Investing Information
Angels Investors and Their Networks
What is an Angel Investor?
An Angel is usually a private person who invests in small businesses. The Angel is generally a successful businessperson or entrepreneur who looks to invest in a business that has potential for growing their investment in the future.
Press Release Scams and Successes: Reading Between the Lines
Press releases are a means through which companies can keep the public up to date regarding their recent affairs. It is the duty of every public company to keep its investors and indirectly potential investors aware of what is going on in the company. It should not be forgotten, however, that it is in the ultimate interest of the company for the price of the stock to increase. Consequently, companies are increasingly selective about what and how information is presented in such releases.
Your mother always told you, "If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is." That popular adage holds particularly true with regard to penny stock companies' press releases. Certainly all press releases are optimistic; companies would not release them otherwise. But when looking to invest in a company, be aware of overly ambitious, optimistic, and unsubstantiated press releases. A company that has had annual revenues of 10 and 11 million for the past two years and that claims that the coming year will bring revenues of 40 to 50 million, better have a darn good reason. Examining press releases by breaking down the argument into its underlying logic is an excellent way of uncovering reasoning that has been intentionally muddled to appear better than it is. For example, if a company says that its software sales increased 300% over the past year but do not indicate what percentage of their total revenue was composed of software sales, be suspicious. If a company does not lay out a detailed plan explaining how they will make money and increase earnings, it is likely that their only source of revenue is selling valueless shares to sucker investors.
Your Portfolio and ?Old Ironsides?
The USS Constitution first ventured into the waters in 1798. From there she became an icon of durability and success.
When It Comes To Investing, Asking The Right Questions Can Help You Make The Right Decisions
Are you ready to open your pathway to financial independence?
Delist My Corporation Please
It use to be said that once a company was de-listed from the NASDAQ it was the kiss of death, not so any more. With Sarbanes Oxley and all the insane reporting requirements it might save your company from incessant lawsuits from investors and the government regulators who are out to destroy free enterprise. Many small NASQAQ companies have spent over $100,000 initially to set up the controls for accounting compliance of Sarbanes Oxley and now the ongoing scrutiny for transparency runs a good 1-3% of gross sales. But that is not the kicker; the real problem is when company executives make decisions for the regulator over sight compliance and what is best to keep the company out of trouble or from receiving a letter from Elliot Spitzer or the SEC. Once that happens the stock price tumbles and once in the sites of a regulator they are going to have to find something to prove self worth, even if they have to lie a little or fudge their investigation to make something up. Which is all to common as any insider will tell you.
Investing: The Art Of Making Your Money Work For You
There is a lot to know about investing. It all depends on
what type of investing you are interested in as well. There
are many different types of investment options out there. So
what is investing, specifically?
Buying Florida Investment Properties and Where Its Hot
Relaxing in Style: Florida Investment Properties
Investing & Online Stock & Share Trading: Money & Risk Management - Atkinson Portfolio Planner (1)
This article was originally featured in Daryl Guppy's 'Tutorials in Applied Technical Analysis', voted no 1 trading newsletter in Australia by Shares magazine & no 4 in the world by US Stocks & Commodities magazine and is reprinted here with Daryl's permission.
Stocks, Oil, and Bonds
A barrel of oil bounced to over $60 Thu, which triggered a steep sell-off in the stock market Thu and Fri, although oil pulled-back to around $59 a barrel, and closed at $59.84 a barrel Fri.
How To Start Investing For Financial Independence, Part 1
Today, I am going to start a multi-part series about how to go from being a beginning investor to being ?financially independent? in a steady and predictable way. At our website, we get tons of e-mails about how do I start, how do I start with little $?s, etc., etc., etc. If you are asking this question, congratulations because you are ahead of most. All of us have been there at some point.
Before You Invest You Must Read This
It is important to answer the following questions before you begin to invest any of your money. The answers to these questions will help to guide you to when, what, where, and how much to invest. Do not skip these questions and make sure you write it all down. You will need to look over and re-examine these answers many of times.
HYIPs Investments or Scams?
High Yield Investment Programs (HYIPs) appear at first to be the secret to unlimited wealth and fortune, but as you can guess that quickly changes. However, I have found myself still using them in a very limited fashion as a generator for my digital currency exchange. I will discuss that in a later article. First, you need to understand the concept of e-currency. It is a digital currency that is traded and used for purchases on-line. In fact, it has no national boundaries, is handled in many different currencies and is very liquidible. While all of these factors make it a very versatile tool for the investor, it also makes it anonymous and therefore very attractive to the scammers and thieves. Be warned it is almost impossible to know whom you are dealing with or what they are actually going to do with your money. There are many types of e-currencies but I prefer e-gold for many other endeavors than Help.
Shop More, Save More for College Gimmick or Reality?
The man sat in a chair beside a dressing room at a Tampa, Fla. maternity store. "That one looks great," he says to his pregnant wife. "I really like that one."
An Introduction to Offshore Investing
Once upon a time, offshore investment strategies were spoken of in hushed tones. They were conversations restricted to the plush offices of private Swiss bankers, or a dinner table topic in the expensive playgrounds of the multi-millionaires.
