Relationship Information

How realistic are we?

So often when we think of our ideal mate we give them qualities and attributes that one person may or may not be able to possess. These qualities can be how they look, how they treat us, to something like what kind of job that they have. Are these ideas realistic? Sometimes yes, and sometimes we are way off the mark. A good exercise may be to write down these ideals and see how realistic we are.

Relationship Advice: Closeness and Connection

In my work with couples, certain themes have emerged that can help us understand how a couple that was once close can drift so far apart.

Zodiac Love Match ? Can the Stars be Right?

As a somewhat older gentleman (but still fairly good looking and somewhat romantic?) I have always enjoyed good relationships with the younger folk ? Oh! The times I have been called upon over recent years to inspect and give an opinion on some poor new prospective boyfriend.

9 Reasons You May Not be Getting the Love you Deserve

Are you getting the love you deserve? Are you being appreciated, romanced, hugged, kissed, and respected? Is your romance dying slowly? Has it lost its sizzle, spark, glitter, excitement, energy, passion, and spontaneity?

The Thoughts that Occupy the Minds of Most Men

Please note that this is not an attempt to give you a comprehensive list of the thoughts of all men, but rather my attempt to lead you into the crevice of the minds of most men. There are certainly men that do not think of most of the things here - those yet to be born. Also, remember that what a man thinks of is also a function of his age, status, profession, sexual orientation, etc. But even when all these variables are taken into consideration, you will find out that most men basically think of mostly the following things;

How Love Dies: Spot the Symptoms Now, and Get Your Love Back on Track

Are you starting to feel that your man has changed so much, in a negative way, that your relationship is starting to die a slow death? In this article I will shed some light on the kinds of things men do when they want to extinguish the flame that sizzles their love. I will also give you some some ideas on how you can reignite the fire in your relationship.

Clues to Help You Bust the Undercover Married Man, Before You Fall in Love

If your Knight in shining armor still hasn?t come galloping, don?t worry. The right one will soon come through. Don?t be in a rush and run the risk of ending up in the hands of the wrong man ? an undercover single man, the fake bachelor ? a married man.

60 Words and Phrases that Make Men Fall Deeper in Love

The interesting thing about getting the love you deserve is that you have a great deal of influence in the kind of love you get. Most times, the love one gets is a function of the kind of love one gives. And when it comes to love, communication is the fuel that fans its flame. The words you choose can be the difference between a relationship where there is constant drama or one that is nurturing, blissful and romantic.

27 Characteristics of Loving Men

Every woman dreams of meeting that special man that knows how to fulfill her heart's romantic desires. Speaking of that special someone; is your special someone a lover or just an average Joe? No pun intended if your guy?s name is Joe. This article will outline the 27 characteristics of a loving man. If your man is one of them, then you must do all that you can to make sure he does not slip through your fingers. However, if he falls in the average Joe category, then help him by telling him what he ought to be doing to make you happy. If he isn?t even willing to try to make some changes in the way he is treating you, then you may want to make some changes in order to get the love you deserve. By the way, make sure you share this article with all your friends. They deserve to know the 27 characteristics of loving men.

7 Unfailing Laws of Happy Relationships

Most think that relationships exist to make them happy. When they find that special person, they believe that love will naturally grow. But in relationships we encounter everything, challenges, joy, fulfillment, loss. Yet, despite all training in life, we seldom learn about the knitty gritty of relationships, how to build the relationship in a way that brings out the best in all.

Mental Abuse - The 7 Most Important Things To Know

1. Sticks and stones won?t break my bones? ? and words won?t leave any measurable physical damage, but they will cause progressive, long-term harm. Never underestimate the power of words: words are used to brainwash.

Find Your Love as Early as Possible

Life is made of innumerable dots. Dots, which are part of your today life, will connect with tomorrow dots.

Seduction Secrets For Men Part 3 - A Wonderful Idea To Spice Up Your Existing Relationships

There is a cool little game for spicing up your long-term or fuck-buddy relationships.

A Man Drought In Australasia - Bugger! Age is Against Me

Men wanted desperately, it's official. The increasing surplus of high quality women in the 30 plus age group over suitable available men is becoming a major problem in both New Zealand and Australia.


AS I STARED at the sunset, I marveled at its beauty. The scenario got me thinking about an issue a friend had brought up sometime ago. It was a very ticklish matter, one that seems to perplex everyone ? even the so-called professionals.

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