Relationship Information
Don?t Snuff Out Expressions of Liking
It is hard to express all the emotions to somebody whom you love the most.
Although one wants to share all those things which he/she has in his/her heart. But one can do nothing, whenever he/she goes to the person whom he/she loves the most.
Relationship Advice: After the Break Up - Creating an Exit Door in Your Heart
Q. It's been over a year since the guy I thought I would be married to broke up with me. He said he was just scared to make the commitment. I felt like I tried really hard and did the best I could in this one. Sometimes it feels like just yesterday. I can't seem to get over this no matter how hard I try. I'm afraid that there will never be anyone else that I can get that close to or who will understand me. I keep trying to figure out where I went wrong.
Relationship Advice: 9 More Must-Know Tips for Couples
The Law of Two Questions
Relationship Tips 101
In this article I?d like to share what the research shows as being very helpful for keeping relationships strong and connected. Since 1973 Dr. John Gottman has been studying what he calls the ?masters and disasters? of relationships. From these studies he has been able to predict with 90% accuracy which relationships will last, and which will fail. Dr. Gottman (1999; 2005) suggests the following tips to keep your relationship strong:
The Secret Power of Romance and How It Can Work for You
There are some men who will never understand the importance of romance. They may be lazy or don?t feel like investing any of their time for something silly like romance. They?re the foolish ones who are wasting time and energy trying to get what they want the hard way.
Celebrate Friendship Day with Fresh Flowers!
Send flowers this Friendship Day, Sunday, August 7th! Across the street or across the country, a local florist can send a gift of Friendship to your Special Friend!
Attraction vs. Love
When we first meet someone, regardless of the way or medium that we meet, we are either attracted or not. Attraction, when pursued, eventually grows into levels of friendship and then may cross the barriers we build up, to protect ourselves, and grow into love.
Romance Matters
You are never too old and it is never too late to romance that special someone whom you love. There are so many things to do and so many ways to do it. So often, we have merely gotten out of the habit.
Very Old Secret To Melt The Heart Of Your Beloved
My Dear Lover,
When Your Relationships Turn Abusive - What You Can Do
Sometimes the people who are the closest to us, our friends and our mates, the ones who should be liking us the best, are the ones who hurt us the most.
If You Cannot Make Friends, Make Foes
There are few desires (if any) stronger than the deep wish to be liked. The first time you realized that not everybody liked you, it was a shock. For most of us it was the first lesson we learned at school, and we needed time to accept it. As hard as it was to discover that loving you was not the main purpose of your classmates, you also learnt to live with it. You took care of your friends and, as long as they did not bully you, you were almost deaf and blind to other people.
Lobster - The Food Of Romantics
Summer has arrived! Woo-Hoo! Do you know what always comes along with summer? Well, besides the bugs! Weddings! Yeap, that's right, Weddings. But I've got an other one for you. Years after all those wedding what else comes in summer? Nooo, not divorce, Anniversaries. All those people who were married are now going to celebrate their Wedding Anniversary. Congrats!
What Keeps Couples Together
There are several things you can do, especially when your relationship is loving and happy, to ensure that it remains this way for the long term. The first principle of a lasting relationship is your clear intention to preserve your mutual affection, respect and friendship.
Dr. John Gottman, a towering figure in couples counseling, achieved this insight after more than thirty years in the research and study of couples. In his bestselling book, The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, he discusses why most marriage therapy fails, concluding that resolving conflicts and improving communication is important but not, of itself, what keeps couples together. Rather, he finds that "friendship fuels the flames of romance."
However intense or frequent their battles, the couples that last have never lost their fondness and respect for one anther. After describing the kinds of behavior that undermine mutual regard, Gottman describes seven things that happy marriages have in common, then he shows you how to introduce those seven principles into your own relationship. If ever you feel that the ties that bind are weakening, this would be a good place to start looking for things you can do to rekindle affection. This material is also available in audio or video format.
Other factors that contribute to relationship success include learning to express your feelings, both positive and negative; learning to disagree in ways that are not destructive; and learning to accept things you can't change.
