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HYIPs Investments or Scams? High Yield Investment Programs (HYIPs) appear at first to be the secret to unlimited wealth and fortune, but as you can guess that quickly changes. However, I have found myself still using them in a very limited fashion as a generator for my digital currency exchange. I will discuss that in a later article. First, you need to understand the concept of e-currency. It is a digital currency that is traded and used for purchases on-line. In fact, it has no national boundaries, is handled in many different currencies and is very liquidible. While all of these factors make it a very versatile tool for the investor, it also makes it anonymous and therefore very attractive to the scammers and thieves. Be warned it is almost impossible to know whom you are dealing with or what they are actually going to do with your money. There are many types of e-currencies but I prefer e-gold for many other endeavors than Help. Trading Commodity Futures Using Support and Resistance - Paper Trading Setting Up a Paper Trading Account When Its Too Late to Save for Retirement You are 55 years old (or somewhere around there) and your company is going to force you to retire at 65. You have $35,000 saved in your 401K and that's all. The house will be paid for by then so you will have a place to live. The company pension will pay about $1,000/month and so will Social Security. What will my life style be like at that time? Selecting Rules for Investing and Trading There are three important differences between investing and trading. Overlooking them can lead to confusion. A beginning trader, for example, may use the terms interchangeably and misapply their rules with mixed and unrepeatable results. Investing and trading become more effective when their differences are clearly recognized. An investor's goal is to take long term ownership of an instrument with a high level of confidence that it will continually increase in value. A trader buys and sells to capitalize on short term relative changes in value with a somewhat lower level of confidence. Goals, time frame and levels of confidence can be used to outline two completely different sets of rules. This will not be an exhaustive discussion of those rules but is intended to highlight some important practical implications of their differences. Long term investing is discussed first followed by short term trading. Creating Wealth by Gearing Up Gearing is where you borrow money to invest. As already mentioned, it is best to clear all your debt before looking at investment. However, there will arise situations where the investment is a good one and it is necessary to borrow a small amount to make the deal work. The borrowing may be for property or shares. Mutual Fund Returns May Not Be As They Seem! Arthur Levitt, during his tenure at the SEC, experienced many cases where the non-indexed mutual fund manager bought shares for their own accounts before the fund bought the shares. The fund's purchases drove up the price of the stocks and the fund manager's made a killing on the deal. This is called "front running," and is illegal under securities laws. Now is the Time to Invest for Your Retirement! Yes, it's the time we've all been waiting for?tax season! We know you've gotten a jump start and filed early this year, right? Of course not, but rather than dreading this part of the year, we should all look to it as a point for new opportunities. Many readers don't realize that even though the New Year has come, they can invest money as if it were still 2004! That's correct, it's not too late. You can invest funds into your retirement account until April 15th, 2005 and have it count as if the contribution were made in 2004! Investors typically choose to take advantage of this through an Individual Retirement Account. Volatile Oil The Light Crude Continuous Contract fell from $67.70 a barrel on Monday to $62.75 on Thursday, and closed at $65.79 on Friday. Consequently, oil stocks followed the sharp move in oil prices last week. Forex Trading Best Practices FOREX, the term for the FOReign EXchange market, is an international exchange market where currencies from many different countries are bought and sold. Both long-term hedge investors and short-term investors that seek quick profits use FOREX. Trade reaches between 1 and 1.5 trillion US dollars per day. Needless to say, FOREX is a very lucrative market. Many wonder how to gain the most profits by trading with FOREX. There are a few simple trade practices that can help any trader, either an amateur or a professional make significant profit from FOREX. Making Every Penny Count More and more workers are leaving their jobs and taking their 401 k retirement plan funds with them. While some are rolling their funds over into IRAs or other qualified plans; many are taking their distributions in cash. Once an employee has left the job, any payments of earned vacation, sick or other leave made after leaving the job were not considered for inclusion in deferrals to Solo 401k, 401(k), or 403(b) plans. These plans' definition of compensation excluded any post employment earnings as the IRS excluded it from the definition. As far as these plans' were concerned, it's as if the money was never earned. How To