, specifically?
Gold and Silver Maple Leafs Get New Packaging
Gold Maple Leafs and Silver Maple Leafs are receiving packaging makeovers, changes clearly mandated by investor disfavor with packaging that the Royal Canadian Mint has used since the coins were introduced. Gold Maple Leafs debuted in 1979, Silver Maple Leafs in 1988. The changes appear to be good moves, which should increase sales of Silver Maple Leafs and help keep Gold Maple Leafs the preferred pure (.9999 fine) gold bullion coins.
Well Managed Investing Risks Bring Rewards!
"Risk comes from not knowing what you're doing!" Warren Buffett (1930 - )
Rules for Simplified Employee Pension Plans better known as a SEP Plans
A SEP is a special type of IRA. Under a SEP plan the employer creates an IRA account for each eligible employee, hence the name SEP-IRA. A SEP is funded solely with employer contributions. Employees do not make contributions to their SEP-IRA retirement account. Any money that goes into a SEP automatically belongs to the employee. Thus, the employee has the right to take his SEP IRA account money with him whenever he stops working for the company.
Sitcom Investing
A fickle stock market encourages good-humored mockery.
The Convertible Craze Brightens The Future Of Equities
Convertibles are stealing the show with their safe investment image in today's "protective" market. They seem to be overshadowing the stocks and bonds, and this holds true for the mediocre issuers.
Top Ten Investment Mistakes
1. Lacking an investment plan a/k/a/ "Don't take a trip without packing the map". A pre-planned asset allocation generates positive results and eliminates emotional panic selling.
Day Trading Strategy or Stock Trading Software? The Way You Pick Stocks Affects Your Results
The trading method you employ to approach the stock market can make a big difference in your results.
Need To Trade!
You don't HAVE to be trading.
Will a Falling Dollar Derail Your Plans for Retirement?
How much are you willing to pay for a tank of gas? We've all watched as gas prices hit record highs, but what would you do if you filled your tank and paid by credit card only to discover on your monthly statement that you paid $80 to fill an economy car. No, this is not some future doomsday projection of oil prices. This scenario recently happened to a colleague on business in Europe.
Use this Simple Trick its to Buy $100 Bills Direct from your Bank for only $97
Most People just don't understand the power of using their home as a Wealth Creation Tool. How many people do you know who have lived in the same house for 10, 15 or more years and have virtually no mortgage, You know the Type 'House Rich Cash Poor'. There are strategies these homeowners can use to put that House Rich Part to work Building Wealth.
The 8 Biggest Mistakes When Designing Portfolios - and How To Avoid Them
Are you as good an investor as you think? Do you consider yourself a well-informed investor able to anticipate and avoid nearly all pitfalls associated with investing? Chances are, you are making one of the common errors that could cost you hundreds or even thousands of dollars, or worse yet, your financial independence, control and security.
Creating Wealth by Gearing Up
Gearing is where you borrow money to invest. As already mentioned, it is best to clear all your debt before looking at investment. However, there will arise situations where the investment is a good one and it is necessary to borrow a small amount to make the deal work. The borrowing may be for property or shares.
Effective Advice For A New Generation of Investors
Investing and Understanding What You Buy
"There is nothing more frightful than ignorance in action!"
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749 - 1832)
Trend Following
Trend following also called momentum trading is the simplest and safest method of stock market investing. It puts you in stocks and mutual funds that are going up and gets you out when they start down. Properly done there is no guess work.
Buying Florida Investment Properties and Where Its Hot
Relaxing in Style: Florida Investment Properties
Find a Methodology and Minimize Investment Madness
There are many reasons to be investing these days, and too much opportunity to not have your money working for you.
Eight Questions to Ask Your Financial Advisor
You may like your financial advisor, but is he really looking out for you? All advisors are not created equal, and you have a right to know what makes them different! You also have a right to ask yours if he compares!