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Federal Trade Commission Franchising Division; Inept? Why are we over regulating the franchising industry? What are we doing to an industry which has given so much to America? Is the Federal Trade Commission Franchising Division; inept? They keep making rules and the over disclosure has the average UFOC ? Uniform Franchise Offering Circular at over 200 pages? This is insanity; not to mention a waste of paper. FTC Franchise Rule Making Sound and Fury in the Sand Box of Free Markets Today we have a new franchise report from the Federal Trade Commission to further inhibit the franchise model thru more redundant paper work and over regulation, which will only serve the lawyers and give job security to the bureaucrats. However, it serves no free man in this present period. If you look at all the comments in the FTC's franchise report and rule making session; you see dickering from both sides over phrases, disclosure topics, wording in the UFOCs from lawyers, franchise rights groups and industry associations. Continuing Change in the Offshore World The offshore financial centres have been forced in recent years to review almost every aspect of the ways in which they operate in response to the international anti- money laundering laws and initiatives by major economies such as the E.U. and the U.S.A. to increase co-operation in the areas of preventing tax avoidance and tax evasion. These pressures continue and it is clear that the only way forward is for these centres to eliminate, as a priority, all forms of discrimination between different classes of taxpayer. Some jurisdictions have taken active steps to secure their futures, but some have difficulty in doing so and some are having to give up the struggle. Shooting Around Corners with New Concept Currently the United States has weapons, which can shoot around corners, but they are not as accurate as we wish them to be. Often an insurgent will sit a top a building with a superior vantage point and a good location. He will then pick off our guys as they attempt to move and advance forward. Once this is learned a gun, which shoots around corners can be used to try to get the sniper or group of insurgents around the corner. Currently or soldiers have small cameras which display what is around the corner on the barrel of the gun which is bent to shoot around the corner, which displays in the night vision goggle system or head display on the helmet. US Government Regulators and Aides with AIDS All government regulators or diplomat who are in high risk categories for contracting AIDS as well as senior aides in our nations capital who routinely travel abroad must be tested if they have any drug history or are homosexual. Other wise our aides and diplomats will be exporting AIDS. How can we as a nation put forth restrictions from certain countries or travelers from certain lands who may have contracted diseases such as Bird Flu, Small Pox or other pathogen if we are sending our own government workers abroad who could infect citizens of other nations with AIDS. The Halakah and Neo Cons These leaders like the Rothschilds who backed Crowley's Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn or Hitler's Golden Centurion groups around the world, have members of their De Brix clan who have been adept at esoterics for a very long time. When Cosimo De Medicis paid to have the Corpus Hermeticum translated and put his clan name on the book (De Brix) he was not the first 'dabbler' in these arts from this family. Melchizedek is perhaps the first of this family that history has records about, who was such an adept. The Hanes Taliesin does trace this history. Al-Qaida has Nukes Many believe Al-Qaida already has nukes in the United States and there is substantial reason to believe that they are nearly in place now. But how were they able to get them here in the first place? Thru our porous borders with Mexico, but did the International Terrorists have the bombs smuggled across Mexico border by MS-13 gangsters? An organization, which is growing at 200 new members per week with over an estimated 10,000 current members, sounds scary doesn't it? This is why Department of Homeland Security is so worried and you should be too. It might be a good idea to stock up on potassium iodide for your family's medicine cabinet now. It is not hard to get and not too expensive, but one would have to wager that supplies would run out fast in the case of a nuclear detonation or many simultaneous detonations at once. One large nuclear weapon strategically placed in a high-density area could kill millions of Americans. Regulatory Hooey Protects Us From Our Own Health Legislation is getting legs to further curtail your use of nutritional supplements. Not too long ago, prior to passage of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) ? which was accomplished by millions of letters to legislators by people like you ? the FDA acted like a Gestapo against supplements, manufacturers and professional advocates. They would raid at gunpoint the medical offices of doctors advocating the merits of nutritional supplements, shut down manufacturers, harass stores, confiscate products and prevent education of the public on nutritional labels. You know, because so many people were dying of supplements like Coenzyme Q-10 and herbs like the natural sweetener stevia. The Federal Trade Commission, reality check Federal Trade Commission Owes Industry and Entrepreneurs an Apology. The Federal Trade Commission's Consumer Protection Division's Franchise Group owes the industry and entrepreneurs an apology for their "Piss Poor Performance" additionally those who run the division need to be fired and forfeit their pensions. The problem stems from a grandstanding approach to enforcement and willingness to lie and self aggrandize themselves in cases. Filing false cases often in secret courts, using bad profiling and with coax'ed declarations purporting fraud. This is not opinion as I have proof positive of their abuses of power. How can we allow the Federal Trade Commission to go against the "truth, justice and American way" that they have sworn to uphold? I realize that the entire Federal Trade Commission is considered a "bunch of whores" by industry as they attack corporations to "get fees" often at the request of weaker, poor performing insider competitors at the request of their attorneys. Secret Clandestine Facial Recognition Countermeasures and The Future of the CIA Presently Universities and Private Enterprise are working to build more robust "Facial Recognition Technologies" due to the Homeland Security Funding for such research this field continues to grow. Anti-Terrorist efforts are a worldwide goal, so we are sharing this technologies with allies for use in their countries. These new technologies will also end up in the hands of our enemies or perhaps future enemies. Such hostile nations towards the US with such recognition software may prevent our clandestine spy efforts abroad. Getting our assets and spies in country can be difficult and history