Create Wealth In The Stock Market First and foremost, an opportunistic strategy for creating wealth in the stock market is needed. And the opportunistic strategy for creating wealth in the stock market must have two ingredients, a plan and a goal. The plan must be a definite, concrete plan of investing that would profit you and your family for the rest of your lives. To Retire Rich, Save and Invest Early If you want to retire rich, start saving investing early. The most powerful tool when it comes to retiring rich, is compounding your returns on money saved when you are young. Through the power of compound interest, cash invested today has a massive impact on your wealth level when you retire. DXPortfolio: A Great Passive Investment of 25% to $40% per month First, I need to explain about e-currencies or digital currencies. DXPortfolio are based and supported by the supply and demand of e-currency. Before, I go on to explain how I have used my e-gold account in accordance with my DXPortfolioto grow a nice size nest egg for later (which is growing as we speak), I have to tell you something. As you can guess, the growth of digital currencies are just beginning. That brought me to the idea of DXPortfolio. This is a portfolio based on the ongoing collection of worldwide e-currency exchange fees. Since these fees will only increase, the portfolio will only increase. As you can see it is a win win situation. The only factor that is involved is how fast or slow it will increase. My experience has shown an average gain in my portfolio of between 25% to 40% increase per month. That will account to an increase of over 500% per year. I have been involved for over 6 months and plan on continuing my involvement. I almost forgot the best part. While this DXPortfolioincrease you can borrow the money you invested to use in other areas, and the portfolio still increases the same. Yes, you read it right. You can continue to use the money you invested while it continues to show profit. If you are interested in this kind of opportunity, I will tell you how I am doing it. Before you begin, you need to open a e-gold account. This is a free account that we will need to fund the DXPortfolio and also get the money back out for use. Can Your Annuity Do This? Okay, so I can tell you I have sat in front of countless numbers of people who have made mistakes when purchasing and owning annuities. And I have visited people who wish they never got involved in an annuity. And I have seen people who say that their annuity is their worst nightmare...So what is it that makes the annuity such a bad thing for some people and such a great vehicle for others??? Well I am about to tell you...and it all goes back to the annuity owners biggest MISTAKE. Yes, not mistakes but mistake. Maniac Investment Let's first understand what maniac means. According to Webster a maniac is "mad; raging with madness; raging with disordered intellect". You don't know anyone like that, do you? July 2005: Hurricane Forecasts for Weather Traders Tropical Storm Arlene formed as a tropical depression on June 8, 2005 near 83 West Longitude and 17 North Latitude. Although Dr. Bill Gray's updated hurricane forecast for 2005 calls for 15 named storms, with 8 of the 15 being hurricanes, orthodox meteorology cannot pinpoint the time and place for the origin of any of those future storms. My June forecast published on Ezinearticles.com entitled "June 2005: Weather Forecasts for Weather Traders" called for tropical storm or hurricane formation between June 7 and 11, 2005 around 86 West Longitude and 24 North Latitude. This forecast was prepared in May 2005 long before conventional meteorology had any indication of tropical storm activity for June. As can be seen, Arlene formed near these coordinates. It then passed close to them on June 9th and 10th. Trading Tips No 4: Technical Analysis The Holy Grail Syndrome Everyone knows that the Holy Grail of investing and trading is a myth. Finding a good technical analysis tool that will give you a trading system that wins all the time is called the holy grail of trading. This means that one would never have a losing trade, not to mention consecutive losing trades, never have an equity curve drawdown, and after five winning trades in a row will just keep on delivering winning trades forever! There is simply no technical analysis or system that wins on every trade. Easily Finding A Good Stock There is a tremendous amount of software, complicated high priced newsletters, radio and TV stock pickers and Internet web sites that will help you find a stock that is going to make you rich. Have You Ever Seen A Map of the World Turned Upside Down? For those accustomed to viewing things a certain way, it is quite disconcerting. One almost expects the ocean to pour out. It just seems wrong. Yet, the way we view the globe is entirely arbitrary, based largely on the way we've always seen it. The Real Cost of a Bad Habit What is the value of a good habit? Think of some daily habits, like brushing your teeth, or buckling a seat belt, or flushing. All of these habits have value important to some part of life. Failing to follow through on some habits can lead to some nasty results, and those results could cost us our lives. ![]() |
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