Political Information

What is the Filibuster-Breaking Nuclear Option?

What is the so-called ?nuclear option? that Senator Bill Frist may deploy soon in a precedent-setting attempt to break a potential filibuster? It sounds ominous, but what is it all about, really?

I am Not an African American

I am not an African-American. Don?t call me an African ?American. I?m an American plain and simple. I was born here as were my parents and grandparents and you would have to search many a generation back before you found anyone in my family who originated from the continent of Africa. It?s time black people in this country stop trying to identify with a land whose culture is not their own. It?s time we stand up and say ?This land is our land? and let everyone know we have a right to this country as much as anyone.

Common Sense vs. Common Senseless - How Thomas Paine Can Be Applied To Modern Day; Part One


If Terrorists Are To Become Slick Politicians, Yhey Need Time Rather Than God on Their Side

The number of countries in the world at the moment that are in some form of transition is higher than some ten years ago, and in some ways more efforts are made to resolve situations that threaten stability. And the moves of all involved parties are not without major-league risks.

How Dogpoo is Changing The World

Perhaps a silent revolution is taking place, this time more than ever literally on your doorstep. Irritatingly literally even.

Space Colonies a Primary Goal

Many folks who are pro-NASA and Pro-Space Colonies say that this should be our primary goal as a nation, as individuals and for corporations as well. However this argument is cut short with reality of the needs of mankind. Most individuals wish to live well, in freedom and abundance and a company's goal in the current paradigm is to grow and profit. Provide shareholders value if a corporate entity. In a small business it is to profit and use that unit for trade to provide those things needed and desired by the proprietor. Growth and profit will provide the all. It always has provided that for us. Look where we are. Although an argument against where we are is duly noted compared to where we should be. However, even though one could say it is not good enough yet another could argue that we are not following the plan since we are clouding free enterprise with debris and intervention against the normal movements of free markets.

Political Branding and Marketing

Political strategists, branding gurus and image consultants could learn a lot from the modern corporate successes in branding. In each political season we see positioning by the front-runners to get your vote. Capitalizing on the most popular brands to find synergy is a good strategy. Another is to find novel ways to propel omni-presence of your candidate.

Famous Filibusters in Political History

The filibuster as a political delaying tactic has been a part of the American political process since the adoption of the U.S. Constitution. Though it was not used in the early years of the nation, the filibuster has been used hundreds of times since the 1840's. Here are a few of the famous filibusters from our political history.

Advances in Nuclear Energy; Safe, Clean and Reliable

The newest pebble reactors are easy to build and manage and have extremely high out put considering their small size, perfect for islands set down wind from populations. Unfortunately the Three-mile Island and Chernople incident make populations feel uncomfortable with Nuclear. Therefore the increased regulations have made the cost of construction almost not worth it. The ROI of a nuclear power plant could take as long 150 years. This is so unfortunate seeing how great Nuclear power is and how clean it can be when handled correctly. For this reason in the past three decades no new permits have been granted and we continue to have a large percentage of our power coming from fossil fuels which is a problem for air quality and long term it has many issues such as acid rain.

Regional Grid Power Backup; Energy Ideas

Our Hydro-electricity accounts for some 20% of our current needs. Hydro Power; think of that? We do use the most electricity per capita than any other country in the World, but we also have the strongest middle class and rank near the top in quality of life and standard of living. For instance try living in Baghdad at 120 degrees with no air conditioning. We have done quite well with our hydro in this country and much of this has to due with the abundant flow of water. Of course recently in many regions of the United States severe droughts have hurt our ability to make electricity from hydro.

Thinking on Energy

Regarding the de-regulation of energy, this is not such a bad idea really; even the commoditizing of energy is not such a bad idea. This can be done correctly and can assist businesses in judging costs and allow entrepreneurs to understand their costs and turn variable costs into fixed costs meaning more investment in R and D, co-generation, and larger capital expenditures for manufacturing, knowing things will be okay. We see a huge problem with factories, which switched to Natural Gas to save the environment and get some tax breaks and this winter may be put out of business due to the rising costs during the coming shortage of Natural Gas.

How Can We Prevent Black Outs and Protect the Grid?

