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Economic Illiteracy Can Be Very Costly! I'VE ALWAYS ARGUED THAT ECONOMIC ILLITERACY IS VERY COSTLY. Watergate Scandal On June 16, 1972, a security guard at the Watergate Hotel in Washington , D.C. , discovered a piece of tape on the lock of the door that led to the National Democratic Headquarters. In Defense of the Feds Vs Katrina I, too, am saddened by the disaster in New Orleans and other areas effected and affected by the storm that stomped its way through there. Federal Trade Commission Falsely Purports Franchise Disclosure is Cost Effective In a recent report on the status of the Franchising Industry, the Federal Trade Commission knowingly and falsely purported that its Franchise Disclosure Rules are cost effective. In fact; there is nothing inexpensive or "cost-effective" about the 190 to 230 pages of disclosures that franchisors must give to prospective franchisees. Anyone purporting such misrepresentations does so either for personal gain (Lawyer) or out of spite against franchisors due to a misunderstanding of what the franchising model is or how it works. Army recovers terrorists? bodies from avalanche-hit areas in South Kashmir As the death toll in the avalanche-hit Jammu and Kashmir is increasing day by day, the security forces have recovered the bodies of few terrorists who had taken shelter in the foothills of Pir Panjal mountain ranges to escape the clutches of security forces. Little did these terrorists know that they wouldn't be able to escape Nature's fury even if they hide from the army.These terrorists were also buried alive with hundreds of other civilians in the avalanches that stuck in a big way in three Qazigund villages situated in the foothills of Pir Panjal. Reprisal of the Bill of Proposed Electronic Crime Act 2004 The clause (c) of Electronic Crime Act 2004 has been defied Cyber Stalking as defined in XXII of the Pakistan Penal Code 1860 and also clause (g) defines defamation which means Section 499 of the Pakistan Penal code 1860; but no as such provision are included on matter connect with commission of offence of electronically misuse and infringement of Internet Domain Names as Trade Marks which have defined in Chapter XIII Trade Marks Ordinance 2001. Trade Policy; Hurting Industry and Small Business The steel tariff taxes a few years ago hurt industry and small business and we as a civilization are still paying for that boo boo. This problem was affecting our team in my company and costing our franchisees money and ROI time, due to increased costs in new equipment. The increase in steel costs added $1800 to the trucks and $3000 to the truck beds? All over the import tax and the manipulation, which occurred due to supply and demand issues of the new pricing caused by those import taxes. Even still the steel industry did not have substantially higher profits and hurt were all the manufacturers such as ship builders, truck and car manufacturers. Will They Sterilize Vagabonds and Drunkards in Belarus? In Belarus parliament is going to struggle with degeneration of the Belarus society. Deputy Kostjan in his statement suggested passing the law on violent sterilization of the citizens leading asocial way of life. May Day, May Day Down The Bush and Blair Clearing Land Mine Fields from the Air You know we have sent many, many army tanks with protruded devices used for minesweeping to the Middle East from the Logistics Base in our country. They are assigned to removing the left over land mines of past wars. Each year hundreds of thousands lose their lives and limbs to these past war buried relics. The army tanks which remove these devices have not really been redesigned since the second WW, hardly any real improvements in their designs. But it has occurred to me that you can sweep these mines from the air if you want. Here is how it might be done; first, a powerful helicopter drags flat plates of steel along the ground with skids, in front of that is heavy chains dragging approximately 20 yards connected to each other like the kind your used to level fields and scrap away dirt clods and then the chains of smaller size actually in the air attached to cables attached to the helicopter about 50ft AGL. Lets Call A Spade A Spade Much of our personal and cultural perspective on the world is colored by the language in which our concepts and ideas are couched. Changing that language can therefore alter our attitudes about what we hear and see. If the Water is Polluted, Ever Wonder What is in it? I would like to discuss a few issues we have been reading in the mass media about the kinds of stuff in our rivers. Forget about the DDT and all the pesticides from Industry, we need to look at our own lives and in our own mirror. Because when it comes to citizenry, most have no right to complain. Insect repellants and chemicals were found in the water. The kind you spray on bushes around the house and in the house foggers that come in aeresol. This was found in 74% of all the major rivers and of tests in more than 40 states. Fragrances like perfume and cologne found in 27% of rivers. Caffeine? Yep, in 70% of the rivers tested and in very high concentrations compared with other chemicals. How does this get in? Environmentalists Say GM Seeds are Bad News Environmentalists say GM Seeds are bad for the environment, dangerous to the security of the world's food supply and will cause millions