has shown that it takes much secrecy and effort to get in, get information and get out without detection. Using a Meteor Shower as Decoy for ICBM Attack In the event of that a threatening nation to the security of America requires a pre-emptive attack, we may wish to consider creating a News Event of an expected meteor shower in the media or consider launching the attack during a real meteor shower. There are many events such as Solar Flares, Space Weather which could give us a few minutes of additional surprise as the enemy looks to consider if in fact it is something else, before they launch, thus giving our multiple warheads time to reach separation point, it also allows us to allow for separation of multiple dummy warheads as decoys to overwhelm the enemies defenses to help us fulfill our kill ratios on desired targets. Silicon Valley Brain Drain; Bad Trade Policies, Why? We have brain drain issues in Silicon Valley, we have taught so many students from India, Pakistan, China all kinds of heavy duty industrial high tech studies and research and now that they cannot find jobs, many will be going back to those countries to work and with them all our technology. Brain fart? You teach them nuclear physics and you assume if they go back they will make paper dolls or something? Try nuclear weapons dummy. Besides realize that their countries will make them design these weapons, so much for Whirled Peas? Wartime Prisoners and the Will to Fight; War is Hell, Let?s Win Alright? We learned some lessons in these last few wars. For instance: some of Saddam's Iraqi army personal may have given up or volunteered to give up to slow us down. Prisoners take time to handle and resources to collect. Some are now saying we should not have spared them. He who fights and runs away, lives to fight another day. The only thing relevant of the Geneva Convention rules for modern warfare in collecting and giving back prisoners, is that you have guaranteed future wars as those prisoners return to their state and tell of the over embellished atrocities of the enemy. Ironic that you can spare someone and return them to their family and they live to make things worse for you later. All There is, is dust in the wind; Dust Particulate Traveling The Globe Dust from Deserts and Particulate Control Dealing with Massive Prisoners of War In the last Gulf War we saw thousands of enemy soldiers giving up. Killing them is against Geneva Convention and they know it. So the soldiers simply laid down their weapons and said; "I give up, feed me!" Obviously we were snookered by this tactic, but it really came as no great surprise. Rather than taking these prisoners in and putting up the costs to feed them until after a war has ended, why not hibernate them instead. In other words take their bodies down by 90% and hibernate them like a bear. Is this really possible? Yes, with a little bit of funding it surely is possible, as a matter of fact a gentleman by the name of Mark Roth and his associates have successfully put mice into suspended animation using hydrogen sulfide gas in the proper ratios. Normally hydrogen sulfide gas can be a deadly toxic gas but in the right amounts it merely puts mammals to sleep. Perhaps we could simply fire rockets or cluster bomb smart munitions filled with this gas into the advancing enemy, pile up the bodies and put them into a cage and when they finally do wake up, feed them and then put them to sleep again. Of course taking out a few for interrogations. Monitoring Macedonia Close to 500,000 people - one in four - live under the poverty line in a country where the average monthly salary is less than 150 US dollars. More than one in three members of the workforce are chronically unemployed. With inflation up 5.5% in the last 12 months and taxes - borne disproportionately by the poor and the working class - at 37% of GDP, life is tough in this small, landlocked country. When faced with the choice between raising VAT from 5% to 19% on bare necessities (such as bread and milk), or extending the "temporary" "war" tax (0.5% on all financial transactions) - the finance minister of Macedonia, after an emotional all-night consultation involving the Prime Minister, chose the latter. The "war" tax brought in the equivalent of 2% of GDP (on an annualized basis) since it was introduced in July this year and helped to contain a dangerously soaring budget deficit, now at 9% (and rising) of a shrinking GDP. Yet, the controversial decision to extend it brought on sharp rebukes by local tax experts. The finance ministry also plans to cut expenditures by a further 50 million US dollars. Clearing Land Mine Fields from the Air You know we have sent many, many army tanks with protruded devices used for minesweeping to the Middle East from the Logistics Base in our country. They are assigned to removing the left over land mines of past wars. Each year hundreds of thousands lose their lives and limbs to these past war buried relics. The army tanks which remove these devices have not really been redesigned since the second WW, hardly any real improvements in their designs. But it has occurred to me that you can sweep these mines from the air if you want. Here is how it might be done; first, a powerful helicopter drags flat plates of steel along the ground with skids, in front of that is heavy chains dragging approximately 20 yards connected to each other like the kind your used to level fields and scrap away dirt clods and then the chains of smaller size actually in the air attached to cables attached to the helicopter about 50ft AGL. Preparing to Invade Japan This is the fourth and final article in a series recollecting Britain in the 1940's. My uncle, the late Mr Gordon Bessant is telling his memories to Mr Joe Hieatt-Smith. The tapes were made in 1994, not 1996 as previously stated. So How Far Have We Come? Here are some of the 2001 Anti Terrorist Projects An article in Information Week in January 14, 2002 discussed an interesting subject of tracking terrorists. It talked about tracing of spending by Terrorists. Things like airlines, car rentals, hotels, credit cards, telephones, banks, etc. and the vast software available. It talked in detail, I mean real detail about the ACL Services LTD. Software consultants and forensic accountants. I thought to my self after reviewing all the data and information on the Internet about NetMap, which also runs SQL and the i2 INC. software. Let me throw out a random thought on Homeland Security Leadership Structure Streamlining Homeland Security with a Free market flair? An idea of adding four more components to the joint chiefs of staff; hire a Jack Welch type as an ombudsman to the group, who does not play rank games. Two; Have an additional force called Biological Warfare for both defensive military and civilian populations; Homeland security force to unite the police forces, law enforcement agencies and private sector database team. Add a division to the defensive plan for space efforts with an ombudsman to NASA and laboratories. ![]() |
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