Beyond self-help
Beyond information in books, tapes and videos, there are couple workshops. Some might find it more effective to go directly to a good couples counselor. If one of you is allergic to the idea of counseling or therapy, look for a couples coach, which might be more acceptable. Enter "couples coach" into Google and see what comes up, or ask a recommended therapist to serve as a coach. Many religious organizations have trained conciliators who work with couples and many clergy are trained in couples counseling. In any case, you should only work with someone who is trained, experienced and certified to do the job.
The important thing is that you not sit on your hands if one of you begins to feel that your mutual regard is fading. If you are committed to your relationship, you need to make it a priority, meaning there will be times when you have to put extra effort into it--get information, go to a workshop, get help. Above all, try to discuss things you can do to increase mutual regard and affection and decide together what steps to take.
Relationship Resources
The companion CD that's included in my book Legal Essentials for California Couples has a fine article, How to Get the Most From Couples Therapy. Appendix B in the book lists relationship resources that professionals have told us they recommend to their clients. One we like is The Five Love Languages, by Gary Chapman, who points out that people have different ways of expressing and receiving love, so that one person might be expressing it in a way that the other does not get, as where a man works hard to earn material things for his loved one and buys her gifts, but she craves touching and nice words. It's a matter of getting your signals straight.
Other resources include the highly regarded Couple Communication workshops, which have trained over 600,000 people and are conducted across the U.S. by thousands of certified instructors. To find an instructor near you, visit www.couplecommunication.com. Then there's the respected Marriage Encounter with nation-wide programs for troubled couples that are based on Judeo-Christian concepts, though you need not be religious to participate. You can find more information about them at www.marriage-encounter.org.
There's a mountain of good books, tapes, videos and workshops out there that you can use besides the examples I've given. Time spent on this subject will be richly rewarded. That's the whole point--to make the effort. The most innovative parts of the Couples Contract, featured in Legal Essentials for California Couples, are the agreements you make to take these kinds of actions when your relationship needs some help. The Couples Contract can be used by couples in any state with some minor revisions. To learn more about how the Couples Contract can protect and preserve your relationship, visit www.nolocouples.com.
Copyright 2005 Ed Sherman
Happily Ever After/Real Love
I was 43 years old and still looking for love. I guess I was searching for love in all the wrong places. I just wasn?t finding the man of my dreams, my soul mate, prince charming and mate for life. I thought I had that with Bill, but he turned out to be a poor excuse for a man. The bottom line is you can?t change a man. You can only change yourself in the process.
Emotional Investments
It is a given truth that there are people out there in the world, married and single, who are afraid of allowing any emotional attachment or involvement in a relationship. This is a destructive element inanyone?s life.
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Zen And Romance
The art of romance and the art of Zen are actually very similar. By romance we mean the feeling of love, happiness, joy and delight in just waking up in the morning. We mean being able to be excited about our day, our lives and the people we meet along the way. This is usually the way we feel when we are with or have met someone we particularly care for who cares for us that way as well.
A Dear Jon Letter
How do you let go of someone whom you have waited for all your life? How do you let go when you feel you belong with this person and you will never ever love like this again? How do you move forward when you feel like this is the one? How do you love again when you feel your soulmate was left behind? I am having a hard time letting go of someone just like that. I feel so overwhelmingly in love with him. Why I do is another question altogether. I feel such a powerful bond and connection with him, yet can't for the life of me figure out where this is going relationship wise. I am so burnt out on it. The stress from wondering is killing me. I love this man very much and he knows it but I don't know if he even knows what love is or if he ever will. I seem to make excuses for him and to him. I say to him all the time, I will wait till you know.
If You Cannot Make Friends, Make Foes
There are few desires (if any) stronger than the deep wish to be liked. The first time you realized that not everybody liked you, it was a shock. For most of us it was the first lesson we learned at school, and we needed time to accept it. As hard as it was to discover that loving you was not the main purpose of your classmates, you also learnt to live with it. You took care of your friends and, as long as they did not bully you, you were almost deaf and blind to other people.