July 2005: Hurricane Forecasts for Weather Traders
Tropical Storm Arlene formed as a tropical depression on June 8, 2005 near 83 West Longitude and 17 North Latitude. Although Dr. Bill Gray?s updated hurricane forecast for 2005 calls for 15 named storms, with 8 of the 15 being hurricanes, orthodox meteorology cannot pinpoint the time and place for the origin of any of those future storms. My June forecast published on Ezinearticles.com entitled ?June 2005: Weather Forecasts for Weather Traders? called for tropical storm or hurricane formation between June 7 and 11, 2005 around 86 West Longitude and 24 North Latitude. This forecast was prepared in May 2005 long before conventional meteorology had any indication of tropical storm activity for June. As can be seen, Arlene formed near these coordinates. It then passed close to them on June 9th and 10th.
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Retirement is Never Urgent Until
If you're like many people, your retirement savings have not been growing consistently over the years. We're not referring to the wild fluctuations in the stock market, but rather the fluctuations in our short-term needs. Every once in a while, it just seems like a good idea to yank ALL those retirement savings out and pay for something.
Asset Location ? Increase Investing Returns & Reduce Your Taxes
Location ? Once the holy grail only for real estate investors is fast becoming the mantra for every stock, bond, and mutual fund investor. Experts and studies now recognize managing asset location is second only to asset allocation in determining the success of your investment returns.
Investing Online Has Its Rewards: Find Out How To Take Advantage Of Them
Computerized investing. Online investing. Have you taken the next step yet? These days among savvy investors, online investment resources are synonymous with opportunity.
Investor Guide to Financial Health
Step 1: Spend less than you earn
Invest or be Pink Slipped
Firing an employee seems to be easier and easier for corporations. Up until now you allowed them to set your clocks. Now its time to fight back! Beat them at their own game. They had your future pegged. Now your certainty is in your own hands.
Six Principles of Successful Investing
1. Begin investing immediately
Seven Investment Terms Everyone Should Know
For those who have never given their financial future a second thought, the term "Financial Planning" could be a scary one. Investments can be a smart way to invest money for your future, but it can be confusing for those who have no experience in the financial business. Before you consult a financial planner it is wise to become familiar with some of the terminology that you are likely to hear from him or her.
Investing Psychology Today Requires All Traders to Awaken Their Speculator Minds
Stock trading strategies are as rampant today, as they were during the Great Bull Market. Yet, can you truly master the stock market like so many investing books propose?
Finding the Perfect Company
The perfect company - it's the holy grail of the investment world. The company that will make its initial investment hundreds of times over. It's what everyone shoots for. To have bought Microsoft when it first went public... It's how fortunes are made. What does make "the perfect company"?
Straddle Strategies in Option Trading
The straddle strategy is an option strategy that's based on buying both a call and put of a stock. Note that there are various forms of straddles, but we will only be covering the basic straddle strategy. To initiate a Straddle, we would buy a Call and Put of a stock with the same expiration date and strike price. For example, we would initiate a Straddle for company ABC by buying a June $20 Call as well as a June $20 Put.
Planning for Retirement
Almost without exception, people don't start planning for their retirement early enough in their lives. Young people leaving High School or College and going into their first paid position find it difficult to look or see ahead to age sixty or sixty-five. Still, time marches on and retirement does arrive.
Powerful Options Basics Lessons Improving your trading in 180 days.
An option is a traded security that is a derivative product.
The Difference Between Investing and Trading
Investing and Trading are not the same thing. The returns you seek, the length of time it takes to achieve those returns, the amount of risk one is prepared to take, and the commitment one can make to monitor the investments dictate the strategy of whether to invest or trade.
It Is Never Too Early To Start A Roth IRA!
The Roth is kind of weird until you get used to it in terms of how much you can put in (contribute) each year depending on how much you earn (compensation). Because of this you really have two limits, one dealing with your compensation and the other dealing with your contribution. Let me explain.
Retire Dollar Smart
Jim Miller is a registered investment advisor. This means that he is not beholden to a particular brokerage or financial institution. As such, he does not charge monthly fees for "money-managing"; instead, through a consultation fee he is free to give whatever advice will best benefit his clients; he doesn't have to serve them whatever "flavor of the month" the brokerage or financial institution happens to like at that point in time. His investment advice in his book, "Retire Dollar Smart," is clear and filled with common sense.
Do You Need A Financial Planner?
No matter how much money you make, it pays to keep on top of money coming in and going out. Even if you do a good job of that, there are important times in your life when talking with a professional adviser makes sense.
An Economical Retirement Investment Plan
The practice of economy, directed toward a retirement
investment plan in the stock market, is in itself a source of
great revenue. It is the art of making the most out of every
stock market investment, with the definite purpose or goal
being to provide a life that is fully independent of monetary
Investing Offshore for Retirement
As an expatriate you are in a privileged savings and investing position. Make the most of the options available to you while you can, consider investing offshore for your retirement.
Scots Beat Yanks in China Bank Deal
With visions of an ATM in every neighborhood in China, foreign banks and investment firms are queuing up to join the "China Club."
Trading Is Not Rocket Science!
Despite what some people may lead you to believe; day trading, swing trading and trend trading is not anywhere as difficult as they would like you to think. It really boils down to two key components.