The idea is to have all the important items with minimal back-up systems while things are restored. There are so many ideas we have not explored and should explore. With a little proper usage and conservation and a cohesive plan, the Grid should be so safe and capable that it no longer will be looked on as a target of those who wish us ill. Even devises can be made that lay on the drive way and the drive wheels of the car sit on them and they spin wheels generating electricity for the house. People would not be totally without electricity in the event of a Black out, rolling brown out, or large transmission line failure. Traveling the country in a motor home and being self-contained gives me a little different perspective on things than most. It is time to put together a complete plan for the next 100 years to insure trouble free electricity and power for the country and then the world. Maybe at that point we can look into some revolutionary harvesting of space energy?

Cracking Down on Cigar Counterfeiters

In the most rewarding new industries, there is often a convergence of factors that make them lucrative and sustainable. Factors like the emergence of new technologies, a ripening of the consumer market, or a political climate that spawns laws and regulations that give a particular business model oomph can revolutionize an industry. Over the last two decades, the counterfeit cigar industry in the United States saw all three of these factors converge to create the perfect storm of the illicit trades market. It began in the 1960's as the trade of authentic Cuban cigars was banned in the United States. This immediately created a situation in which there was a consumer demand for a product that was all but inaccessible through conventional retail channels. More recently, the explosion of computer and printing technology has allowed for the easy duplication of cigar boxes, labels and seals of authenticity. Finally, the growing popularity of cigars over the last fifteen years has fueled a consumer market that is eager to get its hands on any kind of Cuban cigar possible. In this environment, producing counterfeit cigars is all but the perfect business move. Add to this fact that the punishment in the U.S. for this type of counterfeiting is among the most minimal for illicit, black-market crimes, and the reward seems well worth the risk. Altadis, USA has consistently been a prime target for counterfeiters with the reputation of its ubiquitous cigar lines. Montecristo, Romeo y Julieta, and H. Upmann are all among the most notoriously spoofed cigar lines in the United States, and Altadis is beginning a major crackdown. On March 25th, 2005, Altadis, USA was awarded $3.5 million in counterfeiting and trademark infringement against two Florida corporations. The corporations have now been disbanded. In addition to the damages, the counterfeiters were ordered to recall their entire product line including promotional and packaging material and deliver it to Altadis for destruction. The participants in the two corporations are also permanently enjoined from employing graphics that are confusingly similar to trademarks within the Altadis cigar line. The cigar boom of the late 1990's brought with it two major problems - the first was the proliferation of sub-par cigar lines and the second was the increased circulation of counterfeit cigars. Sub-par cigars have, for the most part, been filtered-out with the rapid decline in consumption that occurred between 1997 and 2001. Companies that did not have a strong foundation in quality were forced out of business. Now, it looks like, major corporations are finally stepping up to weed-out the proliferation of counterfeit cigars. In the 2005 United States cigar market, you would be hard-pressed to find someone who would disagree with the fact that there are more higher-quality handmade cigars available at better prices than ever before. To ultimately do serious damage to the counterfeit cigar industry, it will take the efforts of Altadis redoubled and spread all over the globe. But now that the counterfeiters are being taken to task, maybe we can all have the confidence that we get what we pay for.

Common Sense vs. Common Senseless - How Thomas Paine Can Be Applied To Modern Day; Part Two

The cause of America is in a great measure the cause of all mankind. Many circumstances have, and will arise, which are not local, but universal, and through which the principles of all Lovers of Mankind are affected, and in the Event of which, their Affections are interested. The laying of a Country desolate with Fire and Sword, declaring War against the natural rights of all Mankind, and extirpating the Defenders thereof from the Face of the Earth, is the Concern of every Man to whom Nature hath given the Power of feeling; of which Class, regardless of Party Censure, is the AUTHOR 4 P. S. The Publication of this new Edition hath been delayed, with a View of taking notice (had it been necessary) of any Attempt to refute the Doctrine of Independance: As no Answer hath yet appeared, it is now presumed that none will, the Time needful for getting such a Performance ready for the Public being considerably past.

Without Trucks America Stops

Do you ever wonder how everything gets to the super markets? It came by truck. Some items come from half way around the world. First by ship or plane in a container, then loaded on rail or truck and dropped at a depot, then resorted and taken to the store. Everything goes to the store in boxes and leaves in your SUV in small containers via a shopping cart or plastic bag thru the check out and parking lot.

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