to starve. Yet when one really looks at the debate none of those statements can be made in absolute truth. Why is it bad for the environment? GM crops were said to be bad by some environmentalists, but Monsanto has figured out a way to terminate the seeds, this terminates them from spreading to other strains of DNA, RNA of natural or wild crops. Thus helps the environment. It is a relatively brilliant "Green Technology" We get to have our cake and grow it too. A Need to Review Abortion Laws In Belgium INTRODUCTION Smelter Closures In America Hurt Our Industrial Output The United States is losing its industrial capacity quite rapidly. Some environmentalists call these "old industries" and say we do not need them anymore; that we want clean industries. Yet the environmental mitigation equipment has kept up with the needs and our heavy and older industrial industries. Such industries are extremely important to the health of our nation because they represent the raw material production needed to make things. The closer these industries are to the final assembly points of parts means cost savings are rendered which make it easier to compete on the finished products with foreign competitors. For instance if we have a low dollar compared to the rest of the world we have an advantage in cost. But if we eat up that advantage in transporting the processed raw materials from foreign lands then the advantage is lost in transportation and distribution. Anglo-Israelism and the Flesh Recently a friend insisted that I read a book by Steven M.Collins, titled The "Lost" Ten Tribes of Israel...Found! This book tries to convince people that the "Lost" tribes of Israel after being uprooted by the Assyrians, started colonies all over the world and then ultimately migrated to Britain and then to America. The book attempts to prove in 439 pages what has been known as British- or Anglo-Israelism. The book was originally written in 1992 and was revised in 1995 and is gaining influence in some "patriot" circles. Some people who hold this theory are racists, following from their fleshly or carnal understanding of the outworking of God's covenant in history exclusively along racial lines. A major thesis of the book is that the Jews (Judah) and Israelites are two separate and distinct peoples and kingdoms who must never be confused. Mr. Collins says, "...the Jews ceased to be part of the kingdom named Israel" (23). The author goes on to say that "the term 'Israel' does not apply to Jews from the time of the divided kingdom forward" (23). Is this true? This is not a comprehensive review of Collins' book. There are numerous problems in this book, some of which are dealt with below. Starbucks Monopoly Is Starbucks a monopoly? It fits all the definitions. Does this mean the FTC will make them break it up like AT&T? Or is the Federal Trade Commission too chicken after losing the case with Microsoft? The FTC knew better than to go after Microsoft, after all they did nothing wrong except adding features to their operating system and programs. Is the FTC not attacking the Starbucks because all of its employees go to the one across the street in Washington, D.C.. The Wall of Honor Many Americans have children, fathers, mothers, grandparents, other family members and friends who have served in the armed forces. For these individuals, they understand the importance of protecting this country because of the sacrifices these American servicemen and women have made for us as citizens of this great nation. Joseph Campbell - Permanent Human Values At the start of the US involvement in WWII Joseph Campbell was put in the position of having to defend culture and truth rather than go along with the crazed nationalism and outright invasion of so many public institutions through all manner of propaganda. He ended up being accused of being a Nazi by many who should have known better. The Bollingen Foundation was backed by Mellon family money and it sought to establish an integrative disciplinary approach including the mystical precepts of Mircae Eliade and Carl Jung. It was a truly good effort that still brings culture and Brotherhood values through the many books they published. Their efforts at Eranos deserve close attention for any scholar seeking to understand the positive side of the old-money families or elites. I wonder if the Elite sometimes do demonstrate a beneficent paternalism when I see these good efforts. The speech that follows stands as true or truer today, than when he gave it to the ladies at Sarah Lawrence College, where he was a professor. Richard Nixon, the truth Richard Nixon was by far a most fascinating and colorful character in our nations history. Richard Nixon, well even his dog's past was checkered. Richard Nixon was an excellent diplomat, negotiator and politician. Anyone who studies Machiavelli, Carl von Clauswitz, Politics and the reality of the human species has to understand what really goes on. Without praise or condemnation Richard Nixon was a man who indeed, did care very much for this country and served our nation very well in many regards. His foreign diplomacy and tough negotiations came in handy at a time when those skills were needed. And yes there was the other side of history as well. I recommend an Audio Book, which has many excerpts of his secret tapes on them to better understand the man; ![]() |
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