"The important thing to remember when it comes to forgiving is that forgiveness doesn't make the other person right; it makes you free." --Stormie Omartian
Long Distance Relationships ? Not Always a Bad Thing
You hate it, but it's happened ? the love of your life has to travel abroad. Will it be days, weeks, or even months before you'll see them again? Many people have had to face this situation, and what many of them never consider is the ways in which it can make your relationship stronger.
Relationships That Really Last: Is This the Secret?
In my e-book, How to Build Relationships That Stick, I told over a story I once heard in the name of a famous relationships counselor who talks on radio shows. It was claimed to be an authentic account of something that happened in real life, but even if it's apocryphal, I'm very much inclined to believe it could happen.
Never Ever Show Youre Jealous
O.k., you're standing there all alone at a party and in the far corner of the room your boyfriend is talking to some groovy chick. She's coming onto him and much to your dismay, he doesn't seem to be bragging about all how happy he is in his relationship with you. In fact, he even seems to be encouraging and indulging the shameless slattern's disgusting, desperate, gall-filled pleas for sexual attention. So you a) burst into tears and run from the room b) go up to him and drape yourself around his neck so she can't miss the fact that you and him are "together" or c) stand there and repeatedly tap his shoulder with your finger going "Um honey, honey, honey, I have to talk to you ... until he finally is forced to turn around and scream in your face "WHAT!"
7 Ways To Improve Your Relationship
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The Friend Who Taught Me
Knowing her day can be dreadfully tiresome when she mounts her soapbox, there's much to like and enjoy about her life so far.
How Often do you Think About What you are Going to Say?
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How Can Empathy Shape Your Values?
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overlook is approaching life from an empathetic standpoint.
Living in Fear!
As we are aware, our relationships are that bigger part of our life, and our own personal growth. Our growth starts basically from our relationships. Remember when we were young looking up to our parents, or to our older brothers or sisters, sometimes envying them for being older, or just trying to understand them. But the best of all was trying to build up our relationship with them.
Relationship Advice for Women - Beyond the Happy Ending - Part 1 The Nothing Syndrome
We've all heard the stories. The princess finds her prince and lives happily ever after. From childhood, girls are led to believe that you find your man and have your own happy ending. Our man will take care of us, adore us, treat us like the princesses that we are. It's no wonder that our first relationship with the opposite sex seldom lives up to the dream. Here are some suggestions for smoothing the transition from childhood dreams to reality.
Stop, Look, & Listen: The 3-Step Approach to Understanding Your Partner
Your Next Argument: 10 Thngs to Consider Before You Get There
1. It's addictive. Fighting, and the anger that comes with it, kicks off the old fight-or-flight response that prepares us to handle a threat. This produces a kind of energy, or "high." Some people have said that what kept the fighting alive in their relationship was the "juiced" feeling they would get when fighting mad.
Long Distance Love
Before the advent of the internet, long-distance relationships were rare. Most people met their mates in school, through a friend or neighbor, at a party or in a bar. In today's world, it is not unusual for men and women to connect online who live hundreds and even thousands of miles apart.
When A Two-Salary Income Fails
While this may not apply to everyone, you may find that a second salary brings in substantially less than you thought it would. In the beginning, Rachael thought that since she and her husband were just about breaking even as a couple, that staying home with the new baby would not work -- infant needs seemed endless. So she went back to her old job.
Lingerie Buying Advice For Guys
Buying lingerie for your lover can be one of the most romantic things you can do. It's an intimate gift which, if you get it right, shows you really care, really do understand her and have put the effort in to really think about a gift she will like.
It's also one of the most stressful and dangerous gifts you can buy if you are a guy so don't rush in to it!
Dont Ignore the Signs: How Emotional Infidelity Can Ruin Your Relationship
Emotional infidelity can start with a simple hi or a wink. It begins in a boardroom or a chatroom. One spouse says, "What's the problem? We're only friends."
How to Tell If Your Boyfriend or Husband Is Cheating On You
The word infidelity brings with it fear to every woman I've ever had the opportunity to speak with. While many make the claim that their spouse would never cheat on them they realize that is false hope and that it could very well happen to them.